Easy Hunter Kills

As in… zero shield loss, if you’re careful enough.


How? Simple. Just stay in the “Interplanetary flight is impossible with regular engines” area (or however it’s spelled) or some such, relatively close to rocks (about 2km-ish) and voila. Hunters don’t even know wtf to do. They approach your position but, if you’ve retreated far enough away, they don’t even bother you. Just full reverse while shooting.


Tested with a Cruise Engine Lightbringer (-150/260 m/s), works beautifully. Saw a T-Rex2 just sitting still, firing HB, similar position to mine, Hunters didn’t even care.


So, huh… yeah… devs? This needs to get fixed. People are just murdering Hunters WAY too easily. Hell, my Lightbringer is FULLY GREEN and I never dropped shields…

In the open space biomorph map or whatever it’s called, if you go down and left to the first stone there’s a cave that can be used for farming easily and safely.  The only threats are getting pushed out and pulsars.  I’ve looked all over that map for more places but I can’t find any.


It’s the same AI as PvE so it’s subject to the same glitches.

In the open space biomorph map or whatever it’s called, if you go down and left to the first stone there’s a cave that can be used for farming easily and safely.  The only threats are getting pushed out and pulsars.  I’ve looked all over that map for more places but I can’t find any.


It’s the same AI as PvE so it’s subject to the same glitches.


Yeah I found 2 guards doing that yesterday and they dropped tons of alien loot. 

Yeah, but this was done entirely out on the open. None of us were covered. We were just outside the map “borders”, so to speak, and the Hunters just didn’t do anything to us. They moved closer, got to the position we were originally shooting from, hung around for a few seconds, then returned to their position.

You say hunters can’t touch you. Can biomorphs?

This is a map exploite.

I saw a user doing a similar tactic in a PvM and would not go after beacons even though he was the only one alive.

He used up the entire timer just sitting the map corner shooting at things that came near but would then move off since the AI instructs them to do so.


The exploit is a flat map.  Flat maps have edges and corners.   Moving to the edges or a corner then eliminates the rear and side attacks.  


When I saw the exploit and how the user was using it to increase his scores in PvM instead of performing the mission objective of beacon captures, I reported the user for use of an bug to exploit the game.


In that Abuse Report I also suggested that the Logic Solution was to allow Map Wrapping and not flat maps.


Wrapping would result in a spherical map.  No edges.  No corners to park in.    Reach the edge of the map and move further, you wrap around to the other side or from bottom to top.


The logic changes would be minor.   THis I know.  Im a Developer of other systems.   The map edge is reached and instead of logic to prevent further incrementing of the map coordiate, the logic zeros and replaces the grid coodinate calls to the positioning logic and the ship is wrapped to the map.   


Example:    100 x 100 grid map.   Top left corner is 1:1, right bottom is 100:100.    

Move from center of map to cood, 50:100 (edge)… keep moving.   Instead of producing a message you are at the edge of space or the map, replace grid 50:101 (that doesnt exist) with grid 50:001 and youve wrapped around in a logical grid sphere.   


This totally eliminates the use of 2D Flat maps and the exploits that can done by parking on edges and corners and preventing attacks from sides and rear.


It also opens up entirely different tactics of using the sphere approach to attack from the rear when frontal attacks are well defended.


There are no corners or edges in space.   So the idea is more solid in thinking then 2D flat maps.   They can still be used as is, but one just has to remember reach the edge or top or bottom and you wrap around.   


Exploit removed and the users that know of it and use it get a sudden wake up call from the rear and sides as AI or users wrap around and force them to do something instead of parking and shooting only forward targets



The AI also has sensor range, and will hang around your last known position for a while if you aren’t detected. If you are outside that range you can shoot them for a while and they won’t do anything. In open space anyway. In pve the sensors to detect ships are infinite so you can’t just hide from them :slight_smile: