
Isnt it a little too fast and maneuverable? T3 Fed cov ops with +10% max speed and 3 movements slots. It reaches 550 m/s AB with almost no investsments and can break 600 m/s, and rotation speed… lets not talk about it.


I dont mind other (non-fed) inties having max speed, but this one is too much, I have problems destroying it with gauss fed tackler.


Is it OP or am I doing something wrong?


p.s. people with Eagle-Bs will say its fine, not like I care about them or anything >_>

Isnt it a little too fast and maneuverable? T3 Fed cov ops with +10% max speed and 3 movements slots. It reaches 550 m/s AB with almost no investsments and can break 600 m/s, and rotation speed… lets not talk about it.


I dont mind other (non-fed) inties having max speed, but this one is too much, I have problems destroying it with gauss fed tackler.


Is it OP or am I doing something wrong?


p.s. people with Eagle-Bs will say its fine, not like I care about them or anything >_>

No cap slot. Nuff said.

No emergency barrier, almost no energy stable, no hull slots for regen and so on. Eagle-B is ok, in fact I think Kite is better. Way more energy stable, more tanky due to the extra hull slot and less energy consumption on cov ops modules.

I see… So any tips on how I can actually hit it? Or should I just make it eat rokkits like no tomorrow?


p.s. or is there any class/weapon that can combat them effectivly?

I see… So any tips on how I can actually hit it? Or should I just make it eat rokkits like no tomorrow?


p.s. or is there any class/weapon that can combat them effectivly?

Tackler + gauss cannons. A good interceptor pilot will have the fed 8 implant but anyway.

Or slowing field missiles. Tackler drones are situational but effective if you know how to use them.


For other ships: engies have their default drones and the attack drones. 


Also, find an ECM friend who can slap on a stasis. Energy absorber also prevents them from countering with WNJ or ABing away.

Eagle-Bs and Kites are my main targets when I go sniping. soo much fun to one-shot them. 

Imo the Sai can be a way more dangerous. 

And yet I think that the Hawk-M is still the best T3 CovOps. 

Eagle-Bs and Kites are my main targets when I go sniping. soo much fun to one-shot them. 

Imo the Sai can be a way more dangerous. 

And yet I think that the Hawk-M is still the best T3 CovOps. 


The lack of a cap on the Kite hurts. The main reason why I stopped flying it. But then again, I didn’t really like the Hawk-M that much… haven’t flown a Ricasso before but I always seemed to be outmatched by it at every turn.

The lack of a cap on the Kite hurts. The main reason why I stopped flying it. But then again, I didn’t really like the Hawk-M that much… haven’t flown a Ricasso before but I always seemed to be outmatched by it at every turn.


On which Synergy-lvl is your Hawk-M? 

The ships is only good with the last bonus, previous to that it can be pain. 

The lack of a cap on the Kite hurts. The main reason why I stopped flying it. But then again, I didn’t really like the Hawk-M that much… haven’t flown a Ricasso before but I always seemed to be outmatched by it at every turn.

Hawk-M > Ricasso

Kite > Eagle-B

The “B” in Eagle-B is for “Boom” :smiley:

It seems i have derailed the thread ><


On which Synergy-lvl is your Hawk-M? 

The ships is only good with the last bonus, previous to that it can be pain. 


6, just enough to get a Kite. The boost to energy regen would have been nice; it was a dilemma between EB and energy regen. But now I fly ECMs and if I need energy, I just borrow some. Not that I need it; Kris-AE is energy stable.



Hawk-M > Ricasso


:blink2:  Pray enlighten me. I always thought Ricasso was better because of its greater durability. 

:blink2:  Pray enlighten me. I always thought Ricasso was better because of its greater durability.

Hawk-M has much better “survivability” than a Ricasso, while having same passive CovOp effectiveness bonus

Eagle-Bs and Kites are my main targets when I go sniping. soo much fun to one-shot them.

Meh, had one of your corp mates, after showing off his repertoire of Russian language insults to me (because I killed his sniping a** with my Kite), hunt me for the entire next battle (without success but it made for one of the most intense battles ever - dogfighting other interceptors while knowing that there is a disintegrator permanently aiming for you).

It certainly is a huge downside to that ship, but the speed is so much fun.


The lack of a cap on the Kite hurts. The main reason why I stopped flying it. But then again, I didn’t really like the Hawk-M that much… haven’t flown a Ricasso before but I always seemed to be outmatched by it at every turn.

Nothing wrong with the cap on the Kite. I’ll assume your Kite is below synergy level 8? At least keep flying it until you have the Kite-M, that ship is a thing of beauty.

The lack of energy on the eagle-b makes me want to rip my face off when I have to fly that ship. Why couldn’t they add a cap or hull slot on that thing, it would have been perfect then.

The lack of energy on the eagle-b makes me want to rip my face off when I have to fly that ship. Why couldn’t they add a cap or hull slot on that thing, it would have been perfect then.


Cause they would have to remove the extra engine slot and turn into a cap slot perhaps? Thus making it useless since it would be the same as another int i guess.

Cause they would have to remove the extra engine slot and turn into a cap slot perhaps? Thus making it useless since it would be the same as another int i guess.


Why Kite get to keep Hull slot (Possible passive armor) AND passive AB reduction

While EagleB has neither

Why Kite get to keep Hull slot (Possible passive armor) AND passive AB reduction

While EagleB has neither


Well, i think because they aim at varying the ships slots, and bonus, otherwise it would just be (the eagle B) a copy of another interceptor but you buy it maxed.

Well, i think because they aim at varying the ships slots, and bonus, otherwise it would just be (the eagle B) a copy of another interceptor but you buy it maxed.


There’s no interceptor with 2 engine, 1 cap, 2 shield and 2 cpu so I really have no idea of what you are talking about. Anyway right now the eagle-b have a tendency of running out of juice right in the middle of a fight and that’s kind of a mood killer for me. So yeah I’d trade an engine for a cap slot any day, the damn thing have a passive 10% speed bonus anyway.

There’s no interceptor with 2 engine, 1 cap, 2 shield and 2 cpu so I really have no idea of what you are talking about.

Kris S says hi.

(and possibly others, that one just came to mind first)