DX23 'Parrot' Remodulator [Module]

Name: DX23 ‘Parrot’ Remodulator
Type: ECM Active Module
Recharge: 25s
Energy: 200pts
Range: 5,000m
Tooltip: Applies the debuffs that the user has, to the locked target for 10 seconds. Only within line of sight. Does not remove debuffs from user.


Lore: A Planetary Dynamics lab was working on an active shield filter for incoming electronics interference and found out that a specially cut Vulpanium projector lens could seamlessly copy and redistribute any electromagnetic signal. Not only did this allow for the design of an amazing radio booster, but it could be weaponized in a very unconventional manner. If two crystals were positioned around the capacitor and computer, and one crystal was placed in an emitter aray, any malfunctions in the system could be projected directly on to another subject. This allowed for unrivaled decay potential direct to any enemy system. The cut plans for the Vulpanium lens were immediately given to the Jericho and Ellydium scientists for production, and it is currently being fitted on all prototype ECM ships in preparation for the war soon to come.

You are soo not giving up on the vulpanium thing lol

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

You are soo not giving up on the vulpanium thing lol

Well I’ve contributed plenty to the game in regards to content so why not

cool idea

I love it. But it should be a passive mod instead…

1 hour ago, Scar6 said:

I love it. But it should be a passive mod instead…

Passive mod would be so incredibly OP like omg. Just sit in enemy pyro or black hole and have fun. XD

8 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Passive mod would be so incredibly OP like omg. Just sit in enemy pyro or black hole and have fun. XD

It shouldn’t reflect damage… It should reflect one enemy debuff every 25sec or something like this ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Meant it as a “feel my pain” module for when the enemy has all their tacklers and guards and ECMs and everyone on you. Just one debuff every so and so seconds would be pitiful. Active all the way.