Drone Aggression

I find it quite annoying when something you cannot directly control, ex, drones, hit a player and trigger you as an aggressor so then all of your drones mercilessly fire upon them and make you a criminal. Drone fire should not effect non-red players.

I agree on that, I always had to redeploy my drones somewhere else before I get the criminal status.

+1, it’s really annoying when PK. you target someone to look at a ship name or karma level and BOOM, your drones are on them straight away. Then it turns out that they’re in a lion mk2 / flint and you get murdered

+1, it’s really annoying when PK. you target someone to look at a ship name or karma level and BOOM, your drones are on them straight away. Then it turns out that they’re in a lion mk2 / flint and you get murdered


Yeah, and to make matters worse, if you accidentally lock onto a low hp NPC and your drone goes “pew-pew” on them. Next thing you know, you got a whole fleet hot on your heels with turrets gunning you down like you cursed their moms or something