Dreadnought battles



Today I was connected to the game since 17:50 more or less. I wanted to declare and attack to a sector. I tried since 18 o’clock but the game don’t let declare an attack. Suddenly, at 18:03, the most attractive were fully attacked. Please why is this and how I can reduce this effect? And if you can fix that it would be marvelous XDDD.



Thanks for all and best regards





Hello! Look s like a lag or some sort of. If you still have such issues with the game, maybe it’s better to make a report here https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/forum/213-bug-report-section/

It’s not lag. It’s how seccon works.

Sectors don’t all open at ##:00 exactly, they open every 30 seconds in a regular or random order. But they do not update their status while the map is opened, so you have to open and close the map repeatedly in order to see the updated status when you can attack (please correct me if this has been fixed). So the latest sector that can be attacked can even open around 5 minutes later, depending how many there are open.

In other words, the times you can declare attacks are staggered. Some open at 00 exactly, some at 30, some at 1.00, some at 1.30 and so on.

AFAIK they did this in order to mitigate registration lag, altough they left it completely unexplained to the new players.

It’s not lag. It’s how seccon works.

Sectors don’t all open at ##:00 exactly, they open every 30 seconds in a regular or random order. But they do not update their status while the map is opened, so you have to open and close the map repeatedly in order to see the updated status when you can attack (please correct me if this has been fixed). So the latest sector that can be attacked can even open around 5 minutes later, depending how many there are open.

In other words, the times you can declare attacks are staggered. Some open at 00 exactly, some at 30, some at 1.00, some at 1.30 and so on.

AFAIK they did this in order to mitigate registration lag, altough they left it completely unexplained to the new players.

This… as far as I know. I would only add two things:


It does not necessary to close the map window only keep turning on and off ‘corporate battle’ map and meanwhile check if the deserved sector is open for announcement.


The further you are from the main server the later the announcement will open for you. There is nothing to do about this. You can’t beat Russian players only when they don’t care too much of announcing attacks in the first seconds.  

Everything was simplier than I expected :slight_smile: Solved then!