Double vision

Was not able to get a picture of it, as it comes out in single vision.  But everything is doubled in full screen.  Using catalyst 14.9 on ubuntu 14.04.  I can only play in windowed mode now.

Uhh would this be a symptom of having oculus rift turned on without actually using one? It’s the only thing I can think of, unless the game has some other form of 3d support.

Never turned it on.  Also doubled checked just in case.  Still not turned on.



There’s probably an issue with one of the 3d options. Say, nvidea or something. I’d check there, and not just in game.

Was not able to get a picture of it, as it comes out in single vision.  But everything is doubled in full screen.  Using catalyst 14.9 on ubuntu 14.04.  I can only play in windowed mode now.

Bro, you are drinking way too much.



It actually probably is the oculus. but oculuses tend to be 2 separate images instead of double vision. try disabling oculus. 

it is disabled and has never been enabled, ever.

Are you still experiencing this issue?

Not experiencing this anymore, also not experiencing the screen bumped over to the right.