Don't Play With Cheaters

Edit: No conclusive evidence. I believe ESB cheats and will attempt to prove it. 

With three engine slots it looks plausible but I don’t have one. Rotation implant collision compensator vernier and synergy bonus, and an aux generator? voltage regulator? maybe a lightweight or submatter or two adaptives.  Too tired to maths it out but that’s just my gut assessment.

You may be getting rused, friendo. Or maybe I’m getting rused. All I know is, Mail’s here.



jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk ;);););););):wink:

With three engine slots it looks plausible. Rotation implant collision compensator vernier and synergy bonus, and an aux generator? voltage regulator? maybe a lightweight or submatter or two adaptives.  Too tired to maths it out but that’s just my gut assessment.

Not with that high damage and tank man. Also, how do you explain being ECMed for 4 seconds while you have proton wall? It makes no sense. 

There’s two possible scenarios here.


  1. He trolled you super hard.

  2. He is actually cheating.


To play devil’s advocate, those stats are possible to achieve with that ship. My assumption is he has 1 submatter, 1 adaptive, 1 aux gen for the speed and tankiness. For maneuverability, probably 2 verniers, strafe implant, and rot bonus of ship. As for damage, it would probably depend on the weapon, I would bet he has a heatsink or pulse discharger, along with crit stuffs on cpu slots.


Now, none of that explains super amazing aim, but I would bet that ping was in his advantage, seeing as how you had 232. 


An explanation would be nice though, especially if he isn’t bullsh*tting when he says he’s using modules that aren’t available to everyone, but my initial thoughts on this are he was going ‘trolololol’

Not with that high damage and tank man. Also, how do you explain being ECMed for 4 seconds while you have proton wall? It makes no sense. 

with the covops? or by an ecm? which ecm? Also, it doesn’t really look like he has any tank at all which leads me to believe it’s two adaptives. As far as damage goes, what weapon was he using? two cpu slots with a 30% base and the orion unit can make for some pretty meaty numbers.

Grey fox looks like the covops equivalent of the apollo, and the apollo is incredibly good despite being R13.

Considering a member of esb tried to scam me the other day, I really want to believe you because it plays to my ego, but without actually watching the events transpire all I can do is speculate and i’m too honest to blatantly ignore what I see as room for doubt.

I would like to see a picture of his build, though. I’m curious to see how on the mark I am.

I know xD. It was his sarcastic statement.

There’s two possible scenarios here.


  1. He trolled you super hard.

  2. He is actually cheating.


To play devil’s advocate, those stats are possible to achieve with that ship. My assumption is he has 1 submatter, 1 adaptive, 1 aux gen for the speed and tankiness. For maneuverability, probably 2 verniers, strafe implant, and rot bonus of ship. As for damage, it would probably depend on the weapon, I would bet he has a heatsink or pulse discharger, along with crit stuffs on cpu slots.


Now, none of that explains super amazing aim, but I would bet that ping was in his advantage, seeing as how you had 232. 


An explanation would be nice though, especially if he isn’t bullsh*tting when he says he’s using modules that aren’t available to everyone, but my initial thoughts on this are he was going ‘trolololol’

Yes i have considered those options but there’s also really good tank. As in, better than most cov ops. I played tackler and it took over 4 shots from my flux phaser while target painting and slowing him down to get half his hull down while throwing a missile in. Also, the damage is insane. I don’t get it. I got speed and manuver down, but the tank and damage on it was still insane. 


with the covops? or by an ecm? which ecm? Also, it doesn’t really look like he has any tank at all which leads me to believe it’s two adaptives. As far as damage goes, what weapon was he using? two cpu slots with a 30% base and the orion unit can make for some pretty meaty numbers.

Grey fox looks like the covops equivalent of the apollo, and the apollo is incredibly good despite being R13.

If he had 2 adaptives, using a tackler and target painter would work. 

I know xD. It was his sarcastic statement.

Okay so ESB doesn’t hack… How do you explain perfect aim from a russian esb on a USA server with shrapnels? Honestly, i hate calling cheater. But there is too much unexplained. I’m really tired of having rotten ping, vsing people who can’t miss, getting ecmed for 4 seconds with proton wall on, and hearing other people complain about ESB. It’s stupid and i want to know the truth. 

If he had 2 adaptives, using a tackler and target painter would work. 

it would be better to slow him down than to tp. I’m assuming that was implied by mentioning tackler. When I have a bad ping I have a hard time hitting small objects, if you were in a tackler the size difference would naturally leave you at a disadvantage due to being an easier target. Or so I assume.

it would be better to slow him down than to tp. I’m assuming that was implied by mentioning tackler. When I have a bad ping I have a hard time hitting small objects, if you were in a tackler the size difference would naturally leave you at a disadvantage due to being an easier target. Or so I assume.

i used afterburner inhibitor, engine suppressor, and target painter and it was still insanely tough. 

Okay so ESB doesn’t hack… How do you explain perfect aim from a russian esb on a USA server with shrapnels? Honestly, i hate calling cheater. But there is too much unexplained. I’m really tired of having rotten ping, vsing people who can’t miss, getting ecmed for 4 seconds with proton wall on, and hearing other people complain about ESB. It’s stupid and i want to know the truth. 

Developers claim that there are no working hacks.

Some other rumors suggest, that even developers are using such tools, like aimbots, or they at least they know, how to use them.

As for ESB, I wouldn’t put my hand into the fire for them, but I think that they are playing fair.

I mean, using cheats only proves how much you suck… at everything.

I rather play clean and listen shouting of ECMnoob all day, than to cheat and feel proud, because I took somebody out with an aimbot!



Hint: Doom(b0t), is actually a bot. He isn’t human!


P.S.: Cheating has no place in this game!

i used afterburner inhibitor, engine suppressor, and target painter and it was still insanely tough. 

sometimes I put my laser on somebody for 8 full seconds and do 400 damage courtesy of huge xxxx ping. It is a pain.

I know xD. It was his sarcastic statement.

It’s funny.

Sometimes I reply honestly

and other times there’s a language barrier.

Getting called a hacker is by far the most entertaining thing in video games outside of weird  bugs.

sometimes I put my laser on somebody for 8 full seconds and do 400 damage courtesy of huge xxxx ping. It is a pain.

It’s funny.

Sometimes I reply honestly

and other times there’s a language barrier.

Getting called a hacker is by far the most entertaining thing in video games outside of weird  bugs.

I was using flux phaser. Anyways, i have provided a bunch of inconclusive evidence sadly and don’t have logs. I will film when i go up against them to see if i can get proof. sadly, this was all for anughty. 

I was using flux phaser. Anyways, i have provided a bunch of inconclusive evidence sadly and don’t have logs. I will film when i go up against them to see if i can get proof. sadly, this was all for anughty. 

I don’t have one of those, but I find projectile weapons fail me when I have a high ping.


Final result: I could not perfectly replicate the build, but I got close. It had nowhere near the tank and nowhere near the damage that i saw but no logs so no proof. 

now imagine he was in range of a command with active resists auras, now imagine if you were under effect of a Mass Weapon Inhibitor, now try to remember that flux phaser does 25% LESS dmg to interceptors, and getting dmg up high isn’t the problem in general on covops

That would suck if in fact top players at ESB are exploiting hacks.

Edit: xK makes good points to consider too.

now imagine he was in range of a command with active resists auras, now imagine if you were under effect of a Mass Weapon Inhibitor, now try to remember that flux phaser does 25% LESS dmg to interceptors, and getting dmg up high isn’t the problem in general on covops

he wasn’t. but i will film in the future.