Dogs of War Turnaj

Doomb0t : Tento turnaj je organizován ruskou komunitou hráčů , my (vývojáři) se účastníme pouze jako informační podpora. je časem ověřená platforma pro fanouškovské turnaje. Tento turnaj je první událostí organizovanou těmito hráči, tudíž zde bude určitý nedostek detailů pro tuto chvíli (detailů přibyde).

Organizátoři nezískají žádný profit, veškeré platby budou tvořit výherní fond (s výjimkou podílu Goodgame administrativy).

Po některých zváženích, jsme se rozhodli nepřidat GS odměny.

Chápu, že Goodgame platforma není moc příhodná pro anglicky mluvící komunitu, ale právě proto:

Instrukce pro anglicky mluvící hráče 

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Pokud máte otázky, prosím zanechte je níže. Odešlu je organizátorům.



Všechny novinky, které si můžete přečíst v tomto tématu

O turnaji.

  1. Turnajový formát

1.1  Turnaj probíhá v několika fázích, závislých na počtu zúčastněných týmu. Maximální počet zúčastněných týmů je 16. Např., pokud se zúčastní 16 týmů, turnaj bude sestávat z 10 fází (5 fází pro hlavní ligu, 5 fází pro druhou ligu). Maximální počet účastníků v týmu je 4. Tech. úroveň je T3 nebo T5, týmoví účastníci budou hlasovat, v nerozhodném případě - T5 


Po důkladném zvážení, jsem se rozhodl, že další překlad bude zbytečný. Děkuji za pochopení

1.2.  Each match consists of 3 battles in Team Battle mode. If there is no clear winner after 3 battles, we assess the teams’ ratings and statistics. If it still does not determine a winner, a decisive battle is held in Beacon Capture mode on the basis of which we make the decision about the team passing to the next stage.

1.3  The teams that lose a match are provided an opportunity to play in the second league.

1.4  Each day holds 5 stages (3 in the main league, 2 in the second league). Accordingly, the tournament can last from one to two days depending on the number of teams participating. When the registration process is over we will announce more precise time constraints.

1.5  Tournament start date — October 3, 2015. 

  1. Match format

2.1  Each team has the right not to play any of the available matches, but it will count as a loss, even if it’s the finals.

2.2  The tournament administrator has the right to choose the game server, based on personal opinion or match members’ polling.

2.3  If the time set by the administration of the tournament does not suit one or more teams, the teams have the right to agree on another time for a match. Time of a match can be changed only by a decision of the administration based on the position of the match in the tournament grid and reasons for the time transfer of the match. You have to notify the administration through the contacts listed in the group of the tournament in VK or on the official forum of the game.

2.4  Full teams have to join the created game lobby no later than 5 minutes before the start of the match, otherwise the team with fewer players in the lobby loses the match.

2.5  In case of match delay (pause) for more than 5 minutes, one of the teams may lose the match.

2.6  In the event of technical problems in the game client or the Steam platform, the administrators reserve the right to move the match to a later time or another day.

2.7  If one of the players exits the game with no clear advantage for the team, the game can be restarted. This decision is taken by the match referee or the administration.

2.8  The administration of the tournament reserves the right to move matches of the tournament, with advance notice to the participants of the match.

2.9  Teams do not have the right to demand a break to change or reconfigure the fitting of ships or implants. Battles have to be fought without pauses…

  1. Match gameplay terms

3.1  You can not use any third-party software, from clickers and macros to various injectors and so on. Violation of this clause may result in disqualification from the tournament.

3.2  Offence and aggression towards the opposing team through the use of game mechanics chat or voice chat is forbidden.


3.3  The following actions are also forbidden:

A.  Deliberate use of well-known and unknown battleground bugs.

B.  Failure to join a match without notice.

С.  Participation in fixed matches or any other actions that may be characterized as unfair play.

4.   Conditions for participants

4.1  The team agrees with all the provisions of these regulations upon confirmation of registration.

4.2  The team is confirmed as a participant after a payment of 1,000 rubles for the prize fund and the team’s agreement with all the provisions of these regulations.

4.3  The team has the right for substitutions from the pre-agreed list of pilots. Use of players who are not listed in the form is forbidden.

4.4  Changes in team composition are allowed until the start of the tournament.

4.5  All members of the teams in the match are required to wear a tag and nickname in accordance with the ones specified during registration.

4.6  Insulting the other team, administration and unsportsmanlike conduct may result in a technical loss or even disqualification from the tournament. Respect your opponents.


5._ _Terms for organizers of the tournamen** t**

5.1  Administration holds the tournament in order to identify the strongest eSports team through matches with rivals.

5.2  Administration of the tournament guarantees streams of matches on GoodGame, Twitch and Youtube.

5.3  Administration of the tournament will do its best to strongly present each team through various preview images and video to the viewers.

5.4  Administration guarantees the safety of funds invested by the teams and agrees to compensate them in case of funds loss.

5.5  Team contributions are only accepted through GoodGame portal.

5.6  Before the start of the tournament teams have the right to return the fee and leave the tournament, but the fee will be refunded at a rate of 50%.

5.7  The distribution of the prize fund will be agreed between the teams that take the top two spots in the standings.

5.8  A full list of prizes, including prizes for third and fourth place will be announced in the tournament’s group in the official game forum.

5.9  The tournament is held on the platform

5.10  All questions about the tournament can be posted through the administration’s contacts in the official tournament group in the official game forum.

