Does Star Conflict work on your LINUX Distibution?

Good evening pilots,

This is my first post in the forum, and I hope i created it where it should be, if not i kindly ask the moderators to move it where it should be.

First thing I am a big fan of linux, any kind of linux, now writing from it. I was kind o curious on what distros Star Conflict works, because i have tried a few of them over the last few days and here is what i found out:


  1. Linux Mint 16 - game installs thru steam w/o problems, but when i get into the hangar, everyting but the ships is black, tried different settings, and not much improvement, only a bit more details on MAX settings but poor FPS. After i get into battle, lots of missing textures, very dark textures where they appear ad very low quallity. I think maybe it was the video driver or something…


  1. Ubuntu 13.10 - game installs and runs very well, the FPS si somewhere between 21-26 fps…and i could not get my video driver from nvidia to work, ive tried for about 2 days then gave up…


  1. Ubuntu 13.04 - the devs in the release notes said that they made it fully functional on ubuntu 13.04, so i gave it a try…but without succes, i got the same results like on ubuntu 13.10…


then i though…lets try


  1. Ubuntu 14.04 Beta 2 - here…it works like a charm…i managed to install the nvidia drivers, in fact it asked me if i want to install them, and i did. Now the game runs very smooth, i have 40-50 FPS in hangar, always over 30 in game, with everyting on MAX and enabled, except Antialiasing that is set to off. I fact it runs even better than on Windows 8.1


My configuration is:

Acer E1-571G-32324G50Mnks Laptop

Intel Core I3-2328M @ 2.20GHz with Intel HD Graphics 3000

Nvidia GeForce GT 620m with 1GB VRAM

4GB DDR3 in one Slot

500 GB Hdd

@ Ubuntu 14.04 x64 LTS Beta2


Ps: The only problem i had on 14.04 was when installing Steam from the Ubuntu Software Center, it failed several times saying somethig about some dependencies…but then downloaded the *.deb from steam site, and installed it with gdebi.


Please share your knowledge about Star Conflict & Linux here.


Thank you.

Hi and welcome to the forums. Thanks for letting us know about your experience with Linux and Star Conflict.

Welcome to our forums indeed, thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for this thread, just preparing to transit to Linux, every feedback is very welcome (though i think i would have been lucky, as i planned to use 14.04, because LTS and all)!

Usually the standard nVidia driver installed is the open source one. It is developed apart from the one, which nvidia releases. Due to restrictions in the Licenses, these drivers always have to be installed on a user choice and is mostly not shipped with the installer.

Needless to say, the open source driver has very few 3d capabilities, so OpenGL runs poorly.


I have 13.10 and it runs with my intel, so it is definitely a driver issue.


For years, to install the official nvidia ones on most linux systems, you had to download nvidias custom installer, which wasnt always user-friendly, but they worked hard in the last couple years to make it more easy (Debian/Ubuntu already had packages for it for quite some time, which did that stuff). So anyone using more down-to-the-base distributions with nvidia cards should take a look at how to install the nvidia ones.


So the question is, did you install the correct (official) nvidia drivers in ubuntu lower to 14.04? Since you write 14.04 suggested it, I assume, 13.10 or lower did not…?

If not, it would mean, that prior to 14.04, ubuntu did not automatically install the closed source drivers, but since it is installing properly on 14.04, easiest solution is to upgrade


However if you did not know the existence of two distinct drivers existing, you might find this helpful in future.



thank you for the welcome, if i find any other things related to the game on linux i will post them here or in the apropiate forum. And if anyone has questions of anything related with this tread i will very gladly help with.

Is it necessary to install Steam on Linux to get the game running on Linux?

Can we get a Star Conflict client from the star conflict web site? (I haven’t found it, maybe I haven’t looked hard enought :)wt )


I am eager to test it on a Debian Testing setting if Steam does not have to be installed.

Is it necessary to install Steam on Linux to get the game running on Linux?

Can we get a Star Conflict client from the star conflict web site? (I haven’t found it, maybe I haven’t looked hard enought :)wt )


I am eager to test it on a Debian Testing setting if Steam does not have to be installed.




at the moment you can only install the game on Linux via Steam, but you don’t necessarily need a Steam account to play. If you have a separate Gaijin account, you can use it to login, once the game is installed - or link it to your steam account and play then. That is up to you =)


So the question is, did you install the correct (official) nvidia drivers in ubuntu lower to 14.04? Since you write 14.04 suggested it, I assume, 13.10 or lower did not…?

If not, it would mean, that prior to 14.04, ubuntu did not automatically install the closed source drivers, but since it is installing properly on 14.04, easiest solution is to upgrade


By default on 13.04 and 13.10 the installed driver is the “noveau” package that as you said it has limited capabilities, but worked at a low framerate an LOW settings. Seeing the low FPS i tried to check for propitary drivers with “jockey” and it said no drivers available. Then i installed the “nvidia-current”  (that in the repository said is the official driver from nVidia)and kind of broke my resolutions and settings… Uninstalled that, then tried the driver from the nVidia website, and broke my X server even worse. Also even though on the site i selected the correct Video Card, the installer said that “no supported device is installed” but i went ahead and installed it, and even broke my window decorator and gave me crashes…and only had command line to repair what i did wrong.

In jockey after installing the “nvidia-current” package it said “Driver activated, but not in use” and i didn`t find why or how to change it.


On 14.04 came with the open source drivers, and just after a few moments of setting my environment i received a dialog that asked me if i want propietary drivers and selected Using NVIDIA binary driver - version 331.38 from nvidia-331 (proprietary, tested) and works better than on win8.1


Yes for me the easiest solution was to “upgrade” to 14.04



at the moment you can only install the game on Linux via Steam, but you don’t necessarily need a Steam account to play. If you have a separate Gaijin account, you can use it to login, once the game is installed - or link it to your steam account and play then. That is up to you =)

Thanks. I’ll give it a try in the next few days then…

By default on 13.04 and 13.10 the installed driver is the “noveau” package that as you said it has limited capabilities, but worked at a low framerate an LOW settings. …


Ah, well you most likely played it with Mesa Software rendering then. Still awesome it runs like that :smiley:


Thank you for clearing that up, I also really appreciate you giving this information, since it might prove useful for me. I used nvidia in ubuntu 6-12 but since then I switched notebook, and also stopped having linux on my main gaming pc after using ATi there (not great for linux) for some years and yeah, it was really a hassle, mostly because it needs to compile the kernel drivers for the nvidia package, and that can fail for myriads of reasons, which the packages not always did detect - and also of course nvidia is using X a bit differently than others, especially if you use multihead  (multiple monitors - instead of xinerama they use a big screen and just cut it), but once working, you could “carry it on” over multiple versions (so distri-upgrade should not break it, once it works).


Good to hear, 14.04 has done some fixes in that regard.

Wait… “upgrade” in quotation marks? Did you do a fresh install in that case? :smiley:


If needed, I am also glad to (trying to) help in generic linux stuff, being a heavy linux user for over a decade now, just PM me.

Wait… “upgrade” in quotation marks? Did you do a fresh install in that case? :smiley:


Yes did a fresh install, seemed to be easier for me to do that, than upgrading the distro…cause i noticed, in the past in the 10-12 Ubuntu Distros (and older), that from one upgrade to an other it kept most of the settings, and i thought it might keep the “broken” X / driver settings and tried to avoid that…


Over the next few days i will try other distros to see how the games works, and will also try, if i can, to see if i can use the integrated Intel HD3000.


For every version i posted my results in the first post they were FRESH INSTALLS, except for Linux Mint 16, on that i kept only the “/home” folder from an older install.

Star Conflict on Dell Laptop Precision M6400

xubuntu 13.10

2 x centrino (P8600 @ 2.4 GHz)


NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M, 512 M + Nvidia drivers

Works perfectly. With lowest graphic settings fps max is 60, but can drop down to 30 or 25 sometimes in 1440x900 (native)


(Same settings, Windows 7 on same computer : between 120 and 70 fps)

Works for me…Installed thru Steam & using Debian Experimental. The only problems I am having is a occasional black box where the ship is & the game is not wanting to close gracefully _ I often need to force-kill it to exit Steam. (no windows open but shows in my processes list)


Intel i7 running at 3.8

Gigabyte MB

16 G ram

dual Nvidia GTX 550 Ti cards

works fine for me, using debian stable, with some upgrades to debian experimental for requirements.


Switched to ubuntu and moved fps from 20-40 to 20-120 depending.  using two 270(no x) in crossfire and overclocked to max within ati specs.

Hardware specs :

  • Dell Inspiron 14 5421

  • Intel i5-3337U 1.8GHz (Up to 2.7GHz for single core & 2.5GHz for all cores)

  • Intel HD Graphics 4000

  • Nvidia GT 730M 2GB

  • 8GB RAM

Tested on elementary OS  Luna & Freya (Based on Ubuntu 12.04 & 14.04), Lubuntu 14.04, Peppermint OS 5 , Manjaro 0.8.10 , Netrunner Rolling 2014.9.1 (Manjaro-based)

Default setting (game installation defaults) :

  • 1024x768
  • Windowed (Fullscreen streched)
  • Low setting for all graphical effects, except for anisotropic filtering at 2x

On Ubuntu based distro, usage of nvidia-prime can bring performance gains up to nearly 2x framerates compared to Bumblebee GPU switching.

With bumblebee :

  • Framerates tend to stay about 50-60 fps in hangar and about 40-60 in invasion / Open world mode. Can go down to 20+ fps during gameplay in some stages or battlefields.
  • No screen tearing (clear, pixel perfect… ok not so perfect frames)

With nvidia-prime :

  • Fps can go up to nearly 160 fps but usually stays in between 59-90+ fps in gameplay. Like bumblebee, framerates can fall down to 20 fps due to graphical effects of battlefields

  • Constant screen tearing when moving very fast or very slowly. Bug in software implementation (Nvidia)


Editor note :

  • Dual GPU system are a pain-in-the-arse in linux. Hopefully, proper support will come in few months times

  • Mesa performance is not crappy if you’re using old hardware or AMD hardware and high-end intel igpu (intel Iris Pro). Nouveau are hit-and-miss. Blob drivers are better for Nvidia.

  • Depending on your configuration when using Bumblebee, you could reach a performance compromise in between default Bumblebee and nvidia-prime, but with without losing the power saving features of Bumblebee.