Your idea will make this game P2W…(Because people who pay will get better fits WAY sooner) and I say HELL NO to that.
Funky, that is not an advantage only attained by paying, in this case, the license only saves you time, blues are still reachable by the F2P crowd.
It is not like 10 bucks a month is alot.
Funky, that is not an advantage only attained by paying, in this case, the license only saves you time, blues are still reachable by the F2P crowd.
It is not like 10 bucks a month is alot.
Whether it is a lot or not is not the case. P2W is still P2W.
And reachable yes, but if it is “a lot higher loyalty income than currently” then they could reach it in 1 day instead of 7(F2P) meaning they will get better equipment way sooner.
I really dont see an issue with that or how you could call that pay 2 win.
I really dont see an issue with that or how you could call that pay 2 win.
And that shows me just exactly how biased you are.
You cant just call me biased because my opinion on what free players should get is different from yours.
Most people identify “pay 2 win” as being able to purchase otherwise unattainable advantages via money, that is not the case here, it simply speeds up the progression. Now I’m fine if they increase the loyalty gain for Free players but that is not the topic of this thread or poll, people just keep bringing it up for some reason.
The difference between free and license loyalty gain is 50%
Which is already borderline. Setting up a poll that affects the general playerbase with only one segment in mind and alienating the majority other send out signals of all sorts of wrong.
T4 and T5 will be worse off if F2Players can’t play there fairly.
First poll question paired with the second basically is asking
“Would you pay up if this is a pay 2 win game”
Those who bothered to answer, answered yes - myself included. But that doesn’t mean it’s for the best game sake
Feel free to create your own poll about Free play progression ? Just because my poll doesn’t cater to Free players doesn’t mean i want a Pay 2 Win model to be implemented.
Nowhere in this poll does it state how Free players should be in the dust, the exposition is concerned with the worth of the license, WHICH ACTUALLY AIMS AGAINST PAY 2 WIN. I say that because if I can pay 10 bucks a month and thereby forego the cash shop bollocks, then that is a MMO sub- subscription, not Pay 2 Win.
Pay 2 Win would be if I could spent 5 € on a Purple gun, that is not what I am asking for. Progressing faster through tiers does not make me more powerful in those Tiers, I just reach them quicker.
Progression Speed ≠ Combat advantage
By your flawed definitions, we would already be experiencing Pay 2 Win due to the mere existence of a license.
That is a fallacy, the license grants convenience but no actual power, it only saves you time but doesn’t open any secret doors.
Now again, I am asking for either the cost of the license to be adjusted lower or it’s value to be adjusted higher.
As it stands, the license cost does not reflects game content nor does it feel worth the price tag.
I would like this to change because it would be good for this game if more people bought a license and therefore supported the Devs through something that is not the Pay 2 Win cash shop avenue.
This would also grant the Devs a bit more security in cash flow and hopefully steer them away from silly implementations such as the recent gambling on loot or premium ships which cost 20 €.
These are my motivators and you are completely misunderstanding my intentions.
The license needs to become a more attractive option for players to dive into and support the game, most people do not like the cash shop approach, myself included.
The license is attractive IMHO(More loot, more credits, more loyalty, more reputation) it’s just that they keep making terribad patches that not a lot of people think it’s worth investing money in I think.(Note, todays patch seems to be good on paper, have to see ingame though once I get home)
And also, someone with full mk3 can way easier kill someone then a person who has full mk1. Same with rank 6 vs rank 4.(Skill is still important yes, but no doubt that mk3 and rank 6 has a great advantage over mk1 and rank 4 in general)
Currently the rates on premium are fine, and if they started making good patches instead of terribad patches, I would love to throw money at them.
Every consumer has their own content value to dollar exchange rate. Currently Star Conflict is overpriced in my eyes everywhere they offer content for cash. I think a 50% cut on everything will net them more money without having to alter meta.
Someone (apparently the lead dev) posted a comment on the Russian forum saying that progress rate is continually being revised. My guess is that’s how they pace their development time since T5 release is apparently their milestone for going gold. Simply put, if they are ahead of schedule then it’s likely they reduce player progression time. If they’re behind, then increasing progression rate will only add pressure on themselves.
I think as players, we could do more for the game realistically by influencing prices rather than demand content for a given $€$
“How much is fair $ for current license” is more relevant. My humble opinion anyways.
Technically this game is Pay to grind LESS.
Every consumer has their own content value to dollar exchange rate. Currently Star Conflict is overpriced in my eyes everywhere they offer content for cash. I think a 50% cut on everything will net them more money without having to alter meta. Someone (apparently the lead dev) posted a comment on the Russian forum saying that progress rate is continually being revised. My guess is that’s how they pace their development time since T5 release is apparently their milestone for going gold. Simply put, if they are ahead of schedule then it’s likely they reduce player progression time. If they’re behind, then increasing progression rate will only add pressure on themselves. I think as players, we could do more for the game realistically by influencing prices rather than demand content for a given $€$ “How much is fair $ for current license” is more relevant. My humble opinion anyways.
That is a great post and points you made there. If they cut the prices they would sell more. It was the first thing that stopped me from buying anything. I thought to myself that the prices were awful high so I better play for awhile before I bought anything to see if it was worth it. then I saw the forums and all going on and decided to wait until this is fixed. Still waiting …
Take an example from a F2P I play like Tribes. The starter pack was cheap, like 5 or 6 bucks US so I bought it when I downloaded it on steam. I got several armors and items license and gold etc. I have bought several “packs” like that because they were inexpensive and gave a very high perceived value for my money. I felt like got alot for what I paid. Make things like that and I think more people like me would buy items and licenses etc. it has certainly worked in many other successful F2P games
I generally agree with the above.
the premium price is good, the modules are a complete different story tho I agree.(also the missiles…)
My suggestion?
Just double the freaking loyalty gains on every contract. Then the license will get you even more.