Do you think the current Credits income without license its ok or to less!

Pls wrote and vote :wink:

I think the income is not the problem, but I confess the absence of a license is quite harsh.Ā 

The problem imo is the horrible grindy shiptree: Pre 0.8 there were shortcuts from low- to end-tier ships, also there were way more paths to switchĀ 

the ship class (into a dead end ship, like katana AE to Ira Deus IIRC).Ā 

Another Problem is the massing of ships in T4. Too sad that only a few ppl are flying them and so the game is cutting of its own content.Ā 

Beginning T4 ships are twice (!) as expensive as high rank T3 ships. Thats quite a lot for minor advantages.Ā 


In short, income is OK, but shiptree and prices (due to useless MK I prefittings) are broken.Ā 


If the Devs state, that T4 is only for ā€œfun and tournamentsā€ wouldnt it be a better Idea to mass ships in T3 instead of T4?Ā 

Specially since there are missing roles in end Tier 3 like Recon or Tackler.Ā 

This is the old story of why does he get more than this person that pays. Ā Honestly if you have over 500 battles you have probably played around 2 full days of game play. Forking over a little money to a game that you play so much is rewarding in itself because you help the developers and your helping yourself in game. I bought the big package when this game first came on steam because I really like it. So for 60 bucks i have well played over it for the money i have put into it.Ā 


I have to agree with zerocool.

The Licenses and their pricing are okay-ish, even if the few-days licenses could be cheaper. At the moment, gold credit prices are pretty high, the steam packages, especially the cheapest one, are still really nicer to start off, with nuff money to get a decent T3 or T2 gold ship for moneyfarm or suicide roles, and the extra pick and more hangar space are really nice anyway. So the ā€œPay Packagesā€ give you more possibilities, than only licensed-play to farm.


If you pay money into the game, you start to think with your gold standards the same way as with your iskies, errā€¦ credits.


10ā‚¬ for a golden ship which does not cost repair and helps to farm the other money is a nice investment, and you will have no credit problems even without license.


Especially now, where the loot system has only like a 1% drop for items* anyway, and you mostly will get items which you dont need anyway, and the others are sold for actually quite a bit.


It is true however, if you plan to play the game ā€œa lotā€ without really paying money for it, you will have a harder curve to earn up enough, and probably stick to a lower tier than you could play, e.g. staying way longer on T2. For this, I saw people endlessly doing PvE, so group up.


It is however hard to really make a discussion about this, since the rewards changed so much in the last couple months, that I also have to admit, I dont have any clue, how its gonna be in a month.



*) since 10% at each new take is actually (totally) less than 10% - and not every take is even an item.

that win loss ratio is just obscene and not suitable for public displayĀ  :008j:


but on-topic : I bought DLC when I realised I put in well over 100 hours of free play - if you like the game, it donā€™t hurt to give a little back. servers donā€™t pay for itself.

that win loss ratio is just obscene and not suitable for public displayĀ  :008j:


Nah, only makes you proud if you actually zap him in battle, or happy if you read a lot of NASA on your own team ^^

I would definitely spend money on this gameā€¦ if it wasnā€™t in beta and subject to heavy change.

I had about 250 hours into the game, then bought the steam starter pack. I loved it, didnā€™t mind giving money at the time. but then 8.0 came and now I donā€™t feel like giving them anything anymore since they just turned the game inside out and destroyed my progress at the time.

i play this game since 8 month. and currently we haveĀ the lowest income ever.

without a license (or a goldship), it is difficult for a normal player to farm credits.

If you want something to try as a beginnner you must hard grind for money to test a new setup for your ship.

even with reimplantation you need 100,000 just to try something. this is a play time of about 30-45min. depending on the player as well

Current income, sans licence, is fine for Tier 2ā€¦ but Tier 3ā€™s income is too low - doubly, if not triply so for Rank 7 ships. The costs of ships and gear goes up far, far faster than player earnings do, and that should be fixed.

Me and some mated from Oz started this game about 3 months ago now. I couldnā€™t play for about 1of these because of a critical Mac bug. In the time I was waiting for that to be fixed my mates in Oz had shot up to tier 3, with a full complement of tier 3 ships. Theyā€™ve all since stopped playing because some network issue was introduced and the game is now unplayable in Australia.


Iā€™ve been playing pretty regularly since and I now almost have the reputation of tier 4,Ā  but only the cash to afford a single tier3 ship. Itā€™s pretty depressing to know Iā€™ve done the grind to be able to unlock all these shiny ships but never enough cash. The linear ship trees means I now need to buy 3 more fighters I donā€™t want to fly (command) before I can get a fighter I do want to fly (tackler), at a total cost of about 3 - 4 million credits. At my current Ā income rate this is probably 4 weeks of playing. Ā Ā 


Iā€™m not a super-awesome pilot but I pay my licence fees and are usually in the top half of the scoreboard. The new loot system does mean a little bit more cash from all those broken extractions (and dear lord are there a lot of themā€¦ I think Iā€™ve scored a total of 4 greens since the new system came in place) and this is good - I just feel that Iā€™ve been left so far behind where I should be in terms of credit rewards that something is out of whack. Ā 

I for sure would not mind 4h licenses for 25-30 goldbucks, which might fix a lot for people who would spend money, but not as much as of now. Because face it, most of us are hardcore players or casual hardcore players, and we think about things like ā€œdo i play that in a year?ā€.


while i even have no money problems on t3, since i love the eagle-b anyway for its fitting style and so usually only playing guard frigs cost me ingame money, at the end of t3 money becomes less of a problem, if you have already unlocked all ships, so i have to admit, i dont know how low-to medium t3 players experience license-less play. T4 is still not played a lot, so most games, especially getting ganked by NASA style gameplay, happens on T3 end. But its incredibly fun, even to lose (you can always search different gaming modes to win) and occasionally also to win.


For me its more the loyality that really becomes grindy without licenses, still is pretty grindy with them. Again, does not affect you much if you already have all loyalities, which I dont have, since I didnt play so much before missions got nerfed.


I do understand, newcomers have it harder, but I do not believe, money income itself per se is the real issue. Itā€™s more a combination of rewards being dropped, especially items. mostly because players say ā€œMore A!ā€, so A gets fixed and B gets ninja nerfed resulting in a week later players shouting for ā€œMore B!ā€.

Nah, only makes you proud if you actually zap him [ZeroCool] in battle, or happy if you read a lot of NASA on your own team ^^

It is rather rewarding, isnā€™t it? ;]


Itā€™s pretty harsh on newcomers, but this is coming from someone who played when the grind was much easier, the experience and income gain much higher. Iā€™ve heard from those Iā€™ve tried to get into the game that it does take a bit too long to get enough money to progress especially without a license, so keep this discussion going.


Otherwise, Iā€™m with Zero on this one. Thereā€™s always a risk when investing in betas, but this game is something I have been wanting for ages now. I am more than willing to support the development.

It is rather rewarding, isnā€™t it? ;]


Itā€™s pretty harsh on newcomers, but this is coming from someone who played when the grind was much easier, the experience and income gain much higher. Iā€™ve heard from those Iā€™ve tried to get into the game that it does take a bit too long to get enough money to progress especially without a license, so keep this discussion going.


Otherwise, Iā€™m with Zero on this one. Thereā€™s always a risk when investing in betas, but this game is something I have been wanting for ages now. I am more than willing to support the development.

The game isnā€™t bad, for sure. It is just lacking in the most important areas that keep the game replayable(in my eyes) like the ability to feel like youā€™re progressing(Getting another loyalty leel feels great, getting higher reputation level feels cool as you unlock more stuff) but right now, I donā€™t have that feeling.

I basicly have all factions at lvl 6-9 in loyalty, and 8/9 in reputation. But my credit income is so crap I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be flying T3 any time soon because it just takes a lifetime to get the ships, and then 2 more lifetimes to actually fit them.Ā 

The loyalty is mostly fine for my feeling right now, a slight buff could be good(I get too often that there is no contract available at all besides the rank 1) and the reputationā€¦Iā€™ve been stuck at R8/9 ever since they implemented the reputation changeā€¦ The ships as well, Iā€™m finally(after 58 hours of gameplay) back to my full R6/mk3 ships(different ones than before 8.0, but I got themā€¦I still hate you guys for patch 8.0ā€¦) and now am slowly fitting up a T3 interceptor, but itā€™s just so freaking slow and not making me want to keep playing that itā€™s just not fun anymore.Ā 


Edit: I also disagree with the fact that investing in a BETA is always a risk.Ā 

Sure, some stats on ships can change, I expected such things. And thought it wouldnā€™t be too bad.

But with 8.0 they reformed 50% of the game, and that is NOT okay.

grind = no fun


a no fun game dies a slow death


there is no risk of unlocking ā€˜too fastā€™ for the development team


R9 to R12 will take ~35 million PER STOCK SHIP


@ 300,000 Cr per hour thatā€™s 100+++ hours PER STOCK R12 SHIP from rank 9


2 hrs per weekday 8 hours over the weekend = 6.5 WEEKS PER STOCK SHIP


factor in the fact I need to get blue mods on them ships and atleast 1 other T4 ship, (ideally atleast 3 ships)


Iā€™m looking at what? 30? 40 weeks?


How many weeks are there in a year lol ā€“ 48?


Iā€™m fine with whatever. Iā€™ll pay up if / when they release something I like.


But I might get bored along the way and play something else yā€™know.

grind = no fun


a no fun game dies a slow death


there is no risk of unlocking ā€˜too fastā€™ for the development team


R9 to R12 will take ~35 million PER STOCK SHIP


@ 300,000 Cr per hour thatā€™s 100+++ hours PER STOCK R12 SHIP from rank 9


2 hrs per weekday 8 hours over the weekend = 6.5 WEEKS PER STOCK SHIP


factor in the fact I need to get blue mods on them ships and atleast 1 other T4 ship, (ideally atleast 3 ships)


Iā€™m looking at what? 30? 40 weeks?


How many weeks are there in a year lol ā€“ 48?


Iā€™m fine with whatever. Iā€™ll pay up if / when they release something I like.


But I might get bored along the way and play something else yā€™know.

300k per hour? I get 300k* over 2-3 matches!


I see where youā€™re coming from though. When you win itā€™s great, but when you lose itā€™s tough.


*Disclaimer: I have a license and play T3.

[check out the attachment](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19935-gamer-blog-t2-to-t3-transition/#entry202168)


T3 no license, average pilot with R9 reward bonus.



that repair bill - thatā€™s 1 life on my credit ship iā€™m leveling up. when that blows up, I respawn with my premium ship to save cost.


without that ship, costs will be alot differentā€¦ depending much on which side of NASA / STAR / ESB / DYN you end up on.

I will return later with a similar analysis. We can compare notes. :]


Since the battle notes now include values for license and no-license (in a place that is visible), Iā€™ll keep track of both.

bad session but about same earnings.

[t3hourincome2.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6071)

I recorded my earnings over 10 games. Here are my results.
