Do you get a decreased drop raate of purple weapons after the 7 day license?

The Title says it all, If had atleast 10 games and i havent had any greens or purple anythink witch sucks because i used to get allot with my license and if the title is correct then this game is then p2w because you have to buy license with creds then you have a bigger chance to get weps.


So does anyone know if the loot rate decreases? :dntknw:  :secret:  :fed014:


“EDIT” This topic is allso used to discuss the drop rates.

Im not sure if u have noticed that when ur license ended u can only loot for 3 times with license 5 times, if im right. I dont know about drop rates with license or without, but I have noticed that when u go up ranks/tiers u got more crap loot.

I would appreciate if someone can confirm this ?


Edit: Sorry for bad english :E

i have a 30 day license and i dont get often this stuff. In my opinion, its pure random with low probability of gaining items, doesnt matter if u have a license or not. Only exception is as frieze says, u have 5 tries instead of 3 with a license.

Well, i bought premium and i still didn´t get a single purple T3 thingy in more than 10 days! And i play a lot!

T1&2? Lots of it. T3&T4? Nothing at all!

I think a possible way to improve the looting opportunities would be to match the tier category of the loot to the one of those playing in the match. (i.e. players in a tier 2-3 battle find t1, t2, t3 loot) but in higher tier levels, only high-tier-level loot is found. That could entail altering some post-game code, but if the comp programers could pull it off that would definitely improve that aspect of the game significantly. I mean, how frustrating is it when you’re a t4 player and all you find is t1 and t2 stuff? for quite a while? it’s pretty grating.

looting system is fine, just rank up.


Purples should stay exactly where they are in frequency. Other wise the game will become unbalanced in match making. Maybe later after all module/ship/weapon fixes we can investigate improving drop rate 10-15%.

No the drop rate is very very low …

i have a premium accout and i havent looted anything(not even green items) except cash in over 2 weeks

You have even less luck than i have Oo

looting system is fine, just rank up.


Purples should stay exactly where they are in frequency. Other wise the game will become unbalanced in match making. Maybe later after all module/ship/weapon fixes we can investigate improving drop rate 10-15%.

But I got allot of purples in the start at tier 1, maybe I was just lucky…

But I got allot of purples in the start at tier 1, maybe I was just lucky…

I guess that´s just to trick players to stay and make you feel like you get stuff really decent and then like when you are t3+ you see the middle finger saying “now we got you, now farm till you die!”


Or it´s just bugged :wink:

The Title says it all, If had atleast 10 games and i havent had any greens or purple anythink witch sucks because i used to get allot with my license and if the title is correct then this game is then p2w because you have to buy license with creds then you have a bigger chance to get weps.


So does anyone know if the loot rate decreases? :dntknw:  :secret:  :fed014:

I still get purples on a reasonable rate, and even if I didn’t it certainly wouldn’t be pay to win anyway. You wouldn’t be paying for better weapons, you’d be paying for a better chance to get good weapons. The good weapons are available either way, they’re not removed from non-paying players. ;)wt

I still get purples on a reasonable rate, and even if I didn’t it certainly wouldn’t be pay to win anyway. You wouldn’t be paying for better weapons, you’d be paying for a better chance to get good weapons. The good weapons are available either way, they’re not removed from non-paying players. ;)wt

Actully you could just buy the weapons instead of getting weapons with the license, If that makes sense?

Like I barely get one green every 10-20 games? And blues cost like 450k on a tier 3

Player market would solve all of this. They could also add a choice between credit or premium credit as payment so that the devs do not lose premium accounts to it.

Purple items mostly drop on Scenarios :slight_smile:

Purple items mostly drop on Scenarios :slight_smile:

Well, Yes but On scenarios I only get mostly greens anyway, With the normal loot i was lucky to get a purple in every 30-40 games?

Finish it and you get a purple poit for loot where the chance to get a purple item is higher than ususal.

Finish it and you get a purple poit for loot where the chance to get a purple item is higher than ususal.

Fair enough i guess :slight_smile: But no one has ansered the question of the topic! XD



Drops are random based. I do not know the drop rate but there is no reducion after prem runs out.