Do the secret ships get to choose everything?

The rank 15 secret ships say the ability will be chosen on construction, does that mean you could have an octopus with a disintigrator beam and an anti missile ability from a guard ship?


How do these ships work?

ATM, each SP ship has an option to select a one out of 3 variants for its “F” special module, default and 2 others with some twists. (and of course you get to select passive layout on the ship too)

So can you clarify, Are you able to put a disintigrator sniper on an octopus? Or a microwarpdrive on a Saw One?


Is it just you can choose a frigate F special on a frigate only?


Can you put a repair station on a ronin?


Need yes or nos here with explanation.


If I read what you said right you have the basic F or two variants but all the other abilities like repair station are specific to the ship class.


I am fairly new so I dont know much.

no, you can not

the 3 variants for the special module are same in the core (except for Kraken) with extra functionality, for example SawOne can chose one of the variants of Diffusion shield:

  • Default (like any other command of same tier)

  • Longer CD than default but grants dmg for 5sec

  • Longer CD than default but restores chunk of energy upon activation.

Or Jaguar:

  • Default invis

  • Shorter duration shorter CD invis

  • Longer CD, but dmg can not break invis

Same goes for all other ships. One exception is Kraken - it has an access to 2 versions of Disintegrators and a Jericho Torpedo (ship is Empire LRF)

One thing to keep in mind for the future, devs have stated many times (on RU forums and interviews) that there is a system to chose passive bonuses for craft ships (like rotation bonus, missile reload bonuses, module range/effectiveness/duration, weapon bonuses), according to latest statement, system is already in the code, but there is no interface for it adn completion of interface is getting pushed back as lower priority.

I do not know when and how this will be implement, i just know that it will be , at some point (no idea how it will work with all the already built SP ships)

Same goes for all other ships. One exception is Kraken - it has an access to 2 versions of Disintegrators and a Jericho Torpedo (ship is Empire LRF)


Could you elaborate on this?


Is it two sniper modes and a long range missile or something?


Is there somewhere I could find information on the special ability variants?


I am most interested in LRF, Guard, and Engineer.

Guards have phase shield. There are different versions of phase shield.

Engies have combat drones. There are different versions of combat drones.


No, you cannot put microwarp on anything but a recon. Guards or engies with microwarp would be overpowered/useless.


Kraken has Disintegrator (2 versions to choose from) or guided torp. You cannot have both.


I am uploading a video with Kraken. You can also try to check the version by pressing “Manufacture” If you are able to.


Basically the Kraken choices are :

  • Disintegrator that drains energy for 3 secs after hit, does about 11k damage and 700pts energy drain over 3s (Max stats)

  • Disintegrator that deals damage for 10 secs after hit, does about 11k damage and 4000 extra damage over 10s (Max stats)

  • Guided torp (same as Jericho LRFs) deals about 9k damage max stats.

Note that standard disintegrator is NOT available which deals ~13k damage max stats. No other bonus.



  • Phase shield (standard) same for all guards add 120pts resist to chosen damage type, gives 15% damage boost for 5s with incoming damage coinciding with phase shield setting.

  • Raid Phase shield gives 150pts resist but no other bonus.

  • Tech phase shield gives 120pts resist and restores 7 energy per hit with coinciding damage type.



  • Combat drones (standard) for all engies, 1 drone per 30s, 2 max. Shoots targets if shields>50%, heals shields if <50% for ~210pts/s. Heals 4k shield volume if activated. (500m) Drone Durability ~4k points.

  • Armarda combat drones. 1 drone per 35s, 3 max. Shoots targets if shields>50%, heals shields if <50% for ~105pts/s. Heals 4k shield volume if activated. (500m) Drone Durability ~4k points.

  • Vanguard combat drones. 1 drone per 35s, 2 max. Shoots targets if shields>50%, heals shields if <50% for ~105pts/s. Heals 6k shield volume if activated. (500m) Drone Durability ~8k points.

Instead of bothering us, why don’t you look for yourself. Click “manufacture” and mouse over the modules. It will show you exactly what you can choose from on that screen.

If you cannot click “manufacture” then you should not be worried with this matter.

Instead of bothering us, why don’t you look for yourself. Click “manufacture” and mouse over the modules. It will show you exactly what you can choose from on that screen.

If you cannot click “manufacture” then you should not be worried with this matter.


Instead of bothering us, why don’t you look for yourself. Click “manufacture” and mouse over the modules. It will show you exactly what you can choose from on that screen.

If you cannot click “manufacture” then you should not be worried with this matter.

DR.Fox> giphy.gif<“Vets”


Well they are “secret” but given that other info is shown, the special module information should also be there somewhere. Maybe someone can add it so whichever wiki was editable by fans… ;p

Instead of bothering us, why don’t you look for yourself. Click “manufacture” and mouse over the modules. It will show you exactly what you can choose from on that screen.

If you cannot click “manufacture” then you should not be worried with this matter.

This section is actually for asking questions :wink:

So it is. Disregard my comment.

I have to start paying attention to where people post things…

Thankyou for all the information, it has answered my questions.