DLC-Ships seems to count into the ATLAS

I just noticed that players who have nearly everything from Modules, Weapons, Ellydium-Nodes, Achievementpoints and Ships, except the DLC-Ships, are not able to get the required Experience for level 25. They will miss around 1500 points. While other players with less Modules, Weapons, etc. but owning all DLC-Ships have nearly reached the required Experience, even that the DLC-Ships are not shown in the ATLAS.


So case one: Its not intended that DLC-Ships counts.

Then please remove the Experience from the ATLAS to make the Progresssystem fair again.


Case two: Its intended that DLC-Ship counts.

Then the Ships should be shown in the ATLAS.

But it would make the hole Player-Progresssystem to a Pay-to-Win content, cause its impossible to get the required experience without the DLC-Ships atm.

And i really doubt thats the intention of a so called free-to-play game.


Greets, Nash






CinnamonFake stated that in order to reach R25, you’ll need to have all the ships, including the ones that are in the DLCs.


It’s not a bug.

Not P2W, but it’s P2GSFTOP(Get Stuff Faster Than Other Players)

Keep in mind that there are still upcoming modules and ships, and DLCs that might become free for a while, also, funny that you made that statement since you have all the DLC ships yourself.

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Not P2W, but it’s P2GSFTOP(Get Stuff Faster Than Other Players)

Keep in mind that there are still upcoming modules and ships, and DLCs that might become free for a while, also, funny that you made that statement since you have all the DLC ships yourself.

The game probably won’t survive for long and they most likely know it.

It is a bug. As i say, there a two cases. If its intended that they count then the bug is that they are not shown in the atlas.


And since they allready wanted to reward players for reaching level 25, untill they noticed that they had a experience bug and back up, its a clearly P2W content. Free-to-play means that i can reache the same rewards, even if it costs me more effort. But with DLC-Ships counting it means that only P2W-Gamer will be able to be the first 25er and get a reward, cause i cant get there no matter how much effort i spend. So aslong there will be a reward for reaching level 25 and i cant get there without buying DLC’s its simply Pay-to-Win.

1 hour ago, Nash27 said:

It is a bug. As i say, there a two cases. If its intended that they count then the bug is that they are not shown in the atlas.


And since they allready wanted to reward players for reaching level 25, untill they noticed that they had a experience bug and back up, its a clearly P2W content. Free-to-play means that i can reache the same rewards, even if it costs me more effort. But with DLC-Ships counting it means that only P2W-Gamer will be able to be the first 25er and get a reward, cause i cant get there no matter how much effort i spend. So aslong there will be a reward for reaching level 25 and i cant get there without buying DLC’s its simply Pay-to-Win.

Yes, they are not shown in the Atlas. It’s a bug. Make a separate bug report. Well, I’ll make it, I got all the DLCs.


As for your claims that it’s ‘P2W’, it is! The only option for you to reach the Rank 20 ships in the future (if there are any), will probably be the Rank 25 Profile (maximum level).

So, this is working as intended. As a ‘free to play’ player, you cannot reach or get to R25 without investing into DLCs. Again, it’s intended, and not a bug.

No need for new bug report since this one is clearly separated in both cases. And i dont find any official statement that DLC ships are needed. So either post a quote pls or let a official decide if it is a bug/intended or not.

1 hour ago, Nash27 said:

It is a bug. As i say, there a two cases. If its intended that they count then the bug is that they are not shown in the atlas.


And since they allready wanted to reward players for reaching level 25, untill they noticed that they had a experience bug and back up, its a clearly P2W content. Free-to-play means that i can reache the same rewards, even if it costs me more effort. But with DLC-Ships counting it means that only P2W-Gamer will be able to be the first 25er and get a reward, cause i cant get there no matter how much effort i spend. So aslong there will be a reward for reaching level 25 and i cant get there without buying DLC’s its simply Pay-to-Win.

I have to agree if DLC is a requirement to attain any achievement within the game it’s p2w imo

6 hours ago, Koromac said:

Yes, they are not shown in the Atlas. It’s a bug. Make a separate bug report. Well, I’ll make it, I got all the DLCs.


As for your claims that it’s ‘P2W’, it is! The only option for you to reach the Rank 20 ships in the future (if there are any), will probably be the Rank 25 Profile (maximum level).

So, this is working as intended. As a ‘free to play’ player, you cannot reach or get to R25 without investing into DLCs. Again, it’s intended, and not a bug.

Before R20 ships will come (?!) there will be an engie/recon update with new modules. You will have enough points to get to lvl 25 without DLC. 

11 minutes ago, niripas said:

Before R20 ships will come (?!)

Yes, I heard something about Rank 20 ships. I believe it makes perfect sense. Whether it’s true or not, I do not know.

9 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Yes, I heard something about Rank 20 ships. I believe it makes perfect sense. Whether it’s true or not, I do not know.

Still all DLC ships give 3360 XP points + few unique modules. That’s roughly  70 orange modules. How much XP is lacking to get to LvL 25 without those DLC ships?

3 hours ago, niripas said:

Still all DLC ships give 3360 XP points + few unique modules. That’s roughly  70 orange modules. How much XP is lacking to get to LvL 25 without those DLC ships?

I would be lacking around 1300 XP (in case i would have earn all achievement-points)…but i have Phoenix and Reaper, so its should be around 1650 in total for a “beginner”, maybe more cause of Palom.


3 hours ago, niripas said:

there will be an engie/recon update with new modules. You will have enough points to get to lvl 25 without DLC. 

I know that, but thats not the point. This is not about further patches, this about the patch we are playing NOW.


We all saw that it was planned to give the first three 25er a reward, so the run to 25 is kind of a contest, a contest only DLC owner can win. And that will happen in THIS patch not in further patches. Koromac allready hit the required 12500exp.


So pls dont let us go off-topic here, its a simple bug report not some discussion about what will be.


If it is intended, we have a display-bug in the ATLAS, wouldnt be the first.


If its not intended, we have a experience-bug in the ATLAS, wouldnt be the first.


Lets keep it that simple and wait for official statements. We can discuss ingame or in the threads which are made for it.




[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)


There is already a bug report on this.


It’s posted here:


On 11.04.2018 at 4:27 PM, Koromac said:

CinnamonFake stated that in order to reach R25, you’ll need to have all the ships, including the ones that are in the DLCs.


It’s not a bug.

No, DLC ships should not give any xp points. Premium ships should, they can be bought for GS or for Xenochips during events.

On 18/04/2018 at 6:39 AM, CinnamonFake said:

No, DLC ships should not give any xp points. Premium ships should, they can be bought for GS or for Xenochips during events.


Maybe they shouldn’t give any XP but they do seem too


For example:

If you look at the difference between Mine and Koromac’s stats you will see that I have completed more than he has yet he has more Clearance XP points than I do



Standard Ships 166/183

Premium Ships 52/68

Achievements - 3130/3480

Collections Completed - 874/989 / Fully Upgraded 872

Current Clearance XP 11040



Standard Ships 166/183

Premium Ships 68/68

Achievements - 2970/3480

Collections Completed - 873/989 / Fully Upgraded 834

Current Clearance XP 12750


As you can see I have more progress in every aspect except for the Premium Ships due to the fact that Koromac has all 16 DLC ships


ATM even if I finished off my remaining achievements and upgraded my last 2 modules that would only gain me an extra 405 Clearance XP bringing my total to 11445 so I would still be short 1055 to unlock the R25 Campaign mission ;-((



Sorry for using your stats as an example Koromac ;p





On 4/20/2018 at 12:42 AM, Sparax said:


Sorry for using your stats as an example Koromac ;p


I am the Koromac. My stats DO NOT matter! Revenge matters!