Discussion. Maintenance Training: Anargams

Hello fellow pilots!

In this topic we suggest you to submit your explanations and everyone’s free to discuss our new type of Maintenance Training – Anagrams.

You may find all the necessary information about the event [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21599-maintenance-training-anagrams/).

Warning! Please do not post answers in discussion topic.

Some of the names are miswritten, fyi…

that could explain why i cant find some of them :slight_smile:

They are all correct actually. Found them all.

Took me some googling time, but I found all the names.(Not sure if I got the correct ones, but Kotory will just have to tell me that)

Times out!

Results will be here soon.

  1. Oryngton
  2. Renoiro
  3. FunkyBacon
  4. St1r
  5. JakeFrmStateFarm

Everyone, thank you for participation.
Next time we will make maintenance training more challenging.  :salute:

Spell-proof it next time. It’s Aleksei, not Alexei.

Spell-proof it next time. It’s Aleksei, not Alexei.


We used transcription from Wikipedia. According to this source it is Alexey Leonov.

LOL not even 3 hours for the “event”. What a joke.

LOL not even 3 hours for the “event”. What a joke.


It’s called Maintenance Training for a reason. It starts and ends at the same time as maitenance.


We used transcription from Wikipedia. According to this source it is Alexey Leonov.



^ this guy, right? Well, seeing as I don’t know Russian cyrillic that well, I’ll just abstain from that… But the page address does say Aleksei.

Well this is biased then. I live in the US of A and maintenance is NOT near when I can usually play. I guess it really doesn’t matter anyway as this game is going to xxxx!



^ this guy, right? Well, seeing as I don’t know Russian cyrillic that well, I’ll just abstain from that… But the page address does say Aleksei.

When I opened you link Wiki redirected me to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Leonov  :yes_yes:

It does. I just don’t know why…

It does. I just don’t know why…

For Russian footballer, see Aleksei Nikolayevich Leonov.


You must be confused :stuck_out_tongue:

I did that thing at, like, 8am or something, I wasn’t even awake at that time!

I had to google 90% of them…I only knew 2 xD And those were the most obvious ones…

I had to google 90% of them…I only knew 2 xD And those were the most obvious ones…

Oh, come on, most of them were obvious. Jean-Loup actually gave me a hard time. For some reason, my mind kept wandering to “Jane-Lupo”… I don’t even…

I have no idea, nor interest in astronaut names… xD Beyond the most obvious ones(Buzz aldrin/Neil armstrom)

I have no idea, nor interest in astronaut names… xD Beyond the most obvious ones(Buzz aldrin/Neil armstrom)


It is like Valentina Tereshkova and Yury Gagarin for Russian players.


We tried to made this task difficult and interesting. So we googled really unusual names.