Disconnects During Battles

 Has this been addressed about ppl INTENTIONALLY leaving during the course of the battle ?

Trust me you know when it is intentional.


Is this allowed and condoned ?


It is really annoying specially at the T4/5 ( occasionally even down at T3) to barely get a game in … and then when you do all of a sudden find out its just you and the BOT.  


  It seems to happen whenever the otherside seems to have membership of certain Corps or the battle is really going bad for our end. 


  What is sad is that most of these ppl are in a Corp themselves and for me it really sheds a “BAD” LIGHT upon that Corp if this is something they may condone  ?



Not here to be naming any of the Corps but you would think that there would be a sort of game “Ethics” code in each Corp ?


Looking In the Combat Rules …I did not see anything pretaining  

I used to do that in the past with ESB death squads, since that were auto-losses anyway.


But since the 3 man squad change I just try to fight them, but occasionally I see people leave, but it is quite rare for me.

Has this been addressed about ppl INTENTIONALLY leaving during the course of the battle ?

Yes, we will go into people’s homes, chain them to their computer and force them to play. Besides, I get dropped by the server all the time when it’s laggy.

we will go into people’s homes, chain them to their computer


Here where I am, we superglue their eyelids to the monitor instead.


Synergy > RL

It would be listed under “refusal to deal damage to the enemy.”  I think most of the cases could be red flagged by the server to see if there’s a pattern of abuse.  A disconnect without any other action doesn’t say too much, and I’ve seen disconnects in the waiting area.  Generally situations like this is either corp issues(true me there are multiple corps), and DSR protectionism.

Intentional disconnects fall under the “AFK” category and will be investigated. If there is enough evidence to show that individuals are intentionally leaving matches, they will be banned for a number of hours depending on severity and whether or not it is a repeat offence.


As for corporation code of ethics, each corp may promote whatever philosophies they want so long as it abides by TOS.

Intentional disconnects fall under the “AFK” category and will be investigated. If there is enough evidence to show that individuals are intentionally leaving matches, they will be banned for a number of hours depending on severity and whether or not it is a repeat offence.


As for corporation code of ethics, each corp may promote whatever philosophies they want so long as it abides by TOS.


Just out of curiosity Zeik … Lets say Im queing with my T4 ships, and as often happens, Im put up against a full R15 T5 squad of 3 corp members, with 2 randoms on my team - How can you expect someone to stay in this game given they are hopelesly out matched to begin with ?


Until the tiers are split, I cannot see how you would enforce this reasonably.


And I often discconect mid game - Only to recconect once Star Conflict loads up again (I may large issues with my game crashing constantly !) How would you view this ?

Just out of curiosity Zeik … Lets say Im queing with my T4 ships, and as often happens, Im put up against a full R15 T5 squad of 3 corp members, with 2 randoms on my team - How can you expect someone to stay in this game given they are hopelesly out matched to begin with ?


Until the tiers are split, I cannot see how you would enforce this reasonably.


And I often discconect mid game - Only to recconect once Star Conflict loads up again (I may large issues with my game crashing constantly !) How would you view this ?

True disconnects are different from intentional ones. No action is taken since the player is not responsible for how the game or server handles connections.


Bans are rare because they will only be done if there is significant evidence to show he or she is negatively impacting other players in the game.

Why not implement some programming that makes a bot take over?


In a large 7 vs. 8 battle, replacing the 1 dropped player with a bot probably wouldn’t hurt that much.

I’d rather have my ship disappear from the grid. Getting blasted while disconnected hurts your ratings.

I’d rather have my ship disappear from the grid. Getting blasted while disconnected hurts your ratings.

And all the DSR hunters would play with their network cable in one hand, ready to pull it when they risk dying. :wink: