Disconnected and lost premium weapons

I have just been disconnected from a PvE battle, took several attempts to log back in but game wouldn’t let me rejoin battle. Finally it says “not enough credits to renew weapons due to desertion” & I’ve lost premium weapons. I would appreciate some feedback please, thanks.

Hello attaching the log files would be helpful to find why and how the bug happened.



if you have lost any item, please contact our support.

I have just been disconnected from a PvE battle, took several attempts to log back in but game wouldn’t let me rejoin battle. Finally it says “not enough credits to renew weapons due to desertion” & I’ve lost premium weapons. I would appreciate some feedback please, thanks.

Premium weapons cannot be lost. If you are talking about premium missiles or ammo, it has nothing to do with credits. You need Galactic standards to buy more of them, and you can only get them with real money, not playing in PvE.


What you can request is the reimbursement of your premium ammo for that round, since you lost it with the disconnect. Contact support.