Disappeared container

  1. I got a ‘Lucky Container’ from the loginreward, a free ‘Xeno-whatever Container’ from the PvP mission and a free ‘Archelon-shippart-Container’ from the broker mission. I missed to open them and at the next day, they just disappeared as free items from their container-tabs.
  2. That they stay and don’t disappear on their own.
  3. Missed to open them and at the next day they weren’t anymore for free.
  4. All free acquired container(either as mission reward or as login reward) disappeared the next day as free.
  5. Can’t tell as this happened only this time as I forgot to open them.
  6. Haven’t any and I don’t know if logs will show them.
  7. Acquired date: 26th June. Lost date: 27th June.

Is this a bug or is this WAI?

I missed one that way, i guess they expire after a day.

One day it happens to me also… they just simply disappeared … so… I learned I never delay something…


By the way… I grind for GS ship [Brokk ship rank 13] From Broker Missions ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”), I hope it is a bug…

It isn’t declared that the gift/free/login rewards decay/get removed with daily swap. So for me it seem to be a bug.

Can I/we get an answer/response on this?

On 30.06.2016 at 11:54 PM, Papitas said:

I missed one that way, i guess they expire after a day.

Yep, that’s how it is usually happening. It’s better to open up your login reward just when you get it ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Why is this not explained/written anywhere? Especially with the bugged - you login but you need to pay for your gift - thingie it’s annoying.
There must be a warning for this!

9 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Why is this not explained/written anywhere? Especially with the bugged - you login but you need to pay for your gift - thingie it’s annoying.
There must be a warning for this!

when that happens i either relog and open it, or play a game and open it.

When I log on most of the time it will say I got a reward, but the screen doesn’t show it as free. If I play a battle I see the blue present icon and then its free. Some times relog and it shows as free, and sometimes relog makes the blue icon disappear. Also if I don’t collect the icon by 8pm est time it disapears. Definitely some bugs present, but I am sure the 24 hour thing is not a bug, and I am sure 8pm est time is the 24 hour marker for me. As that is when all the missions reset.

Just my 2 cents worth.