Disapparing Boosters.

  1. This happens with the normal boosters, i don’t know if this happens with the premium boosters as well, so i use Military CPU and they are just gone, this happened to a lot of people. I bought like 100 again and hoped that it won’t happen again, one day later i log in and they are gone, again, i decided to report it, it’s waste of credits. Please give us a compensation.

  2. I think it’s a bug because it’s obvious, boosters are not supposed to disappear except you buy another one, which i didn’t.

  3. Happens very often, in 1 day it happened 2 times.

  4. Last Actions: Log in, play PvP.

  5. Details are not avaible.

  6. System specs won’t help, that bug can happen to anybody, it’s server based.

  7. Screenshots won’t be helpful.

  8. Game log from 30.03.15, attached.

  9. Exceptions… the newest one is from January.

Please, as player, approve this post or make a post how it happened to you if that bug happened to you as well, and explain how/why it happened if you can, any detail is useful.

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8940)


  1. This happens with the normal boosters, i don’t know if this happens with the premium boosters as well, so i use Military CPU and they are just gone, this happened to a lot of people. I bought like 100 again and hoped that it won’t happen again, one day later i log in and they are gone, again, i decided to report it, it’s waste of credits. Please give us a compensation.
  2. I think it’s a bug because it’s obvious, boosters are not supposed to disappear except you buy another one, which i didn’t.
  3. Happens very often, in 1 day it happened 2 times.
  4. Last Actions: Log in, play PvP.
  5. Details are not avaible.
  6. System specs won’t help, that bug can happen to anybody, it’s server based.
  7. Screenshots won’t be helpful.
  8. Game log from 30.03.15, attached.
  9. Exceptions… the newest one is from January.

Please, as player, approve this post or make a post how it happened to you if that bug happened to you as well, and explain how/why it happened if you can, any detail is useful.



I can help with some additional information.

This happened to me as well.

I am not sure, but I only got 5 loot spots instead of 6 and I own all DLCs. Bonuses from DLCs and premium license didn’t count.

Even voucher reward for winning 2 battles was only 900 loyalty vouchers, not 1080.

Boosters disappeared as well, but only after I logged out and logged back in.

After I logged in, I was expecting at least 2 boosters left (+5 hull/+5 shield) There were none left.

I am not sure, if this issue is related to this bug, or isolated.

If the issue repeats itself, I will provide logs, since I don’t know which log is the one which would help. Too many of them.

If you lost any boosters, contact our support team.

The bug is known and will be fixed soon.

I am not sure, but I only got 5 loot spots instead of 6 and I own all DLCs. Bonuses from DLCs and premium license didn’t count.

Even voucher reward for winning 2 battles was only 900 loyalty vouchers, not 1080.

I think the issue there is that the bonuses from some DLCs are somtimes deactivated, so you get less vouchers and less loots as with DLC bonus.


Btw, just realized that i forgot an “e” in the topic title.



If you lost any boosters, contact our support team.

The bug is known and will be fixed soon.



I won’t contact support and waste their time for 2 lousy boosters.

It’s enough for me to know that fix will be released soon.




Thank you, Skula1975.

I’ve encountered a different bug regarding to boosters, but its kinda similar: In more than 3 ocations when i had a hull resist booster it switched to shields, same for the inverted process. In example, i had once about 50 shield tunning, played a game, after it i had instead 49 diamond coating :V . Buying a new booster (like shield resist) was useless since while playing the next game it would show in hud the hull resist booster, and after the game in hangar i had diamond coating booster (1 less item than before). Stats also showed the effect of +10 hull resist points…i had to wait till i run out of those boosters to buy shield tunning again.