disables to strong?

i am worry about the increasing amounts of disables. a disabled ship is a dead ship, that being said giving easy acces to skills and or equipment that severly gimps or completly removes the hability to  fight back is realy taking a lot of fun from the game.


i am ok with modules that reduce dmg or increase dmg taken, but in no way i suport modules or skills  that criples or completly removes mobility or hability to fight back, at least not in a game where a stationarie ship is a dead ship in seconds.


since we are with the disables is it posible to nerf  jerico interceptors special? it does not only give inmunity + huge disable but it olso aloud for some realy cheap stuff like being able to cap beacons unmolested or disable ships that are in the other side of hard cover, let alone when you get those  comandos of 2-3 of them chaining the skill plus another disables  :blink2:. only thing one can do is sit and watch  the ship get trashed.

I dont understand why Jericho interceptor special ability would be unbalanced ?

I play this interceptor and the Federation fighter. And to be honnest, I often die just after my ability as a Jericho interceptor but I escape very often with my Fighter. Only because, as you said, a stationary ship is a dead ship.

And When I play a Frigate, I always target JEricho interceptor, hoping they try to use their ability just when they are low life. Then they just die.


Well, but I also disagree with your idea that disable module are too strong. Actually, only interceptor have the strongest, and a few one can be used by fighter. A fregate got perhaps no module to disable someone. It means that an interceptor which is near you can kill you. Then you just have to flee. That’s the way in works in space : A little ship is made to kill, a big one is made to help the little one to kill. :smiley:

And If you cant, dont try to face an interceptor if you are alone.

Because first of all, you will lose if you arent a interceptor (in this case, you just have 50% chances to kill him).

Second, you dont know if he really is alone.

Third, you are alone !


As many games like that, the most important thing is to play together.

And to kill someone, yes, you have to stun, decrease movement, increase yours (movement is perhaps the most important stat in all pvp games).

If you want damage, protection, and such things, perhaps you’ll like the new PVE feature. That typically what is important in PVE.



I would say to finish that for me, the problem is that interceptor can kill everyone. They should be a Rock-Paper-Scissors system imho.

From my observation, disables are only used on ships that overstretched their safezone. The farther they are from their teammates, the more likely they are to be disabled and  focused on by the entire enemy team. I think the disables in the game are perfect as they are, the things you SHOULD be worried about are those drainer modules.

I dont understand why Jericho interceptor special ability would be unbalanced ?

I play this interceptor and the Federation fighter. And to be honnest, I often die just after my ability as a Jericho interceptor but I escape very often with my Fighter. Only because, as you said, a stationary ship is a dead ship.

And When I play a Frigate, I always target JEricho interceptor, hoping they try to use their ability just when they are low life. Then they just die.


Well, but I also disagree with your idea that disable module are too strong. Actually, only interceptor have the strongest, and a few one can be used by fighter. A fregate got perhaps no module to disable someone. It means that an interceptor which is near you can kill you. Then you just have to flee. That’s the way in works in space : A little ship is made to kill, a big one is made to help the little one to kill. :smiley:

And If you cant, dont try to face an interceptor if you are alone.

Because first of all, you will lose if you arent a interceptor (in this case, you just have 50% chances to kill him).

Second, you dont know if he really is alone.

Third, you are alone !


As many games like that, the most important thing is to play together.

And to kill someone, yes, you have to stun, decrease movement, increase yours (movement is perhaps the most important stat in all pvp games).

If you want damage, protection, and such things, perhaps you’ll like the new PVE feature. That typically what is important in PVE.



I would say to finish that for me, the problem is that interceptor can kill everyone. They should be a Rock-Paper-Scissors system imho.


what i fear is what is going to happend in the future, what do you think will happend when people realise they can chainstun a whole group? few days ago i runt into a group of people that discover this and it was quite stupid as to how they could stun a group of ships while picking them up one by one for like 7-8 seconds, time enought to bring down 3-4 ships using focus fire.


problem here are skills and or weapons that become broken when staking, that is what truly break a game. remember all the rage when jerico frigates where introduced and every match was a  guided torpedo fest? at least guided torpedos could be countered with aml, how are we supouse to counter disable whoring?


jerico interceptor grip is mostly against the invulnerability aswell as the capacity to ignore solid objects. this two things gives them to much utility power, i have seen groups of interceptors rush enemy beacon and when ever they get attacked they just activate the skill giving them time enought to cap said beacon.