did Not recieve t5 blueprint

did not receive the ion emitter blueprint from loot…I had gotten the t5 ion emitter from the purple loot today and it does not show in workshop…it is hard enough to get a blueprint but then not to have it in inventory/workshop… not good…I also reloged to see if it was a glitch, that did not work. if support can fix the issue please do so…thx I have checked in the past few days and I didn’t get the ion emitter as I had said I did get the blueprint in the pve purple loot I checked it twice when I received it… then it did not show to learn in workshop… I would like it replaced by support… and I know how to learn and read blueprints when received…thanks for trying to help guys.

did not receive the ion emitter blueprint from loot…I had gotten the t5 ion emitter from the purple loot today and it does not show in workshop…it is hard enough to get a blueprint but then not to have it in inventory/workshop… not good…I also reloged to see if it was a glitch, that did not work. if support can fix the issue please do so…thx


Is it possible that you simply haven’t clicked the ‘learn’ button under the workshop tab on the Ion Emitter? I believe even if you have the blueprint, that you must choose to learn it. It should show up as a blue (instead of red) icon right next to the learn button.

sure it was not ion diffuser? same thing happened to me, but upon closer inspection my eyes deceived me ._.


you can check for spare copies of blueprints in your warehouse (that you have already learnt)

Offtopic removed.


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Topic title:
Use a topic title which explains the bug with a few words.
(Good: Game crashes when using module “Plasma Arc”. Bad: bug please fix.)

Topic content:

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.
  2. Why do you think this is a bug.
  3. How often does this bug occur.
  4. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug.
  5. Detailed explanation of the bug.(Only if you need to add more information to 1.)
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did not receive the ion emitter blueprint from loot…I had gotten the t5 ion emitter from the purple loot today and it does not show in workshop…it is hard enough to get a blueprint but then not to have it in inventory/workshop… not good…I also reloged to see if it was a glitch, that did not work. if support can fix the issue please do so…thx


I know it’s none of my business, but let me know, if you got your issue sorted and how. :slight_smile: