Did I get scammed?


I don’t quite understand the results of this purchase. In particular I recieved one-of copies of resources of which I already own hundreds of. I went down the list of everything I recieved and I have hundreds of each item and thus it would appear I was awarded a very miniscule amount of salvage trash - as opposed to many many pieces of trash.

If I did not link Star Conflict with my primary steam account I would issue a charge back with my bank. Fortunately for Star Conflict, I would jeopordize several other games and wallet balances should I make that decision. Steam would remove my access from other paid content unrelated to Star Conflict if I issue a charge back on this account. I want to make it clear that although I did not expect stellar results; I didn’t expect to be completely shafted either.

I have felt less fucked when opening 7 cent blue skin in CS:GO when spending $2.50 to open a crate. I was lead to believe there would be an average of one ore per crate and I averaged zero ore per crate. I had reviewed several threads on these forums to arrive to this conclusion and it would appear I was mistaken. This result was worse than the worst possible result I could have imagined. I would like Star Conflict to reconsider offerings like this and determine if they meet customer wants and needs; as I am not so certain customer satisfaction was even a concern. I don’t think you should be fired if you planned this crate and decided what would or could possibly be inside - I truly don’t - but I do think ones education and career would be better served if others were able to help them along or if they were paid to attend an institution of higher learning to study marketing and game design.

Again, I feel like there is no recourse but would like to urge you to reconsider the current offerings available to customers and to re-evaluate whether or not they meet the cutomers needs - and if not, question why such offerings would exist in the first place if they do not correctly address consumers needs. I’m not going to tell you what to put in the crate to spice it up, because that is the fun part. Allow me to grant you the priviledge of redesigning these products to better suit interested parties - let your imagination and affinity for design guide you to offer me and other players a better experience where we can feel satisfied in results.


Aaaaand this is why bundles with randoms drops is a bad idea. I’d rather have a fixed price for an item if I’m going to buy something with real money, so I know what I’m getting.


1 hour ago, SteelCent said:


I don’t quite understand the results of this purchase.


How it works: 

for each container is generated number of tries. Then for each try is randomly selected item from the list above. We don’t know if there is any weight assigned to try. But from what you got it looks like you got 5 containers with 3 tries each. Basically think of this item as “buy a guaranteed one neodium plate for 1350 GS and smile if you get something more”. 

PS. You just missed 40% sale on those containers…

Better spend this gs on a spacial scanner, you will have more rare items than buying those random pack…

If you get a spatial scanner, get the 12-15 and get it during the sales times. Two of them have just gone by! Purchase the GS package enough to get yourself a scanner while the 40% extra sale is on, save your gold now and then purchase your scanner upon the next opportunity you get.

While you wait for your chance to get hold of a spatial scanner, I recommend you get a group together to go blue loot farming - plenty of people will be up to helping you out with parts, especially people who will be able to find the loot spots. As for the bundles, not many people know how they work, I say listen to Niripas on that matter.

Well u just got pranked buddy. Learn from it. Better this than that u buy something worthless for thousands of Dollar, whoch happens often enough.

About spacial scanner, i would not recommend it, unless u enjoy Open Space. IMO Open Space is incredlibly boring, and i can endure it barely for the 15 minutes Mono-Missions each day.

Where is 50% sale? We used to get 50% instead of 40%!

No, you weren’t scammed

3 hours ago, theNoob said:

Well u just got pranked buddy. Learn from it.

This seems to be the common perception. I see many posters suggesting purchasing more items such as a spatial scanner. I appreciate the advice to spend more money after I have been burned although I question the logic or reasoning in doing so right now ( I will read more into the products mentioned). It would be preferential if the responsible staff member could reorganize how these crates work. I thought I would recieve at least 5 rare destroyer parts in addition to the plate. As it is this does not appear to be a very alluring offer and I don’t feel satisfied with the purchase. 

The comments and advice are appreciated, but I would certainly want to know any support I offer the company financially will be used either in my best interests or players best interests in future development. This Rare Destroyer Crate is an inferior product. I would like to see this product offering changed to offer a better consumer experience. It would be great to hear developer insight on the noted issue and what can be done to offer better products to the end customer to ensure they feel as if they recieved value from thier purchase.

That’s a pretty poor result. They probably figured more people would try these bundles because they are only 1350 instead of whatever whole ships cost. Even so, these bundles are generally not very good value

11 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Better spend this gs on a spacial scanner, you will have more rare items than buying those random pack…

That’s a pretty bad idea. Spacial scanner is the WORST way of spending you money. 


I got the r15 scanner and spend at least 20 hours farming intensively those mysterious containers. 

Got only one single enriched beryllium and 3 neodium plates. In 20 hours. For 20 dollars. 

Nah forget spacial scanner. 




Do dailies and play r8/r11 instead. In less then a week without paying a single GS, I got 7 enriched beryllium by farming fire support with a r11 ship WHILE HAVING FUN. 


BTW I did the star marathon for 5 days in a row now. And out of 5 tries, I got every single times the same reward : Craps + 2 raw beryllium. 

Does that mean that star marathon bundle have a fixed reward? 

8 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

That’s a pretty bad idea. Spacial scanner is the WORST way of spending you money. 


I got the r15 scanner and spend at least 20 hours farming intensively those mysterious containers. 

Got only one single enriched beryllium and 3 neodium plates. In 20 hours. For 20 dollars. 

Nah forget spacial scanner. 




Do dailies and play r8/r11 instead. In less then a week without paying a single GS, I got 7 enriched beryllium by farming fire support with a r11 ship WHILE HAVING FUN. 


BTW I did the star marathon for 5 days in a row now. And out of 5 tries, I got every single times the same reward : Craps + 2 raw beryllium. 

Does that mean that star marathon bundle have a fixed reward? 

Mmm that some no luck, i’ve got the r10 one and In 2 hours I found 3 neo plates 2 r15 bl 1 enriched berry and some voucher: 2hours only, but I know it’s completely random…

4 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

That’s a pretty bad idea. Spacial scanner is the WORST way of spending you money. 


I got the r15 scanner and spend at least 20 hours farming intensively those mysterious containers. 

Got only one single enriched beryllium and 3 neodium plates. In 20 hours. For 20 dollars. 

Nah forget spacial scanner. 

You are correct. OS farming with spatial scanner is a slow and random, but yet reliable source of neodium plates, enriched beryllium and other materials and credits. With a lot of time consumed in OS farming you get rich even with no skills. Bundles are more expensive than spatial scanner or farming FS, but easier and faster. It all depends on the player’s taste.


4 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

BTW I did the star marathon for 5 days in a row now. And out of 5 tries, I got every single times the same reward : Craps + 2 raw beryllium. 

Does that mean that star marathon bundle have a fixed reward? 

I don’t think it is a fixed amount. Rank 3 and rank 5 ship parts gives 10 ship parts sometimes.

If anything, the game challenges you more and more as time goes on. These parts shouldn’t be easy to get if I’m honestly speaking, but everyone should have an opportunity to get them evenly.

6 hours ago, ntboble said:

You are correct. OS farming with spatial scanner is a slow and random, but yet reliable source of neodium plates, enriched beryllium and other materials and credits. With a lot of time consumed in OS farming you get rich even with no skills. Bundles are more expensive than spatial scanner or farming FS, but easier and faster. It all depends on the player’s taste.

You get destroyers resources faster in PvP/PVE or even in valuable minerals then by using spacial scanner. So why bother paying it? 

Spacial scanner’s only use is to get blueprints. 

If you want crafting materials, credit, voucher or beryllium / neodium, simply farm PVE 


You get more there and it’s less random. You can even get monocrystal. 

But after 15 run it tend to be too repetitive, and so became boring

1 hour ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

But after 15 run it tend to be too repetitive, and so became boring

More boring then collecting static rocks/mysterious container at the exact same position again and again? 


Nah at least when farming PVE you can change of mission or ship or try new builds.


There’s nothing less fun in SC then farming in OS.