Devs did an outstanding balancing change, let this thread serve as a lesson for new weapons.

Edit 1; Post nerf - TL:DR the gun in question is fine now. Devs hit the right places and didn’t overnerf it. I am really happy now this has made my gameplay experience much better in all tiers !

Still, please be more diligent when you playtest new equipment, its ok for it to be slighly powercreep but never should it be on (pre nerf powerlevel) on live. This time it got fixed fast but press F to pay

respect to my partial loss of sanity.


Thermal energy burner. IS NUTS every rank. WAAY too op. And now all of the dudes running commands like chickens with cut off heads, it drives me nuts.

Damage is outright xxxx high for a fighter.

Why I rage ? I just made a ronin (yai) with plenty of tank and with shield on thermal i get killed in *drumroll* 8-10 sec under fire from a single command with this weapon.

Not to mention the energy burn part. 2018 started out great I really REALLY liked the revamp and more diversity for lower tiers but someone messed up big time to let that wep out

with those stats live.


Also on a side note, I feel like I suck more than I should, I feel like guards are less tanky fighters now.

Crit Dmg and Range is to high, sure


You can mitigate energy burn part by 7-3 implant on your ronin and with 200 Thermal resists it is “kinda” manageable as a way to not die right away. 

I think this rage post is kinda my fault, sorry mutsami!

lower range and (more) spread with range would do

remove crit dam, i tell ya, best solution.

right - g4borg is very probably right, see this recent discussion :  [(Another) Thermal Energy Burner - OP](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35605-another-thermal-energy-burner-op/&tab=comments#comment-416508) 


Again. Energy Burner isn’t op,  it’s meta. Tweak it’s energy drain down by 50-75% and increase spread to a railgun or have it act like a heavy blaster.

On 1/9/2018 at 9:11 PM, DeathWasp said:

I think this rage post is kinda my fault, sorry mutsami!

Its ok buddy, its not just you, alot of other people are using it. Its just my bad luck that whenever I start playing again I get a plot twist.

On 1/10/2018 at 5:47 AM, WolfInnocence said:

Again. Energy Burner isn’t op,  it’s meta. Tweak it’s energy drain down by 50-75% and increase spread to a railgun or have it act like a heavy blaster.

Brother you ever went on the receiving end of one of these ?

On 1/9/2018 at 8:50 PM, xKostyan said:

Crit Dmg and Range is to high, sure


You can mitigate energy burn part by 7-3 implant on your ronin and with 200 Thermal resists it is “kinda” manageable as a way to not die right away. 

At that time my ship wasnt optimized module and implant wise, now its sort of manageable but always when I die in my ronin around 60% of damage is from that weapon.


11 hours ago, mutsami said:

Brother you ever went on the receiving end of one of these ?


I’ve 1v1ed against them. I’m not particularly bothered by being on the receiving end of them.

3 hours ago, WolfInnocence said:


I’ve 1v1ed against them. I’m not particularly bothered by being on the receiving end of them.

Its absolutely and perfectly balanced. Decided to test it in order to better understand how to counter it, to my shock and awe - I played 30 games and lost 2 (TWO) games with this weapon equipped one vs an infamous ruskie ace pilot with a loki (got uptiered) and another vs an ace nasa pilot with a similar setup. Its broken beyond good grief, I regularly get 15+ kills and roll the entire team over, note im not really a good player, just this weapon is bull. Gaijin nerf it pls >pic related, this result can be replicated in ALL tiers (and on that game i could of easily gotten 5-6 more kills). I guess it could be meta now but i get a “dart” vibe for it… the stats are fine-ish nerf the damage by ~10% on max heat and by 5% on normal, also reduce energy burn by 10% and lower range by ~20%.


47 minutes ago, mutsami said:

Its absolutely and perfectly balanced. Decided to test it in order to better understand how to counter it, to my shock and awe - I played 30 games and lost 2 (TWO) games with this weapon equipped one vs an infamous ruskie ace pilot with a loki (got uptiered) and another vs an ace nasa pilot with a similar setup. Its broken beyond good grief, I regularly get 15+ kills and roll the entire team over, note im not really a good player, just this weapon is bull. Gaijin nerf it pls >pic related, this result can be replicated in ALL tiers (and on that game i could of easily gotten 5-6 more kills). I guess it could be meta now but i get a “dart” vibe for it… the stats are fine-ish nerf the damage by ~10% on max heat and by 5% on normal, also reduce energy burn by 10% and lower range by ~20%.



I would just like to point out that I’m a bad player. Bad players who use op weapons become mediocre players. When I play with a max damage setup on the thermal energy burner, I get exactly the same effectiveness as if I was using my Achilles with a Railgun or my Kite with ska’rah. That’s why I don’t get all this hate. I’ve played against and with this gun. I’ve tried to bend it as far as possible. Yet still I’ve never had anything remarkable happen with it. In fact when I hunt aliens I switch to my Phaser simply because the energy burner doesn’t cut it.

1 hour ago, mutsami said:

… the stats are fine-ish nerf the damage by ~10% on max heat and by 5% on normal, also reduce energy burn by 10% and lower range by ~20%. …

What is the difference between max heat and normal heat? Do not understand.

5 minutes ago, avarshina said:

What is the difference between max heat and normal heat? Do not understand.

He probably talks about the increasing DMG if you shoot for longer time.

One ship Object NY18 … this is all you need to kill loki .

On 09/01/2018 at 9:11 PM, DeathWasp said:

I think this rage post is kinda my fault, sorry mutsami!

Hahaha ofc  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


It’s true that this weapon need a nerf, the amount of players using this in pvp is insane, dmg, range, projectile speed… I won’t say nerf the crit since the functionality of this weapon is based on it, but energy drain need to be reduced.

A Waz’got with a Warp Gate would do  exactly the same:  jump on to them cowards and kick their  axx - haha

I’ve dunn it and its neighter rewarding nor good prcatice, but to show them meta-cowards something real is still worth your while ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Never forget, what the devs did to you.

2 hours ago, Oregyen said:

Never forget, what the devs did to you.

what did they do?

On 1/13/2018 at 2:44 AM, Oregyen said:

Never forget, what the devs did to you.

tarkh derp cannon PTSD 2 man spawn farm rip rip *flashback*

edit: after the nerf the weapon is completely fine (unironically) the first shot extra damage is gone and the dispersion is now proper ! Still on the stronger side, but a much needed nerf ! Anyways I’ve been having much higher survivability flying my frigates, and also a much easier time countering enemy commands.Things that are still bugged, some ammo types for the thermal burner display improper projectile speed. Good job devs ! This game is heading for the first time in the general right direction… Pls dont change anything pretty much all combat is enjoyable and much more layered holy moly.