Developer Blog from October 27: New Jericho Destroyer and Halloween

1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well **** me in the *** with a $5 bill. I have half that. Gg devs.

Then you have one month to get 220 mono right ?

Doing daily everyday, for 30 days means 90 mono without license, and 180 with. Add league, and these values increase to 210 without, and 360 with. Still need some ? Loot a few monos per day (you can do easily 4 mono a day with loots), and you’re at 330/480. 

You can also spend iridium on the bundle, and do defiler, to get some mono and sometimes a ship part.

So no, it is possible.

7 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Then you have one month to get 220 mono right ?

Doing daily everyday, for 30 days means 90 mono without license, and 180 with. Add league, and these values increase to 210 without, and 360 with. Still need some ? Loot a few monos per day (you can do easily 4 mono a day with loots), and you’re at 330/480. 

You can also spend iridium on the bundle, and do defiler, to get some mono and sometimes a ship part.

So no, it is possible.

Unfortunately I have a grand total of 45 minutes to play every day unless I sacrifice precious sleep so

Then do dailies with license + a few PvP/Coop fights. You should be able to gather 230-250 mono in a month without much trouble I guess.


I am poor

50 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Unfortunately I have a grand total of 45 minutes to play every day unless I sacrifice precious sleep so

I dont think devs should consider that into these economics desitions. I noticed you managed to get a lot ship parts of nightgale (which actually takes a lot of time)…considering i take less than 20 mins to do OS dailies, you couldve done them with a lot of time to spare ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Don’t understand why there are complaints about things other than Electrum, had months to stockpile for the release and shouldn’t expect the Devs to hand everything on a silver platter. I’m surprised they were so generous to give us double rewards of various resources along the way of the event, enjoying the extra goodies very much ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”)

28 minutes ago, Papitas said:

I dont think devs should consider that into these economics desitions. I noticed you managed to get a lot ship parts of nightgale (which actually takes a lot of time)…considering i take less than 20 mins to do OS dailies, you couldve done them with a lot of time to spare ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I had about 4k GS saved up and threw it at Nightingale without thinking one fateful night.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I had about 4k GS saved up and threw it at Nightingale without thinking one fateful night.

You should have spent them in Brokk or [Insert Fed premium r10 gunship name]. They give a good amount of monocristal.


When I bought my brokk during 40% sale, I also got 250mono

I already have the Stingay and I’m not even about to tackle the Brokk and it’s 600 parts

I got 475 parts for Brokk and I started hating my life months ago when I started playing 20 PvE games/day and barely getting 10 parts,carrying halfway through FS is not even fun anymore,maybe make R13 available for Co-op?Or at least make the star marathon count in there…

On 10/28/2016 at 7:03 AM, xXThunderFlameXx said:

I got 475 parts for Brokk and I started hating my life months ago when I started playing 20 PvE games/day and barely getting 10 parts,carrying halfway through FS is not even fun anymore,maybe make R13 available for Co-op?Or at least make the star marathon count in there…

i think you got a lot there already :confused: most ppl who fly brokk, bought half of it. be glad, it will be over one day, anyway.

i do agree tho, that stuff should drop in any game mode you invest time in, and “play another game mode” missions should be limited to rare events. but you know, we have been telling them that for 3 years now. At least be glad, it drops in pvp. it’s worse with things, that are not dropping in pvp, because for me, PvE, coop, OS, and anything related are simply also just PvE, and boring waste of time, to play it more than once or twice. I rather pay money.

10 minutes ago, g4borg said:

i think you got a lot there already :confused: most ppl who fly brokk, bought half of it. be glad, it will be over one day, anyway.

i do agree tho, that stuff should drop in any game mode you invest time in, and “play another game mode” missions should be limited to rare events. but you know, we have been telling them that for 3 years now. At least be glad, it drops in pvp. it’s worse with things, that are not dropping in pvp, because for me, PvE, coop, OS, and anything related are simply also just PvE, and boring waste of time, to play it more than once or twice. I rather pay money.

Now that I have lived through and farmed *almost* every single part for Brokk I can say it was hell,carrying all those lvl1 synergy nubs,DDs,FROGs(yes,they deserve a special place,in hell)Defts and so many other abominations that call themselves “players”,after soloing thousands of Cruisers and after so many ragequits all of that done in 6 months(didn’t really bother),I’m not going for any other T5 or T4 prem any time soon,but I will after that new Jericho fighter,it looks like a B-2,I want that.

About the way of doing it,yes,PvE isn’t the most entertaining one,but at least you get guaranteed wins.PvP is dynamic but you are counting too much on your team in order to win and we all know how that usually goes,at least in Co-op you have somewhat of a dynamicity and also much higher chances to win,best of both worlds amirite?