Developer blog from November 28th: Game Balanсe

If you’re going to remove the Engineer’s best advantage against other ships at t4+, you could stand to give them something to compensate. Heavy Blasters take too long to warm up, and the only other thing that can hit interceptors in a Frigate is the beam cannon anyway. Interceptors laugh at Positrons and the Coil Mortar and Eclipse launcher can’t shoot at anything that isn’t barreling in head-on.


Or you could nerf ECMs and maybe let Engies be made of something other than cardboard. Relying on another ship to protect me, then having all my modules go down and dying anyway isn’t a great motivator to play a role almost exclusively designed to be a team-player ship.

You don’t even have to change much, just lessen the time that the modules shut me down for. 8 seconds that I can only bring down to 5 with a Mk.4 CPU slot (which some Engies have in very short supply) is almost twice as long as it takes to go from full health to dead while I sit coasting through space with no control over any of my ship’s functions.

Blah play careful and away from sensors so they don’t know your there. Use attack drones to attack enemies who are busy.

Calm down, they are only going Nerf the range of your lazors a bit. You can still attack from 9k away with the drones.

You can still attack from 9k away with the drones.


This  :005j:


Hopefully nerfing the lasers’ range will encourage more close range battles, which is good. It will maybe also increase the use of Positron Cannon, which needs some love because it’s barely used (that doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s still my fav weapon for frigates).