Developer Blog entry from October, 30th. Fleet Strenght, Selling ships and Balance (0.9.9. Update)

As usual, the DevBlog sugar-coats everything with sprinkles and powdered sugar. Until the patch notes come and we find out it’s not actually powdered sugar on there… I’m really hoping it’s not. Come on. Give me a reason to spend some cash on a game that deserves it… Instead of ruining it all the time… Please?


Yeah, really hope this patch isnt cover for stealth nerfs


If this patch is what it seems like, this game might just have a chance

So this is all for patch 0.9.9? 


Corporation dreadnaughts are probably right around the corner. 


Im guessing we are slated for a january release? 

So this is all for patch 0.9.9? 


Corporation dreadnaughts are probably right around the corner. 


Im guessing we are slated for a january release?


There will be a bit more, for detailed information you can read patchnotes (will be availible tomorrow).

Nope, release is going to be quite soon. Corporation content… before that there will be something else.  :002j:

unable to read are you: Phase shield will become more powerful! And I cant swap my DMG-Type in a 1v1 derpderp!

Perhaps don’t solo them unless you got the skill to?

Their overall EHP will drop, making it easier to kill them.

Their job is to guard, so that is what they are good at. Guarding an area and staying alive for as long as possible in that area, but they are slow as hell so you can easily outrun them. The feds have far smaller tank but more speed, it’s quite balanced I’d say.

Perhaps don’t solo them unless you got the skill to?

Their overall EHP will drop, making it easier to kill them.

Their job is to guard, so that is what they are good at. Guarding an area and staying alive for as long as possible in that area, but they are slow as hell so you can easily outrun them. The feds have far smaller tank but more speed, it’s quite balanced I’d say.


You are a lost case. Im sorry Funky. 

If my word isnt enough, maybe ask Kipps or someone of the more skilled pilots…

The issue with Guards being meant to tank is in other games the tanks don’t dish out much damage compared to other classes. In SC, Guards are probably one of the best damage dealers, which means you can’t afford to 1 vs 1 them - even unsupported they can bounce attackers.

Only if you aren’t counter moving his projectiles. Most projectiles are quite easy to evade. Not to mention you could always orbit him so he will at most hit you once very ~10 seconds. Or you know, actually work together with the squad to take him down. If you lose a ship when you are 4 v 1’ing a guard, you failed, hard.

The problem with that theory should be obvious. When it takes four of your ships to kill one guard, their team has three ships roaming uncontested.

And when they can have 2+ Guards sat on the beacons, you have no hope of winning since they’ll have a big enough free-roaming deathball (see above) that you can’t beat them on objectives.

You can beat them 1 v 1, just like any other ship, they just got more tank but less speed than other ships. So you can beat them on objectives by just keeping them from capping or destroying them. Neither of which is too hard. 

Just like tanky engies, they are killable.

I have to raise an issue, unsure if it needs to be a separate thread. 


Why cant we earn an proportionate amount of credits in relation to the score we receive? 


Back on Topic. 


I just hope that the following is resolved: 

  1. MM issues and waiting times

  2. Squads and there MM issues

  3. Small balance tweaks


  5. The darn GS to Free Synergy RATIO!

I have to raise an issue, unsure if it needs to be a separate thread. 


Why cant we earn an proportionate amount of credits in relation to the score we receive? 


We had such a system some time ago, but players with a low score just felt punished and had almost no income.

This patch sounds great on paper, can’t wait to test it in game.


+1 to the devs




I’ll start making elite every t1 ship, pretty easy and fast, and It will be easier than maxing some rank 7 ships for example


I hope this patch don’t come with stealth changes, I like what I read today.

There will be a bit more, for detailed information you can read patchnotes (will be availible tomorrow).

Nope, release is going to be quite soon. Corporation content… before that there will be something else.  :002j:


I’m quoting you to make sure you will read me:


What about selling Premium Ships for X% of their original prize? will the be possible, or we only will be able to sell normal ships? I would like to get rid of some ships that got useless after the mod changes…

Selling ships is okay … but what about Warehouse space…  ANY chance it can be increased?   1100 is for me a bit small considering there may be a few people that HOARD everything MK2, BLUE(MK3) and PURPLE (MK4)…( that they would use )


Has anyone considered if you have people that may have gone through every ship down each Fraction Treeline and now sitting at T5 the amount of equipment they may have have to equip each?     I know I have ships in T5 that are sitting empty because I don’t have SPACE to equip them.    


I am sure folks will say delete the lower Tier mods…   BUT if you at the point you have MK3 and MK4 gear … I would say there would be extreme reluctance. 

Good first step to get players back to playing PvP in T4 and above. It’s going to be a long road though. This is still a net buff against interceptors and fighters from just a patch ago due to massive nerfs to all non-frigates in current patch, and the last time guards were remotely close to being balanced was in 0.9.1 before the sweeping survivability buffs to frigates and nerfs to interceptors.


We’ll see what happens next thursday after this one. If this is the only step, high tier PvP will remain Guard Conflict/World of Guards, a dead realm devoid of people. If devs continue pushing guard frigates in direction of not being the “only correct choice to take when playing to win”, top tiers may have a future.


I remain cautiously optimistic yet sceptical based on previous experience with such balance changes.

Yes, everyone is eagerly awaiting this patch, well aware of how we feel about past patches, thus reluctance is there too. 

We had such a system some time ago, but players with a low score just felt punished and had almost no income.


I have some ideas how it could be introduced on TOP of the current system. But I will make a separate thread. 

So far, so good, I like what I’m reading, the changes sound pretty good. Now all that remains is to see if the matchmaking system is fixed :smiley:

In addition to these features, we have carried out work on balancing the two frigate roles. The"Guard frigate " role is currently slightly unbalanced and in order to resolve the situation, we have introduced a number of changes: shield resistances to all types of damage will be reduced by 30% , but to compensate for this and introduce a greater element of “skill” in piloting the ships of this role, we have increased the special “Phase shield” module’s effectiveness by 50 %.


Just a confirmation: does this reduction apply only to guards, or is it an across-the-board reduction?



I’ll start making elite every t1 ship, pretty easy and fast, and It will be easier than maxing some rank 7 ships for example


I hope this patch don’t come with stealth changes, I like what I read today.


Hopefully, MM would be wise enough not to match a new player against you.

Just a confirmation: does this reduction apply only to guards, or is it an across-the-board reduction?

It’s solely for the Guards. It’s gonna get a LOT tougher to 1v1 them, but ganging on them is gonna be much easier, if you all have different weapons.