Developer Blog entry from May 22nd. Improved voice chat, updated leaderboards and other news!



In today’s post we want to tell you about our past and current lines of development!

As you may remember, some time ago we developed and launched in test mode a new feature called Voice Chat enabled in game settings menu. In time since the start, we have compiled all the feedback from pilots and statistics associated with this aspect of the game. On the basis of this information we made several revisions to voice communication!

At the request of our players we implemented the ability to mute pilots in your blacklist — so if someone bothers you with unnecessary comments, you can always add them to your blacklist directly in combat.

The next important improvement of voice chat is the ability to select the source — now you can choose the device that best suits you. In addition to selecting a device, the game can also adjust the volume for the selected microphone, and then you can check how well you will be heard.

And, of course, another important part of the update is the ability to adjust or mute game sounds when speaking. You can enable this feature and also tune how much it mutes sounds.

This is quite an important update for all of our players — now voice chat has a finished look. With it, players will be able to better coordinate their actions, and it is very important for us to get feedback regarding voice communication. Therefore, once the update goes live — take some time and try it out! And if you need some improvements, we are ready to discuss their implementation!


Next we want to talk about the system of weekly leaderboards , which was added to the game in the previous update. Some of our players said that with the settings that were present in the system at the time of launch, its work could be abused. In this update we have raised the bar for admission to the weekly leaderboards — now they only include pilots fighting in T4 battles and higher. This change is intended to make the ranking is more honest. As well s stimulate some of the players to move up the tier.
In addition to this update, we have added another thing: every player who gets into the top ten of the weekly leaderboards will now receive a unique achievement ’ Cream of the Crop’, emphasizing his skill in battle!

Now we are working on updating the Team Deathmatch mode for more variety of tactical decisions, we are experimenting with the addition of unique artifact amplifiers. (But they will not be presented in this update — we want to hear your comments on the topic)

Thanks to adaptation of Precursor technology , mercenaries now have various amplifiers at their disposal that will be scattered throughout the battlefield and will give different bonuses to the whole team for some time!

We are very interested in your opinion of this feature so please share with us below!

And of course, we continue talking to our players about the upcoming new mode and would like to show you a few characters that may appear in it:


In addition, we would like to tell you about the work on the interface of our Skirmish mode. Now pilots could get more information about each type of battles they may encounter. In addition to that, it also serves as unlock indicator for the modes. Moreover, you can now see the names of all the maps in this mode:


That’s all for today, looking forward to your comments below!

Star Conflict team


Now we are working on updating the Team Deathmatch mode for more variety of tactical decisions, we are experimenting with the addition of unique artifact amplifiers. (But they will not be presented in this update — we want to hear your comments on the topic)

Thanks to adaptation of Precursor technology , mercenaries now have various amplifiers at their disposal that will be scattered throughout the battlefield and will give different bonuses to the whole team for some time!




What kind of Bonuses were you thinking about? Damage, hull and shield resistances? Are they stackable? How often will they appear?

I’m not sure that would be a good idea. If you implement it, keep the bonus low and don’t let them stack. Otherwise, i’m afraid, team deathmatch would become a search the bonus for win match othewise.

For THE LOVE OF GOD please RENAME THE GAME MODES from Capture the Beacons and Beacon Hunt to something else! At least you renamed “Domination” to what it is, but it is still VERY confusing to new players! And Combat Reacon… doesn’t make any sense too.

Find a better name for CtB or Beacon Hunt please… Now is your last chance before you implement it, please at least CONSIDER it!


And nobody cares about voice chat, stop wasting resources on things like that… Anybody that wants to use voice chat will use dedicated application for that with much better quality. Integrated voice chat support is always bad in games and nobody uses it. Rather make content instead, like… MAPS or more variation to game modes!

Yeah, voice chat in a game mostly played by russian and other european people is… well, doomed. Most people won’t speak english if they don’t have to. Many people feel uncomfortable with their accents.


I’m not sure though that the problem that people can’t make a distinction between game modes is related to their names. Some people are simply stupid.



Now we are working on updating the  Team Deathmatch  mode for more variety of tactical decisions, we are experimenting with the addition of  unique artifact amplifiers. (But they will not be presented in this update — we want to hear your comments on the topic)


Uh, this is NOT Mario Cart. 

I give a resounding NO to this idea. Ship roles and compositions give buffs and debuffs. Anything extra you put on the battle field would ruin the point or essense of the main objective of this game mode. 


People want to go after other people. Dangling an “I win buff” but It may cost my team the win is an insult to any gamer that takes this seriously. 

I don’t find the idea that bad. It may make games less repetitive and more fun. If they are significant enough to take care about them to make players change their gameplay for a few moment, this should be fun.

Anyway, I think that it shouldn’t be something to win on the battlefield, but something that come by themselves from time to time.

You shall think also about malus, to have thing like (+10%dmg && -20%speed for 1mn) or (-40%range && +20% speed) or (disabling all actives modules &&  +30resit to hull and shield) …

Reminds me on objective bonuses in Guild Wars, certain objectives in one of the game modes gave you a small bonus to stats if you held them.

I think adding extra “buff points” into TDM will transform it into very similar game mode to Domination or Beacon Hunt (depending on how many and mechanics of buffs) and we already have those, TDM as it is is very straight forward guns blazing mode and i like it this way :smiley:

Dat Empire mistress and Fed fat guy  :lol:  :lol: .

“Thanks to adaptation of  Precursor technology , mercenaries now have various amplifiers at their disposal that will be  scattered throughout the battlefield  and will  give different bonuses to the whole team  for some time!”

The meaning of this is?

I think adding extra “buff points” into TDM will transform it into very similar game mode to Domination or Beacon Hunt (depending on how many and mechanics of buffs) and we already have those, TDM as it is is very straight forward guns blazing mode and i like it this way :smiley:


I like having it clean like this too, but maybe there will be no beacons.

Team Deathmatch is very map-dependent. Some are good for it, some are not. I think the problem with the mode is entirely down to there being no maps made with TDM in mind.

It is quite a static mode, and so it works well when there is large, long sections of cover in the middle of the map that allow for concealed movement. If the centre is open or cover is scarse it devolves into a sedimentary playstyle.

I actually think it is a good idea and am looking forward to the upcoming changes. Also, voice chat is a great possibility for players who usually play solo queue.

Well, i think TDM is a bad mode, as it is. It’s a straightforward shooting mode, which favors the already annoying killing ships.

Team Deathmatch is very map-dependent. Some are good for it, some are not. I think the problem with the mode is entirely down to there being no maps made with TDM in mind.


  1. This … tdm on certain maps are boring and linear.


  1. Powerup cubes in space ? lol. Could be OK but it really gonna depend on what kind of powerups. Heals, Immunes, Instant cooldown reset … sounds fun.


  1. Make ships permanent destroyed in TDM like realistic mode.


That alone would change the game mode more than powerups can.

I will hate this precursor technology stuff. And u better no spawn it at the same place everytime and there should be no pattern or people will just camp at the spawn points, also, if 1 team is getting pushed really far back make sure u spawn power ups on the losing team too and the power ups should spawn quite near the players, i dont want to travel 10k trying to reach it and i dont want the enemy team to have all the power ups if we get pushed to spawn

I love how the two male faces in that picture look like they were shopped in.


Besides that, the amplifiers for TDM sound interesting. It’d probably be a pain in the xxxx to balance, though. And if it isn’t balanced, the winning team’s just gonna win harder.


Oh, and that new interface looks extremely silly as is. Hurray line art!

I like the new ingame miniguides. They relieve a bit of the overwhelming information for new players

I dislike that we are now not able to see how many players are in the queue in a certain tier

  1. Make ships permanent destroyed in TDM like realistic mode.


That alone would change the game mode more than powerups can.


That would make it a last man standing. Which is a different mode altogether.

Is that a bad thing ?

Is that a bad thing ?


Nah, but then it would not improve the TDM but change it to a different mode. If you want to improve TDM, you can’t change it into a different mode. Simple enough i think  :lol: