Developer Blog entry from January, 22th. Synergy, Sector Conquest and HUD



In today’s blog entry, we want to tell you about various improvements we’ve been working on after the New Year. You are going to hear about:

  • Updated synergy gain mechanics for dealing damage
  • Changes in ‘Sector Conquest’ rules
  • Intuitive HUD settings
    As you can see, the changes are very exciting and important, so we’ll try to cover them in as much detail as possible.

Synergy gain

So let’s start with the first item — synergy accumulation. There are several different options for obtaining synergy and efficiency in battle, and the changes we are working on right now, concern effectiveness for the damage you deal. We see that the change is necessary because the current mechanics have a few controversial points:

  • The so-called ‘Kill steals’ — when a player reduces an enemy ship to, say, less than 20% of its total health, the ship could still escape and get finished off by another player. However, the pilot who dealt the bulk of the damage would find himself without a deserved reward. This aspect of the old mechanics did not suit us and many of our pilots.
  • The amount of damage dealt did not affect efficiency and synergy gain at all. The player who inflicted 80% of total damage, but did not destroy the enemy ship, in the old system, received efficiency points only for a brief time (for kill assists).
  • From this follows another difficult moment: new players (and sometimes experienced players, who just acquired a new ship) could get out of the fight with zero efficiency, despite actively participating in battle.
    These three points had a significant impact on the overall gameplay, and that’s why the system has to be improved. After extensive discussions and tests, we have come up with an improved version of the system in relation to damage, with the following changes:

Disabled damage dealing timer
As mentioned earlier, before the update, a player could gain effectiveness points only for a short time after dealing damage to an enemy destroyed by another pilot which counted as a kill assist. In the new system the damage timer was abandoned, and because of this, all damage is now properly counted after the destruction of a ship and attributed to all who participated in the destruction, regardless of where and when the enemy was destroyed.

Consider a simple example: If an enemy ship is taken down 5 minutes after you dealt some damage to it, you still get efficiency points and synergy (even if your own ship was shot down!).

Synergy and efficiency is now charged proportionally to the damage dealt.
In the new system, hull and shield strength are counted together (theoretical 100%), and all damage done is memorized for each of the attackers. If the target fully restores its overall strength, and the attacker deals damage to it again, the resulting damage will not exceed these 100% in calculations. (i.e. you can not get 400% for one enemy simply because he fully recovered several times). Of course, if the damage is done by different attackers, the reward will be given to each of them, in proportion to their ‘contribution’. However, each of them will receive no more than 100% of the damage if the target was ‘difficult’. Conversely, if the target was destroyed by ‘focussing’ and did not have time to recover, all players will receive rewards in proportion to their ‘contribution’ to the result.

However, we do not want to reduce the importance of destroying enemy ships, so the player who inflicted the final damage will receive an additional 50% points of efficiency and synergy of its ‘contribution’ to the destruction of the enemy.

Let us consider an example: You inflicted 20% damage, a pilot from your team dealt another 60% of the damage, but then the enemy fled and partially regained hull and shield strength, and was killed by a third player on your team who dealt 80% of the damage (do not forget that the enemy has recovered!). All players participating in the destruction of enemy ship get efficiency and synergy. It’s simple:

(Example for ships Grade 1)

  • Player 1 will get 20 efficiency points (20% of damage done) and 20 points of synergy
  • Player 2 gets 60 efficiency points (60% of damage done) and 60 points of synergy
  • Player 3 receives 120 efficiency points (80% + of the damage plus bonus from this number, 50%) and also 120 points of synergy.
    Synergy will be awarded to each player individually, depending on the rank of the ship and personal player bonuses, but following the same proportions as the efficiency.

In this form, the system will solve all of the controversial issues: beginners and those just bought a new ship will be able to obtain synergy and efficiency, veterans dealing major damage will not experience a feeling of dissatisfaction, when the enemy they hit hard gets destroyed by someone else.

We understand that in the new system applying 100% of the damage will be less frequent, so we plan to increase the total amount of synergy and effectiveness awarded for the destruction of enemy ships and assists.

We want to point out that the system will be rolled out in test mode, so in the future, some changes may be made. We will continue to work with it and will constantly monitor your feedback!

Changes in the rules of ‘Sector conquest’

Now let’s turn to the second part — the changes in the rules of ‘Sector Conquest’. After updating this mode, we are closely monitoring all the major events and the tactics used by pilots. At this point, it’s clear that execution of combat mission is not as effective as simple destruction of enemy ships. In addition, the losing side receives no incentive to continue trying to win.

It was therefore necessary to modify the rules to make them more interesting for all players in ‘Sector Conquest’. Changes will be small, but important — now, each and every captured beacon will give the team 1 point of influence. As you remember, each map has 6 beacons, three of them belong to your team, three — to the enemy. Thus, the most successful fight will bring every pilot 6 points of influence, but there is an interesting caveat — if the losing team captures one of the winners’ beacons, then they too will receive their reward in influence points!

Let’s look at an example:  One team captured the enemy’s two beacons, but all of their ships were destroyed (technical defeat). Previously, this team lost completely without getting a single point of influence, but with the new rules, the team will still receive two points of influence for those beacons that they captured. And the winners who failed to protect their two beacon get 4 points of influence (3 for the enemy’s beacons and 1 for their own remaining beacon).

Such a small change will allow our players to earn influence points and make ‘Sector Conquest’ more fun!

Again, after we apply this update, we will continue to closely monitor all incoming information and further improve this mode!

Intuitive settings for HUD.

Finally we get to the last point of our blog: combat interface. After the introduction of improved HUD settings, many of our pilots noted that it lacks clarity. And today we want to note that the work on this feature is almost complete, and final testing is well underway.

That’s right, in the 0.9.15 update you will see fully visual customization options for your HUD. How is it going to look? See below!

As you can see, now you can always get a clear idea of what each setting affects and how your HUD is going to look!

This concludes today’s blog, and as always, we are looking forward to your comments!

Star Conflict team.

:good:  :good:  :good:

Sounds awesome. I’m assuming the amount of synergy given for a kill still remains the same as it is currently, it’s just distributed differently? So getting a 100% damage done + 50% bonus would be the worth the same as getting the kill is now?


Also, thanks for finally posting the English announcement at the same time as the Russian one.

Love the new hud settings, and changes to SC and sinergy are good too, good job.


So, after this… is actual new content coming any closer to release?

wow, these are some excellent changes. Im looking forward to the patch, thanks for the good work.


People will probably find a way to abuse the new synergy system, we’ll see how much of a problem it will be. but no matter what, its going to be an improvement over the old system.

How are Buff and Debuff bonuses affected by this? Are they still a flat bonus, or based on the amount of damage that the buffed ship inflicted / target suffered after the debuff applied?


I’m not convinced the Sector Conquest change is enough to be called a fix - all it seems to do is encourage the losing side to perform a desperation base-race, which will likely end in them being blown apart.


Perhaps SQ needs a similar system to the proposed kill/assist change; your influence is determined by your performance in game, with the winning team getting a bonus. This would mean that even if your team is losing, it’s worth trying to grab 1-2 more kills before the end and thus improve your faction’s end score (and possibly lessen the enemy score).

Sounds awesome. I’m assuming the amount of synergy given for a kill still remains the same as it is currently, it’s just distributed differently? So getting a 100% damage done + 50% bonus would be the worth the same as getting the kill is now?


Also, thanks for finally posting the English announcement at the same time as the Russian one.

According to their tests we are going to have higher synergy gains and efficiency gains in total.



Changes in the rules of ‘Sector conquest’

Are we going to see Recon/ECM rushes from teams that lost hope of wining on Loading screen?

No more killstealing. Ohwait, that’s still gonna happen if the one that kills still gets a massive point boost.


Disabling the damage timer might be a bad idea… Does the current “last damage dealt by” rule still apply in this new setup?


INCENTIVES FOR LOSING! Sure, why not, it already happens everywhere else…


Now… are those HUD options REALLY going to be implemented or are they going to be like the last patch in which you removed any and all option for incoming damage whilst saying you were gonna add an option to have it on or off?

btw, with no timer on dmg dealing, does it mean you can not “leave” the ship any-more without granting a kill to the enemy?

btw, with no timer on dmg dealing, does it mean you can not “leave” the ship any-more without granting a kill to the enemy?

Yes :smiley:

How are Buff and Debuff bonuses affected by this? Are they still a flat bonus, or based on the amount of damage that the buffed ship inflicted / target suffered after the debuff applied?


I’m not convinced the Sector Conquest change is enough to be called a fix - all it seems to do is encourage the losing side to perform a desperation base-race, which will likely end in them being blown apart.


Perhaps SQ needs a similar system to the proposed kill/assist change; your influence is determined by your performance in game, with the winning team getting a bonus. This would mean that even if your team is losing, it’s worth trying to grab 1-2 more kills before the end and thus improve your faction’s end score (and possibly lessen the enemy score).

Buffs remain the same, the change only concerns damage dealt.

Yes, this is also one of the intentions behind the change - so that even losing side may get a chance on gaining influence points. (and not just sit and watch how your team is loosing completely, like it is now).

btw, with no timer on dmg dealing, does it mean you can not “leave” the ship any-more without granting a kill to the enemy?

Yes, but in this respect it is the same as before.

One more thing: if you have damaged an enemy, and your ship got destroyed, this ship will still get the synergy for this damage, as soon as this enemy is shot down.

No more killstealing. Ohwait, that’s still gonna happen if the one that kills still gets a massive point boost.


Now… are those HUD options REALLY going to be implemented or are they going to be like the last patch in which you removed any and all option for incoming damage whilst saying you were gonna add an option to have it on or off?

It is not that massive as you are trying to picture it. Imagine a situation: you have shot down a ship with 20% of its ehp left. You will get 20 pts + 10 pts more for killing. (+50% bonus to the damage you’ve dealt)

Yes, but in this respect it is the same as before.

One more thing: if you have damaged an enemy, and your ship got destroyed, this ship will still get the synergy for this damage, as soon as this enemy is shot down.


I think Kostyan is more alluding to people who run off and suicide to escape losing DSR. Is this still a thing? Or will just taking damage tag your ship indefinitely, thus you lose DSR when suiciding off in a corner after the timer has worn off?

I think Kostyan is more alluding to people who run off and suicide to escape losing DSR. Is this still a thing? Or will just taking damage tag your ship indefinitely, thus you lose DSR when suiciding off in a corner after the timer has worn off?


Short example - Bob gets damaged and then receive no dmg in next 60 seconds, Bob self destructs the ship

a) Will pilots that did dmg to Bob receive synergy? efficiency? assists/kills?

b) will enemy team get a point for Bobs death i.e. Domination or Combat Recon modes?

c) will Bob lose any Skill Rating?

It is not that massive as you are trying to picture it. Imagine a situation: you have shot down a ship with 20% of its ehp left. You will get 20 pts + 10 pts more for killing. (+50% bonus to the damage you’ve dealt)

I see. So they still get less points than the guy that did 80% of the damage. But the thing is, the kill still counts towards their SR and kill count. Will this be changed or will SR still be applied in the same mechanics we have now?


And the HUD? Will it be a repeat of last time?


I think Kostyan is more alluding to people who run off and suicide to escape losing DSR. Is this still a thing? Or will just taking damage tag your ship indefinitely, thus you lose DSR when suiciding off in a corner after the timer has worn off?

I hope it’s like this. Otherwise, people like ESB will just continue to self-destruct.

I think Kostyan is more alluding to people who run off and suicide to escape losing DSR. Is this still a thing? Or will just taking damage tag your ship indefinitely, thus you lose DSR when suiciding off in a corner after the timer has worn off?

Let’s look at this on example:

A pilot flies off with suicide module, you shoot at him somewhere in the middle, whenever (even after 5 minutes) he dies, he will loose some points and you will get some, as you have participated in his destruction (and should you be the last one to damage him, he will be ‘killed’ by you) .



Short example - Bob gets damaged and then receive no dmg in next 60 seconds, Bob self destructs the ship

a) Will pilots that did dmg to Bob receive synergy? efficiency? assists/kills?

b) will enemy team get a point for Bobs death i.e. Domination or Combat Recon modes?

c) will Bob lose any Skill Rating?

a) Yes.

b) Yes.

c) Yes.

Let’s look at this on example:

A pilot flies off with suicide module, you shoot at him somewhere in the middle, whenever (even after 5 minutes) he dies, he will loose some points and you will get some, as you have participated in his destruction (and should you be the last one to damage him, he will be ‘killed’ by you) .


Short example - Bob gets damaged and then receive no dmg in next 60 seconds, Bob self destructs the ship

a) Will pilots that did dmg to Bob receive synergy? efficiency? assists/kills?

b) will enemy team get a point for Bobs death i.e. Domination or Combat Recon modes?

c) will Bob lose any Skill Rating?

a) Yes.

b) Yes.

c) Yes.


Let’s look at this on example:

A pilot flies off with suicide module, you shoout him somewhere in the middle, whenever (even after 5 minutes) he dies, he will loose some points and you will get some, as you have participated in his destruction (and should you be the last one to damage him, he will be ‘killed’ by you)

Alright. Well, that sucks. Understandable, but still… I mean, if there isn’t an Engineer on the team, we often self-destruct just to repair the ship. So now we can’t do that. I’m betting a LOT more people are just gonna fly willy-nilly, not doing much.

And the HUD? Will it be a repeat of last time?

We are quite positive on that it will be tested by 0.9.15. Thus, it will be added tomorrow.