Destroyers: Of overnerfs, unwanted changes and non-existent buffs

To preface this thread I’m going to say a few things: this is a semi-rant of the overall state of destroyers in the game. If you are one of the whining morons who can’t tolerate destroyers being a properly balanced and playable class or dislike venting/rants then tab out, close the page and forget this thread existed. 


Destroyers as they are currently in the game are worthless. They can’t survive 20 seconds of moderate damage intake, they cost massive amounts of credits to repair, they take standards to fit out now and take forever and a year to respawn. This shouldn’t be classified as balanced. Destroyers or the proper class name “suppressors” are supposed to be able to dish out and take damage by the truck load - but with the recent overnerfs they have become almost unplayable altogether with my brief expedition back into PvP earlier today I found that not only are the majority of destroyers now useless in PvE, but also PvP (still). Destroyers overall I saw as appealing as they were another class I could use with my high ping and players with a lower ping didn’t have a significant advantage over me if they were to use the same class.


So just what changes made this class so bad?

The missile slot nerf of 1.4.9

Destroyer to Destroyer combat alone (excluding the glorious manouvers federation destroyers could pull off in the past) depended solely on the management of energy and your secondary slot. The static shield was (before 1.4.9) only viable as during dogfights you could replace the destroyed barrier moments after the first was shut down by your opponents, encouraging constant changing in positions and close range destroyed brawls/ambushes.


The ever growing bonus damage field

This field killed off destroyers almost completely when it first came out, as covert ops ships, the class renowned for already being overly effective at neutering destroyers could slaughter them with ease after the change, and any other class simply had to close range enemy destroyers to being eliminating them with ease. As of the time of this post, the field is sitting at 1250m wide, 500m wider than first stated and with none of the expansions of this field of bulls**t being listed in patch notes ever.


The constant mobility nerfs to all destroyers

Destroyer mobility was fine as it was before these nerfs hit over and over, yet mobility has been nerfed over and over for destroyers. Now despite the federation destroyers being hit hardest by these nerfs, both Jericho and Empire destroyers have suffered since these began rolling out. Now excuse me if any numbers or information is incorrect through this part as these nerfs have been rolling out for a long time now. If memory serves, my Sibyl could formerly hit 195m/s, which at the time was perfect. It was a good number for dodging halo launcher idiots in PvP, catching up to cargo ships in PvE and manoeuvring in Open Space. Now whilst using the Jericho capacitor Sibyl barely hits 147m/s, which as a destroyer main this loss was gigantic. Halos became undodgeable, the only way to effectively catch up to cargo ships was via the wormhole projector and Open space became nightmarish trying to navigate 20km long sectors.- and this was just from my view as a Jericho destroyer pilot.


Module/Weapon acquisition

Although I wasn’t able to play the game when the trade patch which implemented this idiotic change, I can without a doubt say this change was one of the worst changes made so far, and in terms of progression made destroyers a money pit and nothing more. Rare components of formerly essential modules frequently exceed 2000 standards and are rarely even listed when you want to go buy them. The grind for components themselves is stupendous as components and blueprints are rarely ever, if at all in the same cache rotation which then coupled with the limited amount of Iridium you can receive a day, the grind becomes unbearable. If the developers want destroyers to exist as a class - this change needs to be rolled back and owners of rare components given compensation.


Destroyers overall need to be rolled back and reworked. The bonus damage field makes destroyers more fragile than a harpy given the low manoeuvrability and gigantic hitbox, module acquisition changes that came with the “trade” system made properly fitting a destroyer nigh impossible and forced the g’thar’du and halo launcher to become more meta than ever before in public PvP and the manoeuvrability nerfs should never have happened to begin with. The only faction that should have received this nerf was the federation, instead now Jericho and Empire destroyers are literal floating bricks and Fed destroyers have the movement of Jericho destroyers before the nerfs. Of course however all of these thoughts are from a solo pilot who rarely squads for PvP - so yes I will acknowledge a waz’got can make a destroyer tank damage as if the bonus damage field never existed, but this is still unfair towards public players.

This needs to change.

Remove the extra damage up close, bring repair costs and respawn times as well as warp speed back to standard ship levels.

But keep the mobility and static barrier nerfs.

That’s what I would like to see.


The destruction of modules should also deal thermal damage, so that resists do affect it.


I have been playing for 2 years now  … I left Star Trek online  in a rage quit erasing my main account and all my alt accounts  so I couldn’t go back even if I wanted to over  nerfs , lag , and server instability in general … I liked this game  2 years ago because of  the lag free play and the server stability . I didn’t get my first destroyer for a year and I liked it a lot then the age of destroyers was over and the age of nerfs began … I remember the $1,000’s that it took to get the rank 14 destroyers in the 30 day window you had to make one … If I remember right the last destroyer hadn’t even come out before they gave Elly (The Thar’Ga) faction a double damage bonus to kill destroyers faster . that changed into the free for all damage bonus  for the 750 meter x3 damage … Then came the speed bonus nerf for destroyers soon to follow  the speed nerf to everything else in the game … So lets recap … Big , long awaited release of rank 14 destroyers that sold $10,000’s then a uber nerf , Big , long awaited release of Elly faction (Thar’Ga) that sold $10,000’s then a uber nerf … Is any one seeing a pattern here ? I voted yes to make the destroyers  , destroyers again but  I have  0% hope that it will happen. I truly believe that this game will go the way of moon breakers. This game uber expensive for what it was in the first place but at least the Russians got some semblance of their monies worth out of it . Now even the Russians have been xxxx*ked royally by this greedy money pit of a cosmic joke . So what more can I say … Bring back the destroyers glory again .(Not going to happen) Bring balance to PVE and  Co–Op . (Not going to happen) Bring balance and a functioning MM to PVP (Not going to happen) Bring a trade system that works (Not going to happen) bring back…(Not going to happen) fix all the …(Not going to happen) make the game fun again .(Not going to happen) …(Not going to happen) (Not going to happen) (Not going to happen) … ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)




10 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

To preface this thread I’m going to say a few things: this is a semi-rant of the overall state of destroyers in the game. If you are one of the whining morons who can’t tolerate destroyers being a properly balanced and playable class or dislike venting/rants then tab out, close the page and forget this thread existed. 


Destroyers as they are currently in the game are worthless. They can’t survive 20 seconds of moderate damage intake, they cost massive amounts of credits to repair, they take standards to fit out now and take forever and a year to respawn …


The missile slot nerf of 1.4.9

Destroyer to Destroyer combat …


The ever growing bonus damage field

… the field is sitting at 1250m wide, 500m wider than first stated and with none of the expansions of this field of bulls**t being listed in patch notes ever.


The constant mobility nerfs to all destroyers

…mobility has been nerfed over and over for destroyers…


Module/Weapon acquisition

…trade patch… the grind becomes unbearable…


Destroyers overall need to be rolled back and reworked … yes I will acknowledge a waz’got can make a destroyer tank damage as if the bonus damage field never existed, but this is still unfair towards public players.

This needs to change.



2 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

… they gave Elly (The Thar’Ga) faction a double damage bonus to kill destroyers faster . that changed into the free for all damage bonus  for the 750 meter x3 damage … Then came the speed bonus nerf for destroyers soon to follow  the speed nerf to everything else in the game …

exactly – my thoughts go this way: they designed the destroyer class a bit too much in the direction of the games paradigm: main gun crosshairs damage orientation (like: bigger frigates like bigger gunships, like bigger interceptors)



Destroyers overall need to be rolled back and reworked:

  • let rework attempt come into lore/story, say dessy-repair material falls short (electrum,neodium,beryllium)
  • remove the extra damage up close
  • keep repair costs, warp speed, and respawn times high
  • keep the mobility and static barrier nerf
  • buff Wormhole projector (charge module for km per min, rather than fixed distance, with max of 20-30km) for Open Space travel and map positioning
  • lessen main guns raw (focussed) damge output (against other ship classes)
  • lessen active module raw damage output (against other ship classes)
  • give plus 2 active module slots for more tactical play

5 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

I have been playing for 2 years now  … I left Star Trek online  in a rage quit erasing my main account and all my alt accounts  so I couldn’t go back even if I wanted to over  nerfs , lag , and server instability in general … I liked this game  2 years ago because of  the lag free play and the server stability . I didn’t get my first destroyer for a year and I liked it a lot then the age of destroyers was over and the age of nerfs began … I remember the $1,000’s that it took to get the rank 14 destroyers in the 30 day window you had to make one … If I remember right the last destroyer hadn’t even come out before they gave Elly (The Thar’Ga) faction a double damage bonus to kill destroyers faster . that changed into the free for all damage bonus  for the 750 meter x3 damage … Then came the speed bonus nerf for destroyers soon to follow  the speed nerf to everything else in the game … So lets recap … Big , long awaited release of rank 14 destroyers that sold $10,000’s then a uber nerf , Big , long awaited release of Elly faction (Thar’Ga) that sold $10,000’s then a uber nerf … Is any one seeing a pattern here ? I voted yes to make the destroyers  , destroyers again but  I have  0% hope that it will happen. I truly believe that this game will go the way of moon breakers. This game uber expensive for what it was in the first place but at least the Russians got some semblance of their monies worth out of it . Now even the Russians have been xxxx*ked royally by this greedy money pit of a cosmic joke . So what more can I say … Bring back the destroyers glory again .(Not going to happen) Bring balance to PVE and  Co–Op . (Not going to happen) Bring balance and a functioning MM to PVP (Not going to happen) Bring a trade system that works (Not going to happen) bring back…(Not going to happen) fix all the …(Not going to happen) make the game fun again .(Not going to happen) …(Not going to happen) (Not going to happen) (Not going to happen) … ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)

so true : (

16 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

The missile slot nerf of 1.4.9

Destroyer to Destroyer combat alone (excluding the glorious manouvers federation destroyers could pull off in the past) depended solely on the management of energy and your secondary slot. The static shield was (before 1.4.9) only viable as during dogfights you could replace the destroyed barrier moments after the first was shut down by your opponents, encouraging constant changing in positions and close range destroyed brawls/ambushes.

Thats exactly what made destroyers battles (1vs1) so long and boring, with a single meta: use halo and spam photon. I tried many times to do something different using fed destroyers to get into “blind spots” and avoid those static shields…with poor success. The other way was way easier and more effective. Im glad they finally made that nerf, sadly i stopped playing before it got applied.


I would remove the area dmg and decrease overall survability, while regaining lost mobility.

1 hour ago, Papitas said:

I would remove the area dmg and decrease overall survability, while regaining lost mobility.


Perhaps this could be the possible approach to fixing the minor issues with destros atm.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:


Perhaps this could be the possible approach to fixing the minor issues with destros atm.


Dessy have been overnerfed and  dessy haters still want to nerf them even more… 

12 hours ago, avarshina said:

  • buff Wormhole projector (charge module for km per min, rather than fixed distance, with max of 20-30km) for Open Space travel and map positioning

Although this would be nice in the grand scheme of things, the projector itself would still be nigh unobtainable to free players thanks to the botched trade focused acquisition.

11 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Although this would be nice in the grand scheme of things, the projector itself would still be nigh unobtainable to free players thanks to the botched trade focused acquisition.

Yes, you’re right, didn’t though of it. Maybe it could be given for free (as a come towards aproach for Open Space support)?

i would like to point out that destroyer just got a HUGE buff , now being able to have 9 modifier at rank 8 rather than 6 , and 9 at rank 11 rather than 8… 



2 minutes ago, dreamer78 said:

i would like to point out that destroyer just got a HUGE buff , now being able to have 9 modifier at rank 8 rather than 6 , and 9 at rank 11 rather than 8… 


Yes. Considering how hard it is to get the best equipments for the destroyers now it was a pleasing move from devs.

yeah noticed that from the dev blog. But unfortunately the credit gains are dripping and credits running through the fingers like sand these days…