Destroyer's engines and certain angles counts as radar blocking obstacles!

Bug report:



What happened?

Destroyer positioning of the ship or/and the (moving) modules, including the engines on top of the ship, can sometimes block sensors and prevent you from spotting any ship at all.

This can happen with other regular ships as well, not just on Destroyers. Bottom video, timer: 0:02-0:03.


What should have happened?

Sensors or radar should not get blocked under any circumstances, such as positioning, moving and rotating Destroyer modules, or just by facing engine section towards the enemy.


Possible affected objects or modules:

  • Destroyer modules that require constant tracking/locking

  • Repair Drones (will stop repairing or will just be visible but will not repair damaged hull)

  • Looting (collecting a container might suddenly stop or fail)




As you can see, this can happen on other ships as well, not just Destroyers. For a split second, the Guard lost the sight of a Destroyer. Check the timer: 0:02-0:03.



[2018.04.21](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16734)


[2018.04.22](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16744)

This bug makes certain modules like the Tyrant’s Warp Reflector or the Vigilant’s  Beam Destructor impossible to operate, since the probability of having one of your own modules in the line of sight is high.

It also blocks all LoS effects from or to the destroyer. It stops repair drones from healing, and interrupts locking, looting, and incoming constant effects.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

It also blocks all LoS effects from or to the destroyer. It stops repair drones from healing, and interrupts locking, looting, and incoming constant effects.

Be more specific. Name them, and post them here.

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Be more specific. Name them, and post them here.

Warp reflector

Warp stream detector

All tackler debuffs

Most ECM debuffs

Any autonomous drone repairs

Heavy repair drones

Cancels locks

Prevents looting items Open Space



Literally anything that requires Line Of Sight to work will be blocked by the destroyer’s engines and modules.