Destroyers Droid for item pickups

We need droid for destroyers on missile slot, but no passive attacking droid. Just for purpose for pick up loot in open space.

I think that is very needed. ASAP  :005j:

Destroyers have low maneuverability, speed and big fuel consumption.

Every ship is faster then destroyers.

12 slots, but i can’t loot because of faster ships flying around loot.


Some type of specs:

Looting droid, range of max 2000m, max speed 300m/s.


Support this idea, if you think we need this.


:006j:  :006j:  :006j:



Also destroyers need a massive cargo bay too. Like a YUGE one.




Rofl. Supporting this idea btw!

This would pair nicely with the Mining Laser turret that was suggested a while ago.


+1 to this.

300m are a joke with placing the ‘lootscanner’ in the middle of a 200m+ long ship…

Especially if you make it strange to handle.

Nice idea but I wouldn’t want to loose the ability to place shields in open space. I’d suggest second missile slot for this.


Plus one

+1 to this.

300m are a joke with placing the ‘lootscanner’ in the middle of a 200m+ long ship…

Especially if you make it strange to handle.

yep :smiley: i know the pain :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice idea but I wouldn’t want to loose the ability to place shields in open space. I’d suggest second missile slot for this.

yea you got the point here, but they wont give us 2 missle slots :confused:



Destroyers has advantage and disadvantage as well. Don’t turn the destroyer into an auto-aim resource harvester.
I you like to pick up the containers fast, take another ship, or squad up with friends, and loot together.

I know several groups who is doing like that. 1-2 inti 1 engi and 1 destro farming together.

+1 for gizmo too



Destroyers has advantage and disadvantage as well. Don’t turn the destroyer into an auto-aim resource harvester.

I you like to pick up the containers fast, take another ship, or squad up with friends, and loot together.

I know several groups who is doing like that. 1-2 inti 1 engi and 1 destro farming together.


auto aim? nope you have to locate within the range and send droid for loot. We all dont have friend to play in group :stuck_out_tongue:

… squad up with friends, and loot together.





…friends, and loot together.





loot together.

Doesn’t compute for Star Conflict :’(


EDIT: ‘one for all and all for one’ doesn’t apply to SCon when it comes to assets

auto aim? nope you have to locate within the range and send droid for loot. We all dont have friend to play in group :stuck_out_tongue:

The destro itself has auto-aim turrets. Don’t be lazy go there and pick it up, or get friends/corpmates.

How did you imagined? Sitting in the NPC spawn, shoot them, and send the drones to pick it up? So you would like to farm synergy credit and resources without using WASD? NO!

The destro itself has auto-aim turrets. Don’t be lazy go there and pick it up, or get friends/corpmates.

How did you imagined? Sitting in the NPC spawn, shoot them, and send the drones to pick it up? So you would like to farm synergy credit and resources without using WASD? NO!

thats your opinion here is many that like this idea, you dont. we dont need to get in big discussion.

and for the record (destroyer against grouped NPCs same rank or stronger, it’s like playing with big stick nothing else) and i dont care for loot of hunters, cartels or etc. i care for minerals that i can’t loot because of faster ships. and discussion over.

thats your opinion here is many that like this idea, you dont. we dont need to get in big discussion.

and for the record (destroyer against grouped NPCs same rank or stronger, it’s like playing with big stick nothing else) and i dont care for loot of hunters, cartels or etc. i care for minerals that i can’t loot because of faster ships. and discussion over.

Use faster ship yourself for looting minerals than?

Use faster ship yourself for looting minerals than?
