Destroyers and T5

Just a bunch of no skillz people complaining about things they downt understand, yawn…

10 hours ago, AdamWest said:

Honestly, First time I have seen you wrong.  I normally always agree with you. Aim assist will only perfectly aim where the target path was when you fired.   Thus, if you are 4-5K away with a gauss shot at 5000ms and the target turns like i did while going 545ms.  Your gauss projectile will miss every time.  As aim assist helps with the path the target was going.  Thus, from range all the variables in this instance a laser would have a large advantage with the assumption that the player had good aim.

16 hours ago, Papitas said:

BTW: i dont see that laser as an easier weapon to hit any target, it lacks aim assist…and in mid/long ranges aim assist can really provide a huge advantage if the proyectile speed is fast enough. Basically its a dot vs the leading circle; the 2nd one is much bigger, thus easier to hit when the lead circle is bigger than the ship hitbox (and proy speed/dodging variables). *[Underline added]*

Ceptors at that range while going fast and actively dodging are often safe from almost any proyectile weapon. My point was for cases where proyectile speed is fast enough and the target is not dodging fast enough (i guess i missed the distance variable): those cases where aiming properly at the lead circle will do land a hit.


Another crybaby - destroyers are so op. But what about covies? Small agail hard to hit ships, with small guns and reactor doing insane damage? When you kill others in that is ok and no op but when you hit obstacle that you can’t kill in few shots is op. Covies should be ships to dogfight another ceptors but you use to kill destroyers with ease and now you have problem.


19 hours ago, AdamWest said:

you act as if its not a big deal!!!

I said “I’m not saying it’s not OP.” I also said destroyers are trouble in PvP but whatever.

Maybe they could change the laser to work like the Phaser, so you still have beams, but they take a certain time to travel. Maybe they could pass through targets much like Phaser too to give it a buff with the nerf.

7 hours ago, FilthHound said:

I said “I’m not saying it’s not OP.” I also said destroyers are trouble in PvP but whatever.

Maybe they could change the laser to work like the Phaser, so you still have beams, but they take a certain time to travel. Maybe they could pass through targets much like Phaser too to give it a buff with the nerf.

that would lead to ping issues. With high ping theres a big difference between instant hit (hit-track/laser) and 9999999999999999ms proyectile speed.

8 hours ago, lordanpu said:

Another crybaby - destroyers are so op. But what about covies? Small agail hard to hit ships, with small guns and reactor doing insane damage? When you kill others in that is ok and no op but when you hit obstacle that you can’t kill in few shots is op. Covies should be ships to dogfight another ceptors but you use to kill destroyers with ease and now you have problem.



The only people complaining about destroyers are the crybabies that cannot live with the fact that their OP-Inties are no longer OP. Shooting 20 nubs in one T3 game suddenly does not work any more cuz nubs fly destros.

“Oh i am not at top synergy rank every time any more, soo unfair!”

Again: the issue is NOT that destroyers dont die or that we cant “farm” them. The problem is, that they are far too useful. Take a mezon fed destroyer for instance. It will go faster than most fighters, deal more damage than a lrf, have more hitpoints than every guard and it will be able to perform beacon denial with a single button. Yes, that ship is killable and vulnerable to focus fire. But every ship is weak to focus fire. Now what happens if you are in a fighter? You wont be able to run. And killing it will take a lot of concentration, perfect timing of your modules and a lot of time. The fight will be much easier for the destroyer. He will have superior speed, damage and other defensive modules at his disposal. A decent team of destroyers will also cover its temates.

Point being, that destroyers are not just different. They are simply superior to many types of ships. Destroyers combine too much power with too few drawbacks.

That is at least my humble opinion on them. Mind you, I am not just jelly, as I fly destroyers myself.

34 minutes ago, theNoob said:

The only people complaining about destroyers are the crybabies that cannot live with the fact that their OP-Inties are no longer OP. Shooting 20 nubs in one T3 game suddenly does not work any more cuz nubs fly destros.

Hello there. I play mostly frigates, hardly ever interceptors, rank 12 and above almost without exception, and I have all of the Jericho destroyers. I’m a little concerned about how the devs are destroying gameplay and mechanics between various ship classes.

There is now another heavy ship class that can potentially move over twice as fast as my typical frigate, can teleport around, has durability of several guard frigates (and potentially infinitely more due to spammable static barriers that make them immune to half of the weapons), and has firepower of several long range frigates. The last advantage that frigates have is precision of their weapons, but that is now gone too with the addition of Vacuum Resonance Laser for Vigilant.

This cannot be justified in any gameplay terms.

5 minutes ago, Vohvelielain said:

Hello there. I play mostly frigates, hardly ever interceptors, rank 12 and above almost without exception, and I have all of the Jericho destroyers. I’m a little concerned about how the devs are destroying gameplay and mechanics between various ship classes.

There is now another heavy ship class that can potentially move over twice as fast as my typical frigate, can teleport around, has durability of several guard frigates (and potentially infinitely more due to spammable static barriers that make them immune to half of the weapons), and has firepower of several long range frigates. The last advantage that frigates have is precision of their weapons, but that is now gone too with the addition of Vacuum Resonance Laser for Vigilant.

This cannot be justified in any gameplay terms.

The big disadvantage of destoyers is their bad manoverability. The controls are different for destros, making it much harder to control them. They can barely strafe and are very cumbersome. Most players will not have the skill to play a destroyer effectively. Unless in the hands of a very skilled pilot, a desto is very likely to end up in a mess ,because it flew right into the enemy or fails to retreat in time. Dont forget that you have to control the movement of the destro, the position of the shield and the weapons. 90% of players will therefore be unable to get the full potential out of it.

The destros on the other hand are good against typical tactics like surpise attacks from camo, surpirse attacks from overdrive gunships, and surprise attacks with doomsday missiles, in short, boring stuff thats annoying and only fun for one player. Destros give normal players a fair chance to participate meaningful in a game.

The real problem was, that there were enough games where one player had like 20 kills and the rest of the players 4 together. This player with the 20 kills is inevitable playing CovOps, gunship or Long Range. Such games are just stupid. With destros, these high damage ships are unable to dominate the game any longer to  such an extent, and thats a great thing! 


I said all of this when destroyers came out in rank 8 a year ago. And NuclearHail said it when they were still on the test server. Why is everyone just suddenly clueing into it now? After witnessing what happened to t3 and t4 after destroyers, I am not surprised at all about how t5 destroyers turned out. 

9 hours ago, yourgoldfish said:

I said all of this when destroyers came out in rank 8 a year ago. And NuclearHail said it when they were still on the test server. Why is everyone just suddenly clueing into it now? After witnessing what happened to t3 and t4 after destroyers, I am not surprised at all about how t5 destroyers turned out. 

No one is just clueing in now. I have been very vocal about dessies since the beginning, repeating “this is not what Star Conflict was meant to be” I don’t know how many times… Thing is, these destroyers have attracted a new crowd of people, people that previously would have been “weeded out” early because they are terrible at the game. People that can’t aim without stopping their ship for example (which is possible in dessie) and would previously have been farmed by anyone and their uncle. So the devs get their money, but at the cost of disgusting a large part of their initial playerbase and modifying their previously unique game to copy other titles like Destroyers and Fractured Space.

This is not the fast-paced Star Conflict I used to enjoy playing for hours with my friends, and no amount of “adapting” or “gitting gud” can change that and allow me to enjoy it again until these unkillable ships that are good at ecery role (even bomb planting…) get nerfed.

I have been told that the next patch will work in this direction, but I believe the devs are too scared to lose their new dessie-lover population to nerf them to the point where the game is playable in other ship types again. We’ll see, I guess…

Destroyers could possibly do with less hp, however some of them are simply too slow to get out of the way of things ;p So they would need more than 2x frigate, but possibly not the amount they have now. Alternatively, maybe the behaviour of module(turret) destruction could be changed so that they are offline for less time and deal less damage to destro, but also are easier to destroy.

Also AdamWest, pls take Emergency barrier off your Kite so that when I catch you in my Pyro, you actually explode! :wink:

And for everyone else complaining about the destroyers:



15 hours ago, yourgoldfish said:

I said all of this when destroyers came out in rank 8 a year ago. And NuclearHail said it when they were still on the test server. Why is everyone just suddenly clueing into it now? After witnessing what happened to t3 and t4 after destroyers, I am not surprised at all about how t5 destroyers turned out. 

My starting thread is one years old. Also, now they overpopulated t5.

Edit: sorry I thought we were on my thread ^^ flu is intensifying

On 17/12/2016 at 7:35 PM, theNoob said:

The big disadvantage of destoyers is their bad manoverability. The controls are different for destros, making it much harder to control them. They can barely strafe and are very cumbersome. Most players will not have the skill to play a destroyer effectively. Unless in the hands of a very skilled pilot, a desto is very likely to end up in a mess ,because it flew right into the enemy or fails to retreat in time. Dont forget that you have to control the movement of the destro, the position of the shield and the weapons. 90% of players will therefore be unable to get the full potential out of it.

The destros on the other hand are good against typical tactics like surpise attacks from camo, surpirse attacks from overdrive gunships, and surprise attacks with doomsday missiles, in short, boring stuff thats annoying and only fun for one player. Destros give normal players a fair chance to participate meaningful in a game.

The real problem was, that there were enough games where one player had like 20 kills and the rest of the players 4 together. This player with the 20 kills is inevitable playing CovOps, gunship or Long Range. Such games are just stupid. With destros, these high damage ships are unable to dominate the game any longer to  such an extent, and thats a great thing! 


Damage dealers doing the most damage in the game. OH, that totally sounds pretty weird.

Apart that, since when fighting  against what need a minimum of skills to be played, can be called legit and effectively countered by something that (and saying this costs me a lot) can clearly be called p2win? In order to nerf seal clubbers we lost the game meta to make an unbalanced copy of fractured space where in addiction all other ship class are kinda useless (untill they will release next milking money op content, rinse and repeat).

Seal clubbers sooner or later will switch to destroyers and you will see again results like 20 kills to 4, 'cause you cannot nerf skill. But why I need to explain such clearly stuffs to someone who made a second account just 'cause the first one was spoiled? 


On 16/12/2016 at 6:05 PM, MightyHoot said:

Mr OP can’t farm newbies like he use to so he blames lovely dessies for every mistake he makes. So sorry to hear about all your problems OP.

Tillo reverse trolling is all you have got left?

You are so damn bitter with your outcome in this game that this became your best?

C’mon my sweety, post some othetr porno’s gif, so you can be banned again instead of spreading bs. <3 


6 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

So you are telling me I can do something else than writin random BS posts every now and then?

About your request… I can do that but you’ll have to wait few days so I can get some time to meet your mom, record video and make .gif out of it just for you with love from both of us ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

<3 my 73 old mum is waiting for you. Her lasagna, after you left was never the same. Always missing some tomatoes sirup or mozzarella or besciamella. 

Ah well, I wasn’t going to eat next week anyway…

21 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

It’s important to have some kind of diet. I’m glad you are trying to improve yourself ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

ALWAYS, may I incorporate all of this in my diet guide? i’ll give credits where it’s due. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:

ALWAYS, may I incorporate all of this in my diet guide? i’ll give credits where it’s due. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Nope. Trademark involved.

15 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Nope. Trademark involved.

Ah dang it, now I need to do it all over agin…