Destroyer and Defiler music still plays after the match is over in hangar.

Bug report: (combat music and hangar music)



How to find it?

Special Ops (Destroyer and Defiler mission)


What is wrong?

Combat music still plays after the match is over and you can also hear in-game hangar music at the same time. 2 soundtracks are playing at once!


What is supposed to happen?

Defiler and Destroyer music should stop , when the match is over and you’re back in hangar!


More details?

I think that the music is called Raid Theme 1. I am unsure, if Raid Theme 2 also repeats.


logs needed

It’s still playing. I restarted my game twice yesterday and the music also repeats.


Please resolve this?

It’s still playing. I restarted my game twice yesterday and the music also repeats.


Please resolve this?


logs needed

[I think this thread linked might actually have the answer to the problem Koromac is trying to illustrate.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28495-alien-os-raid-music-plays-over-destroyer-defiler-raid-music/)

logs needed

I checked the logs myself, but there was nothing that could help you in the logs.

If you still need logs, let me know.

This is still a thing.

Only happening from time to time(as in not every time).

Only sometimes the glitch fix itself if I’m long enough in the ‘looking at the statistic report’ window.

I got this thing every time. Skula1975, bug is still there!

I have to logout completely, then re-login back again as a workaround.

I got this thing every time. Skula1975, bug is still there!

I have to logout completely, then re-login back again as a workaround.

Let me fix it. You have to completely TURN OFF THE GAME. ;___;

Let me fix it. You have to completely TURN OFF THE GAME. ;___;

Same thing. Just less fancy way of saying. xP

Okay after some time it happened again:






The screenshot is taken within 1 min after leaving Spec Ops and the amok running musicsequence.


Time of Screenshot: Thursday 14 April 2016 ~21:31 Berlin Time



[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10908)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10909)

[user_config.xml](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10910)

[DeviceCaps.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10911)


Something else needed or enough stuff?

Nothing needed, bugfix in progress

Nothing needed, bugfix in progress

Is it fixed yet in the update 1.3.6?

in progress yet

in progress yet

I know. I had to listen to double music the whole Spec Ops match yesterday.

Btw, I got logs. If you want, I can provide them.

This bug is still here.

If you need newest logs, let me know.

Bug is still present, what a joke, Why is it taking so long to FIX THIS!!! i’m fed up of having to quit the entire game after every spec ops Match i do.