Destroyed Ships Rating / Skill Rating

If you look from another side, then limiting rating in T2 is a good thing because, if someone is rating wh**e, then he will be forced to move on to T3, and stop farming relatively new players in T2.

And one more time I will repeat. DSR is NOT your skill rating, it’s NOT your contribution to team. It simply shows how good you are ar killing others and not dying. Evaluating player by this single statistic number is so wrong. It would be just like making a whole topic about “avg assists” and talking about how that does not represent player skill. OF COURSE it does not represent player skill! And if that rating for some reason encourages someone to play bad, then it’s his own fault.

And one more time I will repeat. DSR is NOT your skill rating, it’s NOT your contribution to team. It simply shows how good you are ar killing others and not dying.


Fact is though, it doesn’t even do that all that well :slight_smile:


I have no issue at all with there being an effective ceiling you can realistically achieve at each tier - that’s fair enough. It’s the fact your rating takes a nose-dive despite having results which contradict this behaviour. If you read my last post thoroughly, you’ll see where I am coming from. It’s the illogical and erratic drops in rating that irk me, when in reality you’re achieving rather excellent results. There isn’t a single good arguement for being able to post a 17:1 kill/death ratio and seeing your rating drop, period. No matter the people involved.


On a personal level - I fly for fun and to win matches with my team. Ultimately I don’t really care - the rating is largely meaningless out of context, as many people already pointed out (including yourself). However, it’s still an interesting discussion - and as I like a good debate & the ability to perhaps create a system that’s both more useful and more representative of it’s actual purpose - here we are.


I do disagree with your last sentence though. If any mechanism in-game encourages people to play bad, saying that it’s ‘their own fault’, shrugging it off and walking away isn’t particularly constructive towards the community nor the game. Shouldn’t we during this beta process assist in steering, developing and guiding systems that encourage new players to do the exact opposite: work for their team, towards common objective and less like headless chickens? I hear many people complain that you can’t rely on randoms, but the same people are the ones who are disinterested in improving existing mechanics to encourage people to behave otherwise.

1)I have no issue at all with there being an effective ceiling you can realistically achieve at each tier - that’s fair enough.

2)There isn’t a single good arguement for being able to post a 17:1 kill/death ratio and seeing your rating drop, period. No matter the people involved.

Your both statements oppose each other.


Personally my rating if I remember correctly is usually 1400-1500 in T3, but whenever I go down to T2 even getting maniac medals don’t stop it from droping below 1400. About your situation as you mentioned 17:1, when you have ~1400 rating. I don’t see a reason for getting any points for killing players who have ~900 rating. it’s just too large margine between them. ELO ratings might use the excact same type of formula as the (i think)original chess ELO rating. The only difference from chess here is that you are quite often playing against players with way lower/higher rating than in chess, thats why there are pretty much no players going above 2k rating.



I do disagree with your last sentence though. If any mechanism in-game encourages people to play bad, saying that it’s ‘their own fault’, shrugging it off and walking away isn’t particularly constructive towards the community nor the game.

Yeah, but it’s easier.  :lol:

Ok, Ok, your right!

Your both statements oppose each other.


They don’t :stuck_out_tongue:


You forget the possibility of a situation where the rating doesn’t increase, but doesn’t drop either. I’m not advocating an unlimited increase in lower tiers as that would indeed encourage ‘lowbie farming’ - but neither should someone’s rating take a nose-dive when in reality they have given an excellent performance.



well yeah i am also a bit annoyed by the way rating works, we do have quite simmilar complains about it as far as i can see. i have made a suggestion for an objective based rating, i also thought about how to make this rating the most fair possible so you don’t get punished for beeing in a bad team etc.

you can find the topic here if you want: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20115-objective-rating-and-kill-adjustment/page-?mode=show)


the rating works like an elo system btw, the amount of rating gained/lost depends on the enemys you face. in t2 you usually don’t gain much but might lose to an 800 points player who does a nice killsteal, causing a drop in the rating.

the rating works like an elo system btw, the amount of rating gained/lost depends on the enemys you face. in t2 you usually don’t gain much but might lose to an 800 points player who does a nice killsteal, causing a drop in the rating.


Yeah the ELO part of it made sense as that part is reasonably obvious to those familair with ELO based systems (Chess, LoL, etc.) - just the exact under-the-hood calculation is what sparked my interest.


The most common culprits that cause deaths against 800 point players, in my experience:

  1. Mines
  2. Nukes

The odd killsteal, well, fair play to them. :slight_smile:

just the exact under-the-hood calculation is what sparked my interest.

There is the formula:

LoL use a bit modified elo system, but I’m not sure about Star Conflict.

The LoL one is modified due to relying on information from 5v5 match results rather than straight-up 1v1 comparison, which ELO was originally designed for.


Obviously it has flaws of its own as individual performance is not taken into account whatsoever. That’s slightly off-topic though - in regards to SCon I would personally love to see the rating work both as it does currently but at the same time take into account your performance in comparison to the team as a whole.


I just thank god that I am not the one who has to design it - it’s extremely hard to get right and then people like ourselves swoop in to overanalyze every aspect of it.



in regards to SCon I would personally love to see the rating work both as it does currently but at the same time take into account your performance in comparison to the team as a whole.


could you elaborate? piqued my interest …

I agree the current system is extremely flawed as it encourages bad team play. I for one don’t care what my DSR is as I know it is a bad system. I play for Objectives, and don’t worry about kills so much. I stay near the Capt. in Recon, I stay at our beacon to defend it during Domination (usually I am the only one as everyone is running between beacons), Detonation I go after the bomb, and chase the enemy bomb carrier. I play the game the way it should be played, yet there isn’t a system in place to show this. ELO works great for Chess, but starts to fail when you apply it to other games. Sure a game like CoD ELO would work great, but that game is designed to be played as an individual. Once you apply it to a team oriented game ELO breaks. A system could be put into place to accommodate Objective oriented players. Recon you gain rating for killing an enemy within so many meters around your Capt. especially if they have your Capt targeted, killing enemies around the enemy Capt., and killing the enemy Capt. of course. Domination you get ratings for killing enemies within certain area around beacons you control, and for killing enemies around beacons they control. Detonation you get ratings for carrying the bomb, planting the bomb, killing enemy that have your bomb carrier targeted, and killing the enemy bomb carrier. There are several ways to do it that would be way better than the current system.

could you elaborate? piqued my interest …


Sure. I’m typing this in broken up sessions due to being at work so I apologise if it’s not concise/clear.


Currently, my understanding is this:

  • Kill someone with a higher rating: Instant rating++;
  • Get killed by someone with a lower rating: Instant rating–;

I assume there are variations and different levels of this - but the developers have not shared the exact mathmetical formulae behind this, so at this point it’s anyone’s guess.

In addition, the method by which you get killed doesn’t matter.



I’d like something more along these lines (this is not an exhaustive list - it’s to give you an idea where I am coming from. This needs a ton of work/balance by people much more clever than I am):

  • Defer the actual rating adjustment until the very end of the match.
  • Kill someone: Increase ‘kill value’ based on the rating of the opponent. Stronger opponents give you a higher value.
  • Get killed: Increase ‘death value’ based on the rating of the opponent. Stronger opponents give you a lower value.
  • Use these values to create a net rating adjustment at the end of the match, much like before - but at this point before making the final adjustment, the game should look at some other factors.
  • At the end of the match, take the following into account (examples, not conclusive):
    • (Combat Recon) Killed enemy Captain - Provide a (flat) kill value boost. This is (on average) meant to be a harder target than normal, regardless of their rating. It’s also the bloody objective - so encourage us to make plays for it.
    • (Combat Recon) If you are involved in the killing of the Enemy Captain (Assist or Kill) and the player would have lost rating in this match based on the other value, reset their values to zero and have them neither gain nor lose rating. Reward them for having been involved what was undoubtedly the deciding factor of the match.
    • (Detonation) Planted a Bomb - Potentially, add a similar reset factor. Need to consider potential implications to people suiiciding needlessly.
    • (Detonation) Killing an enemy who is actively killing your bomb carrier - Small (%) modifier to kill value. Very poor players will still not increase your rating.
    • (Domination)/(Beacon Hunt) - Before calculating someone’s rating drop/loss, consider the number of caps he/she was involved in vs. the rest of the team. Was the player farming other players somewhere on the map away from objectives or getting stuck in? The latter can lead to more deaths but is actually more challenging than killing people in safety. The rating should reflect this. If you are among the most caps in the team, consider preventing a rating drop.

The above system adds a few ways for people to not drop in rating as quickly as before when playing for the team/for objectives and making kills which are inhertedly more difficult. (Rating alone is not a reflection of how hard a target is to take out)


The net result eventually will be that people start levelling out at certain rating levels rather than arbitrarily losing rating when actually playing well and the match making can use that to match them accordingly. They will eventually reach a point where they can no longer gain much rating as they can’t handle the people they need to take out for this. That’s how an ELO system should work and that’s how you know you’ve reached your limits and need to work on game.


Drops should occur when you die a lot against lower rated players and/or played poorly.


Bear in mind that by keeping some people artificially low by punishing their objective-orientated gameplay, new/lesser skilled players are pitted against people who are much better than their rating reflects. This makes the game less enjoyable for that segment of the player base and once the game goes ‘live’ - that can hurt its longevity.


I hope this makes sense, it’s quite hard to explain and come up with some really concrete examples without spending a horrendous amount of time on it. Even hugely popular games don’t get it entirely right and they have whole teams of very clever people working on it :slight_smile:

makes sense. sounds good.

+1 to Evil’s suggestions. At the very least, devs, can you please track how many beacons we’ve captured/defended, captains killed/defended, and bombs planted/bomb carriers killed?

Even if they aren’t part of our DSR, tracking these stats would paint a much clearer picture of a pilot’s skill and overall worth to a team and/or corporation.

+1 to Evil’s suggestions. At the very least, devs, can you please track how many beacons we’ve captured/defended, captains killed/defended, and bombs planted/bomb carriers killed?

There is already a suggestion for medals rewarded upon planting bombs. For the others such as beacons captured and captains killed, there are medals.

First off, I’m late to this thread, I posted a new thread by missed this one in my (overly quick) search.


I know, that happened to me as well, So if you care about your DSR, then play only T3. There was a time when i cared for it. got up to 1600(0.8 frig fest patch), but realized, that I no longer enjoy the gameplay. Honestley… who cares about some mystical number in your profile…


The number represents you in this game, how good you are.  I prefer interceptors personally, even a fighter(or even a fed engineer) is just too slow.  If someone wants to trust my skill, experience(far better than my score), they’ll look at my rating.  Until I got my Ricasso, after my Kris-AE, my score hovered around 940.  I’ve seen enough T3 battles to know game plans, and seen battles gone awry by people dogfighting.  I got a premium Jericho ECM, not the killiest machine, but effective at it’s task, an ECM with no repair costs.  Would 940 look good to anyone?  I raised it 80 points in a day by buying a Ricasso and trying to get the synergy up!


Imo it’s not a representation of skill, but more of a playstyle.


Then let the rating reflect the player’s preferred playing ship!


The Destroyed Ship Rating (DSR) takes into account kills, assists and losses.


In all honesty, I’ve no idea how that thing even works, but it’s useless because it doesn’t tell you how you accomplish objectives, just how many ships you kill and how effective you are at it.


The DSR is pretty much a useless stat if you want to assess a pilot’s skill at exiting a match victorious.


The game needs something so you can assess how well a pilot performs at completing missions, not at how itchy his trigger fingers are.


I’ve played many matches, mainly ECM as a result of my premium ship.   Assists do matter, not enough.  A long range frigate getting an assist soon enough to the kill , you got a shot.  An ECM getting an assist, you helped get a kill.  If you do 2/3rd’s of the damage but get out of line of sight and not a hit by the time the kill happens, nothing.  As far as mission types, I get no credit for following, and then advancing a bomb carrier, safe or not safe.  I’ve had matches where I took on a sole defender, and if the bomb was planted and I darted to the new bomb, I got nothing.  Hit a nearby enemy with an ion emitter, perhaps followed up later with stasis generator and a piercing missle strick, but ignore the kill for the new bomb, you get NOTHING except a win, maybe.  The balancing effect of the mission generator will take care of that.


Ok, I like detonation, it’s an interceptor’s time to shine.  You still get the idea.


Ask and you shall receive. 

There is overall, last week, and last 24 hours.


How do I find me?


The destroyed ship rating is calculated on the :


number of kills you do ingame + Number of death + Your rating +The enemy rating (that you killed / who killed you)


That why I loose Points while I made 9 kills and die 2 time… Because the ship rating of the players I’ve killed was too low and when i get killed, mine was too high.

This system do not use the fact it’s not an 1V1 combat most of the time.


And it’s really easy to break the system by not playing the objectives of the game mode and Just play the kills. I saw some player just focusing the best rated player in the enemy team.


Efficiency rating will not be fair too. How do you reward people who stand with a captain to defend it instead of rushing to make kill (and points)? How do you will reward players who stand near a captured beacon to defend it or prevent futur attack? Not enough fair for players who choose to use tactical positionning instead of Zerging.



Edit : And again, this time 3v3 against T4 player while flying only T3, 6/1/0 (Kda), still losing rating… 


So if I play by the algorithm, I could join NASA, or ESB?  I played a match of realistic with ESB.  They cowered.  You need a 1400 rating first?  Know how to run from death!  At first I thought it was an easy win for me.  Communication in this game is a problem.  I’m starting a habit of messaging NASA players in realistic of where they’re going to rush so I can join in.  Realistic seems to be defend or rush, may as well rush in an interceptor.


As for DSR, I agree that it encourages people to play for kills and not objectives. However, in all situations including running EMPs, playing high-priority ships, and going for captain kills, a pilot is more useful to his or her team alive.


If a player dies protecting the person competing the mission objective, does he/she recieve in game credit?


I’ll answer that, NO!  I’ve protected enough bomb runners to know that you get nothing but a win, hopefully.


dsr, kdr, elo, eff/match etc will never be able to measure team contribution. u have no way to appropriately rate teamplayers. a guard floating idly in the right position at the right time doing absolutely nothing other than deter the opposition from winning and buying his own team a shot at an epic comeback. or that engineer selflessly respawning death after death because he’s the only one willing to take on the frontline support role etc. a tackler targeting someone shooting at a team mate gets the same points as another tackler targeting an AFK ship


tier differences also is a huge factor.

1,400 DSR in T2 don’t necessarily translate the same in T3

I stopped caring when I found out I can bounce from 1,100 in T3 to 1,400 in T2 in just a couple of sessions


in my eyes DSR gains is just as broken as DSR losses and not worth caring about. I’ve seen 900 newbies in rank5 ships on my team being in the right places doing all the right things while the 1200’s are all flying around making kills and giving away the win to the enemy emp runners.


in the end - why care?


A free to play game needs respectability in gameplay, and rating.  I’m cheap, but I paid.  Who’s the best isn’t always who kills the most.  I’m not the best, I’ll probably never even get the hardware to try, but still, I wasn’t a worthless T3 ECM with a 940 average kill rating.  Detonation, and now also realistic, should give the developers the most insight into the ratings issue, because those two maps don’t rely on kills/death.  I ignore kills in detonation, and in realistic, it’s a whole new strategy for most players.


If you look from another side, then limiting rating in T2 is a good thing because, if someone is rating wh**e, then he will be forced to move on to T3, and stop farming relatively new players in T2.

And one more time I will repeat. DSR is NOT your skill rating, it’s NOT your contribution to team. It simply shows how good you are ar killing others and not dying. Evaluating player by this single statistic number is so wrong. It would be just like making a whole topic about “avg assists” and talking about how that does not represent player skill. OF COURSE it does not represent player skill! And if that rating for some reason encourages someone to play bad, then it’s his own fault.


I’ve been placed in a mainly T2 match as a T3 ship, good kills, good assists.  Another effect, the most kills I got in match was 22, by going 1, 2, and 3 in a command fighter.  I don’t feel I helped my team.  I didn’t choose the fighter because I was being effective, but because I was overmatched by the match making!  My best scores are from the match making giving me a win.  We’ve all enountered the obvious.


At the end of the match, take the following into account (examples, not conclusive):

  • (Combat Recon) Killed enemy Captain - Provide a (flat) kill value boost. This is (on average) meant to be a harder target than normal, regardless of their rating. It’s also the bloody objective - so encourage us to make plays for it.
  • (Combat Recon) If you are involved in the killing of the Enemy Captain (Assist or Kill) and the player would have lost rating in this match based on the other value, reset their values to zero and have them neither gain nor lose rating. Reward them for having been involved what was undoubtedly the deciding factor of the match.
  • (Detonation) Planted a Bomb - Potentially, add a similar reset factor. Need to consider potential implications to people suiiciding needlessly.
  • (Detonation) Killing an enemy who is actively killing your bomb carrier - Small (%) modifier to kill value. Very poor players will still not increase your rating.
  • (Domination)/(Beacon Hunt) - Before calculating someone’s rating drop/loss, consider the number of caps he/she was involved in vs. the rest of the team. Was the player farming other players somewhere on the map away from objectives or getting stuck in? The latter can lead to more deaths but is actually more challenging than killing people in safety. The rating should reflect this. If you are among the most caps in the team, consider preventing a rating drop.

Don’t forget defenending the bomb carrier!!!  Defense is ignored by the scoring.  As an ECM about three weeks straight, and then changing ships, I can confirm!  Good defense doesn’t always require a kill, but effective distraction.  I kind of get amused in combat recon when the teams line up just right to allow harassment runs.  Only if I have engineers to heal me of course.  I find out afterwards.

How do I find me?

Currently, this is not possible other than by scrolling through each page until you find yourself.

Don’t forget defenending the bomb carrier!!! Defense is ignored by the scoring. As an ECM about three weeks straight, and then changing ships, I can confirm! Good defense doesn’t always require a kill, but effective distraction. I kind of get amused in combat recon when the teams line up just right to allow harassment runs. Only if I have engineers to heal me of course. I find out afterwards.

This is covered by the “killing an enemy who is actively killing your bomb carrier” suggestion. It’s not 100% perfect but it’s a very measurable action by the game engine. Providing a distraction but not actively defending the carrier is very hard to measure. There could potentially be a ‘bomb plant assist’ in the game - provided if you are close to the person who plants the bomb to provide further help in this area.

Use the score you gain in a match which is used to rank players at the end of each match, make it relevant to the rating.


This is covered by the “killing an enemy who is actively killing your bomb carrier” suggestion. It’s not 100% perfect but it’s a very measurable action by the game engine. Providing a distraction but not actively defending the carrier is very hard to measure. There could potentially be a ‘bomb plant assist’ in the game - provided if you are close to the person who plants the bomb to provide further help in this area.


And this, an objective assistant score.

There maybe some problems to this system, but it’s certainly better than the current DSR.

This is covered by the “killing an enemy who is actively killing your bomb carrier” suggestion. It’s not 100% perfect but it’s a very measurable action by the game engine. Providing a distraction but not actively defending the carrier is very hard to measure. There could potentially be a ‘bomb plant assist’ in the game - provided if you are close to the person who plants the bomb to provide further help in this area.


Ion emitter plus statis generator against someone locked on and within range of the bomb carrier is to a human is an obvious benefit to the game.  Of course, if the bomb is planted, get away to the “New EMP bomb detected” so maybe I can score this time.  Some of the simpler cases may be easy for the devs to implement.  But something like your target switching to you because you can’t debuf them would be harder.  Attacking someone attacking a bomb carrier, you tried but ended up short.  I mainly see interceptors and frigates carrying the bomb.  It amazes me of the teamwork of a frigate planting a bomb.  But interceptor modules along with a successful plant should count for something.  I’ve had times I failed to successfuly help a bomb carrier but captured their lost bomb and planted the bomb myself.  I don’t know how that can complicate things, debuff plant assist, then capture and plant.  At any rate, I don’t feel it should be nothing.


I’ve had games where I’ve ended up wondering why I keep playing, and games I amaze myself.  I don’t feel the score always represents my effect.  If I can get almost two dozen buf assists in a match by using a command fighter mainly using active modules, why shouldn’t I also get points for playing the mission.

I’ve had games where I’ve ended up wondering why I keep playing, and games I amaze myself.  I don’t feel the score always represents my effect.  If I can get almost two dozen buf assists in a match by using a command fighter mainly using active modules, why shouldn’t I also get points for playing the mission.

Well, it shows that you use a role that supports others, and survive to fulfill that role. One way to solve the problem is to reduce the normal assist point, but add/increase assist points that related to objectives (for example, buff/debuff ships with bomb, buff captain/beacon, debuff captain/beacon attackers; assist planting bomb, assist capturing beacon, etc…).


The role and ranking of LRF is in question though.

The solution is really simply and doesn’t require any hard code : REMOVE THE DSR, that’s all.


This game is not an fps arena (if it was we had deathmatches , team deathmatheces bla bla bla).


Paradoxally u could be the best pilot ever without perform a single killing shot in all your life.


And honestly is quite boring find everywhere people just don’t care about the game itself fighting in the middle of nowhere thinking “have a kill and don’t die is the most important thing”.


But, how can u blame them while the “main stat” for a pilot is DSR ?



Just remove this crap at all and the ggame will be lot better.


If u want a serious “rank system” just introduce 4v4 (no bots) ranked matches… that could be a very significant (and cool) way to determiate players’ skill in number.