Derp's Videos



So apparently I can record videos now! It’s just I have no f******* clue how to embed them in the forum. Anywho, I’ve got 3 videos ready to post. I just need to find out how to post them here.


The first video:                                now you may experience what I see

Bring them on! *prepares a bear trap*

wow, 400 posts. I must have no life. xD

You may bear* witness to the ecm nub!


*bare or bear?

hm, perhaps if we witness the bare ecm nub? xD

It’s bear :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder what would happen if I was the first one to post ~vidoes~ in here… hmm~~?

180 minutes to go apparently :fed014: :014j: :alien1:


*curse you government budget*

Need some help getting the embed code working 

Hey, you really did leave me to die to that Styx! :00333:

Looks like it was a fun battle :slight_smile:

Hey, you really did leave me to die to that Styx! 00333.png

I’m sorry but longhaulspacer sincerely hates me… we kinda have a history.

Aaaah… my old friend. Lag.