Derelict Ships

An interesting addition to open space would be abandoned ships that you could still interact with. Interaction should yield a various allotment of buttons to pop up in a GUI. These buttons should include “scavenge”, “siphon”, “board”, “scan”, and “set trap”.

Scavenge would show the ship’s current lootable content and vary between the usual mineral loot that you can pick up on your own, to rarer items such as blueprints and other rare items.

Siphon would grant you the contents of its fuel tank, including any extra.

Board would allow you to take control of the selected ship and initiate self-destruct on your old ship, or possibly just send it back to the station on AI. This would be risky, because if you didn’t scan it first you may be boarding a ship on the brink of failure or with no modules or weapons.

Scan would show information about the derelict ship. If it has any cargo, what it’s integrity is, what modules and weapons it has, as well as an indicator as to wether or not it is set to explode on interaction.

“Set Trap” would render the ship unusable, and any ships that try to loot it, siphon it, or board it will cause a massive explosion centred on the ship. Some of these ships would default to being explosive when initially spawned in the map, so it’s not just a PvP thing. Also any pirates or other AI ships that come within a certain range of it should also cause it to explode by default.

Great idea, how about granting u a random ship part as an option as well?

33 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Great idea, how about granting u a random ship part as an option as well?


This guy gets it

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


This guy gets it

2 much pvp/pve focus on rewards anyway ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

That’s a nice idea.
But they have to be coded to be ‘normal’ allied NPCs because else the trap scenario wouldn’t do anything who have turned on the station protection.
Scenarios of destroyed ships:
Simply abandoned(Pirate attack/hull breach)
Destroyed Miner(unlucky guys)
Battle of Cyber/Pirates/normal Ships. Some are close, some are scattered in the area.

Why resources(also normal ones): Miner ship/small transporter cargo.
The manufactured ones: Ship parts of the destructed.
Special ship parts: Clearly from their correct ship model. If you have good eyes/remember how such ships look like, you can explicit go for those!
Fuel: Every ship have those, some have many, some not anymore(exploded/used for the travel).
Secret project parts: Maybe you find an abandoned, but intact secret project ship(or even a destroyer!!!). Very unlucky pilot. :smiley: Hopefully we not!!!

To: >various allotment of buttons to pop up in a GUI< Maybe standard c to interact and then could use 2 extra button(one for switching to left and one for switching to right) and with the second press of c the choosen option is executed(if they don’t want to use 5 extra buttons).

This idea is really awesome fox! It bring some atmosphere to the maps(really how do you find ‘clean’ maps w/o any destructed ships - especially in those fight heavy ones - be realistic?) and ADDITIONAL options!
Please devs consider this!

Well atm I just want a new OS.


There are many unused “red” gates, sorry but that botheres me so much. I always like to see new maps, either pvp or pve, just need them added in OS. (btw, the last winter map (leviathan catacombs I think) was never added to OS. would be cool to explore the leviathan.)

The warp via credits has been nerfed so much, no one uses the old-fashioned way anymore. (it costs like 80k now?)

They have nerfed the monos for missions, way less ppl now even set a foot in OS.

Station protection everywhere. (like WTF?!)


A new things like this would be great, but they promised us the AUTUMN  OS update. And here we are, its winter.

22 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Well atm I just want a new OS.


There are many unused “red” gates, sorry but that botheres me so much. I always like to see new maps, either pvp or pve, just need them added in OS. (btw, the last winter map (leviathan catacombs I think) was never added to OS. would be cool to explore the leviathan.)

The warp via credits has been nerfed so much, no one uses the old-fashioned way anymore. (it costs like 80k now?)

They have nerfed the monos for missions, way less ppl now even set a foot in OS.

Station protection everywhere. (like WTF?!)


A new things like this would be great, but they promised us the AUTUMN  OS update. And here we are, its winter.

Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep. OS is entirely useless now. Just good for quickly testing weapons/modules now.

OS would be fun to farm - if you had stacking resources. 100 shards? No problem!
Killing stuff in distant sectors - we would need super jumps or some sort of this to significant reduce the time to travel to those. Who want to spend 5+ mins fly with even a 700m/s ship to a 6+ away sector? That’s everytime annoying, take time and if you want to play PvP/E/SecOps/Whatever else you have to travel back, destroy yourself or self-duplicate And again fly back after you are finished with your PvP/E/SpecOps/Whatever else…
The interaction in OS is limited. No thanks from transports to save their back, no ‘help’ for guards against pirates/cyber as you can’t call them and need to bring the show to them… Missions are a few. o.o

On 30.11.2016 at 11:09 PM, QACinnamonTroll said:

A new things like this would be great, but they promised us the AUTUMN  OS update. And here we are, its winter.

OS update is expected on next year, it’s pretty big one and we’re preparing to deliver the new enviroment and gameplay. Big Autumn update was transformed to New Year’s update and it will be there pretty soon)

I expect Optimus will make a return soon.