Deploy ships

My suggestion is this: Allow three ships that we can bring into battle is our choice and not one of each. That way I can take to battle three interceptors or three frigates, etc…

I think this would let to the problem that most people would only use one ship all the time so I think the solution with a 4th slot is the best so you can still take 2 ships of your own choice.

And i no see problem with this. I like light fighter. Because this i locket with 1 medium fighter and 1 frigate.

I also agree with the 4th slot but making its requirements being Reputation level 15 is a lot! Considering you get 300 reputation from a win, taking about 7 mins to win, it would take entire days of playing just to get there O.o

Either make the requirements easier to meet


Make the reputation gain according to how you performed in battle, like when you kill someone you not only get exp, but also rep.

Since a 4th ship is something special it should take some time to achieve it.

my only interest in this game are the interceptors. So when I die with my interceptor I minimize the screen and go do something else. forcing players to play with class they do not resemble is not very nice to do.

would be really cool if this game you have the freedom to choose how to evolve. and not force us to have to play with ships that I just let the drift to be shattered.

my only interest in this game are the interceptors. So when I die with my interceptor I minimize the screen and go do something else. forcing players to play with class they do not resemble is not very nice to do.

would be really cool if this game you have the freedom to choose how to evolve. and not force us to have to play with ships that I just let the drift to be shattered.

I also like to play interceptor, but i don’t leave TEAM to its own.

I think freedom of choice is good idea.

I see no harm in letting people only choose 1 ship type if that is what they like. Freedom of choice is very important to gamers, and no game should try to reduce it. Instead of unlocking slots for the 3 different types of ships, changing it to free slots that players can send whatever ships they want regardless of the type provides all the possibility to have 3 different ships AND 3 ships of the same type makes players like the game a lot more, trust me.

Don’t u think having three identical ships is like having three lives? Unfair that is. The fourth slot can be used for beloved king of ships

Then let you bring only 1 ship for fight.problem resolved.

Then let you bring only 1 ship for fight.problem resolved.

If you want to use only 1 ship you can sell the others and just jump in with 1. But than you will have a long waiting time if you die.

You have the 4 lives anyways, just with different ships. Let people choose their ships and we won’t need to wait a long time just sending the only ship we like.

You have the 4 lives anyways, just with different ships. Let people choose their ships and we won’t need to wait a long time just sending the only ship we like.

3 different ships make you think about more different strategies and not 3 time the same way.

As already mentioned the 4th slot is for a second ship of your choice.

I can totally see suicide rocket-barrage targeting from the same person with that.

spam your rocket payload, selfdestruct, get back to the same guy using another interceptor, rinse and repeat.

As for me, i like the idea of using 3 different ships. So it makes the game more interesting and make me THINK about how i am going to use certain type of ship. For me, on 1 map it’s better for me to start with frigate and kill all defence drones from safe distance, on another it’s not so easy to do it, so i’ll start with fighter or interceptor and the whole time i should change my strategy and playstyle to lead my team to victory in the most effective way. Cos every situation requiers different types of ships.

If we’ll use only 1 type of ship, the game won’t be so interesting and soon you’ll be bored of it and simply stop playing.

Or in future, when the game will be released, we’ll see hordes of, for example, fighters and no frigates.

All above is just my own opinion and you are free to criticize it.

I like the concept of 3 (+1) ships aswell. Makes me think about what should i use, and instead of seeing everyone mow down the battlefield with their over-upgraded ship, the game stays somewhat balanced, and also maintains the variety in the game. I dont think it should be changed.

I agree, 3 different types of ships + 1 extra of choice is the perfect solution. First of all, it makes you think each ship, not spam. Second, we wouldn’t get problems later on with premade teams that could just go full frigate or full fighter etc. I think the way it is now is really cool.

P.S. If you’re really good, 1 interceptor can last 'till the end of battle. Also, if you want to focus on 1 type of ship so that you can survive 'till the end of battle, you are free to invest in that type of ship’s skills/subsystems.

I don’t like this three ship thing. I think it would be better to choose 2 different ship types to combat and let matchmaking balance it out like in WoT. I personally feel that frigate is most useful at the beginning of a match. But its not useful if everyone takes frigate at start, so i take attack ship to provide some damage bonus for interceptors. After that i usually take interceptor to destroy capping enemies or go capping enemy beacons.

When the time comes for me to spawn that third ship (for me, most of the time it is frigate), game is usually decided, either we are clearly winning or clearly loosing. If we are clearly winning, no problem (except boredom) i just slowly fly towards action and try to get some points. If we are clearly losing, frigate is useless (especially T1 frigate). You just spawn to get insta killed and then you have to pay for repairs.

Or maybe one solution could be that you choose three ships and you can only take two similar type ships and that second same type ship has to be lower tier. For example, you could bring T2 interceptor, T2 Attack, and T1 interceptor or T1 attack.

I think this would let to the problem that most people would only use one ship all the time so I think the solution with a 4th slot is the best so you can still take 2 ships of your own choice.

Apologies, but I don’t see why this is a problem. If certain players only want to use one class of ship, why would you want to force them to use another?

agreed … ppl should be allowed to play what ever ship they want in a battle … personally i like them all but forcing ppl to play all when they preffer one type is not good at all … and if they sell all others and only use 1-2 ships would dmg the match for the entire team if other team players use all 3-4 ships … since u can buy more slots with ingame currency( a good thing) u can buy other ships and when u loose all ships in a match u can change the ships ur having in the other slots as main and go into other match till that match is over

i’ve lost and won matches cause some players only used 1 ship … loosing cause of that is annoying and winning like that is not challenging at all