Defence for Tackler against ECM

I have problems to defend against ECMs with me tackler. ATM this is the best i have in mind: I take the rew implant that makes me immune to energie syphoning for 15 sec by using a module, and the implant that ends all negative effects once shield is lost. That way i can cloak when ecm pushes its modules on me and survive. Yet winning like that is difficult. So you have better ideas?

Stay out of range

Try to hunt down ships that are alone.

Wait until the ECM you are trying to kill has used all his modules on a different target before attacking.

Use your cloak at the slightest sign of danger, but don’t hesitate to uncloak early once the ECM has turned his back on you.

Stay very close to rocks in order to be able to break the LOS to escape from the ECM’s energy drainer.

Use your drone as a distraction, to “poop in his face” while running away.

Fly with a good squad. 


what i always do is lock onto the ecm and kill his afterburners and fly away like a boss. 

Use Sentry Drone, and always keep your eyes on them. If you see an ECM coming, attack first, you have 3-4000 metres advantage against them, use it.

Use a sentry drone, engine inhibitor and target painter, remember that de-cloaking gives a 5 sec damage buff. Get right up behind him and smadh it before it can use the field gen, even if it does use that, drones are not affected by it

The best counter against ECMs in a tackler is staying away and having good spatial awareness. If you see an ECM approaching you, cloak before you are in his range. 

As a tackler, wait for the ECM to engage one of your teammate, then attack him. Slowing him and making it as easy for you team to kill him as possible is the best thing to do, but do not go out hunting the ECM.

every suggestion is valid, and very good ones to, but also dont forget to install a proton wall just incase you cant escape from it

You actually have a much better chance of taking out an ECM as a Tackler than any other role; provided you get the first shot.


I recommend Doomsdays, Target Painter, and Sentry Drone for the job. As backup you probably want Gravi Beams. You’ll also need a fairly fast build to keep up with your average Interceptor.


First, choose the ECM you want to murder, then cloak up and get in behind him. After you are in position and he is distracted by his own target, tag him with Target Painter (which will pull you out of cloak). Immediately open fire with a missile and your guns and use that 20% damage boost.


If you did it right, most ECM pilots will panic and immediately activate their metastable field. Drop a sentry drone nearby and circle around to face the ECM. As soon as you see the bubble start to change color to a bright white, launch another Doomsday. If timed correctly, you will nail him right as he comes out of the Metastable Field and he will be sent back into the spawn queue.

You actually have a much better chance of taking out an ECM as a Tackler than any other role; provided you get the first shot.


I recommend Doomsdays, Target Painter, and Sentry Drone for the job. As backup you probably want Gravi Beams. You’ll also need a fairly fast build to keep up with your average Interceptor.


First, choose the ECM you want to murder, then cloak up and get in behind him. After you are in position and he is distracted by his own target, tag him with Target Painter (which will pull you out of cloak). Immediately open fire with a missile and your guns and use that 20% damage boost.


If you did it right, most ECM pilots will panic and immediately activate their metastable field. Drop a sentry drone nearby and circle around to face the ECM. As soon as you see the bubble start to change color to a bright white, launch another Doomsday. If timed correctly, you will nail him right as he comes out of the Metastable Field and he will be sent back into the spawn queue.

in reference to the last point, fly an ECM for a while and get used to the colour change and the time before lockdown. You can usually nail it right on the edge. It’s incredibly satifying to know that the ECM’s unique asset is also it’s greatest let-down

I’ll also add this:


It is generally much better to only decloak for an attack right before the cloak naturally runs out. This is because the 30 second cooldown for your cloak starts right after you activate it. Thus if you stay under cloak for the full 18 seconds, you only have to wait 12 seconds for it to be ready again, in case things go horribly wrong and you need to escape.


If the worst should happen, and the ECM survives your initial attack and goes on the offensive:


  1. Hit him with another Target Painter

  2. Go full evasive, but DO NOT leave the radius of your Sentry Drone


This should keep you alive long enough to cloak up again, if it doesn’t finish off the ECM all by itself.


P.S. While not particularly effective on ships larger than Interceptors, a Regenerative Hull module can be useful for restoring some Hull points while cloaked, since using your repair modules will pull you out of cloak. Or you can pull a WolfKhan and go full regen…

I’ll also add this:


It is generally much better to only decloak for an attack right before the cloak naturally runs out. This is because the 30 second cooldown for your cloak starts right after you activate it. Thus if you stay under cloak for the full 18 seconds, you only have to wait 12 seconds for it to be ready again, in case things go horribly wrong and you need to escape.


If the worst should happen, and the ECM survives your initial attack and goes on the offensive:


  1. Hit him with another Target Painter

  2. Go full evasive, but DO NOT leave the radius of your Sentry Drone


This should keep you alive long enough to cloak up again, if it doesn’t finish off the ECM all by itself.


P.S. While not particularly effective on ships larger than Interceptors, a Regenerative Hull module can be useful for restoring some Hull points while cloaked, since using your repair modules will pull you out of cloak. Or you can pull a WolfKhan and go full regen…

i usually have a regen hull and a galvanised on tacklers, helps when cloaked, pop the regen module just before cloak, cloak, regen by a large amount, re-position, strike again. Unfortunately, i’m stuck with a Silent Fox at the minute, which isn’t capable of dealing with a full blown Kris AE up my afterburner ports

Soldier how about the fanfic? You busy or no?

Tackler modules have bigger range than ECM, use them to not let ECM close enough to stunlock you. Also, proton wall and Jerry R2 implant.

I have problems to defend against ECMs with me tackler. ATM this is the best i have in mind: I take the rew implant that makes me immune to energie syphoning for 15 sec by using a module, and the implant that ends all negative effects once shield is lost. That way i can cloak when ecm pushes its modules on me and survive. Yet winning like that is difficult. So you have better ideas?

My tackler build involves slow beams, resist beam, and i murder ecms with singularity. 

My tackler build involves slow beams, resist beam, and i murder ecms with singularity. 

 Come on MAN !  All ECMs ?  

Use the Proton wall on the cpu alongside the 2c/J2/2.3 implant.

Ensure your shield as adequate defense, and regeneration.

My tackler build involves slow beams, resist beam, and i murder ecms with singularity. 

freezing inties and shredding them with sing is very entertaining.


No, it doesn’t matter if you turn around and try to mash that A/B button, you’re dead.

My tackler build involves slow beams, resist beam, and i murder ecms with singularity. 


I have actually never used singularity on my tacklers…  The range is just too small, you have no GTFO option, and also while dogfighting up close, it is hard to perceive the whole battlefield, which is essential for a tackler pilot.  I used ranged weapons, especially my favourite: the GOOSE cannon.