Death-recap icons missing

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

Many icons for damage or effects are missing in the death-recap after you are killed.

  1. What did you expected to happen.

I expected to see these icons. Not seeing them makes the game look super bad imo.

  1. The conditions during the situation.


  1. Further details on the issue.

Most of the special modules for ships are now showing as the red “X” with no icon. Many new weapons do not have icons. Reaper Impeoved Ram does not have an icon. (Should be a close-up of the spear). Also many other various weapons, modules, and negative effects do not show icons.

  1. Frequency of occurrence.

100% for effected items.

  1. Logs + screenshots or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

Just die in a tier 3-5 battle and look at the death recap.

  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.


  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)


  1. The results of this program if the bug report is related to connection issues.


  1. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.




can you post a SS? im curious to see that :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you post screenshots?

Logs needed also

It is literally a problem that has existed since death-recaps. Go die in a general PvP match and look at all the missing icons for weapons and modules.

It is literally a problem that has existed since death-recaps. Go die in a general PvP match and look at all the missing icons for weapons and modules.

Or just give your logs. If you go ahead and report a bug you should also be able to attach logs like anyone else does.

Why would it log a graphical issue?

Why would it log a graphical issue?

Because Skula says so.

It’s quite simple, if you give him what he asks for he can give you further reply and won’t have anything missing anymore, so you can go drink coffee and don’t have to bother about this thread.

I’ll add your silly logs in a while. Though I can almost guarantee that you will find nothing from them.

I might add a screenshot as well.

Though it’s gonna be a long while because I’m working until later today…

Why would it log a graphical issue?

You’re always need to prepare logs, SS and any additional info, according to sample. It makes our job much more faster

I’ll add your silly logs in a while. Though I can almost guarantee that you will find nothing from them.

I might add a screenshot as well.

Though it’s gonna be a long while because I’m working until later today…

Where are the screen shots I made for you? Did you get them?

I can’t use Linux files. If you could please resend them as images or as imgur links that would be gr8. ^^;

I can’t use Linux files. If you could please resend them as images or as imgur links that would be gr8. ^^;

It is a compressed gzip container, please just download decrompression free ware for your Windowse what ever

Alright alright I’ll look in to it. I was just hoping I could do this from my phone since that’s 99% of my active time. XD

Alright alright I’ll look in to it. I was just hoping I could do this from my phone since that’s 99% of my active time. XD

you should really spend less time on a toilet.

Screenshots added.

happens the same in spanish client :frowning:

happens the same in spanish client :frowning:

Okay lemme clue you dolts in on something:

This is a graphical issue caused simply by the devs’ laziness.

The icons aren’t there because the devs have not put them there yet. All it would take is the devs assigning an image (the item’s inventory icon) to the damage/effects that weapons/modules cause and bam we have nice looking death-recap and finished-looking graphics.

I do believe most items added in during or after the Christmas 2014 event have no image. Scattergun, phaser, destructor, phase suppressor, mass driver, flux phaser, a whole load of alien weapons and modules, etc., etc.

Okay lemme clue you dolts in on something:

This is a graphical issue caused simply by the devs’ laziness.

The icons aren’t there because the devs have not put them there yet. All it would take is the devs assigning an image (the item’s inventory icon) to the damage/effects that weapons/modules cause and bam we have nice looking death-recap and finished-looking graphics.

lol i meant for the name being cut off (this happens for plenty of NPCs and player names), not the pic sry xD

Screenshots added.

logs of issue needed also