Dart vs Singularity

Hey all,

this is not supposed to be a whiny-jaguar-is-op-thread, but I have found out that I have issues in OS to fight jaguars, flying a dart, or any other fighter that has singularity guns, since they pierce the shield and basically remove one of the dart’s big strength’s.

Anyone any solid Idea on how to face especialy tacklers, maybe any build-suggestions?

Press F

Use a quantum railgun and kill whatever crosses your crosshair.

1 minute ago, OmegaFighter said:

Press F

Special module doesn’t stop singularity in a dart

No you are just outclassed. Dart relies on it’s range. Bubble jaguars in open space are most likely cruise fit, so they have no problem closing that range and engaging you at point blank. At this point your weapon is also harder to use so you can’t kill him. Try bringing a friend in a fast recon or something?

10 hours ago, millanbel said:

No you are just outclassed. Dart relies on it’s range. Bubble jaguars in open space are most likely cruise fit, so they have no problem closing that range and engaging you at point blank. At this point your weapon is also harder to use so you can’t kill him. Try bringing a friend in a fast recon or something?

Been searching for someone, but everyone wants to either solo in their jaguar or jus go postive-karma-bimorph-farming… (aka flying a takcler and running away the moment a jaguar showes up)

Dunno, never got problem with jags with my dart. My dart is full DPS, jags dies in 2 shot.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

Gunship with em weaponry would be the fastest and easiest thing in OS to use and be lucrative at the same time.

I cant wait to craft and evolve my Tai’Kin for OS travel and combat, it can make short work of those Jaguar pricks.

24 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Gunship with em weaponry would be the fastest and easiest thing in OS to use and be lucrative at the same time.

Dart has more damage output then any gunship outside of thar ga in game.

Thats a bold statement. Although damage isn’t the only stat to take into account when in OS.

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Dunno, never got problem with jags with my dart. My dart is full DPS, jags dies in 2 shot.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

wanna share your build with me?

36 minutes ago, Nyreios said:

wanna share your build with me?

3 CPU : 2 crit chance CPU + spacial scanner/Range

1 hull : passive armor

1 shield : (+100% capacitor thing)

3 capacitors : 1* 10% weapon damage + 2* 11% Rate of Fire)

1 motor : Either cruise for OS or weapon cooldown thing for PvP


And RoF ammo + Harmonic drive + Valkyrie + Speed buff + Shield boosters 

Added with the 5% speed 4% weapon damage booster


And you get 4k5 DPS with 60% crit chance and 80% crit damage. So around 6666 base DPS.  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”) 


51 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

3 CPU : 2 crit chance CPU + spacial scanner/Range

1 hull : passive armor

1 shield : (+100% capacitor thing)

3 capacitors : 1* 10% weapon damage + 2* 11% Rate of Fire)

1 motor : Either cruise for OS or weapon cooldown thing for PvP


And RoF ammo + Harmonic drive + Valkyrie + Speed buff + Shield boosters 

Added with the 5% speed 4% weapon damage booster


And you get 4k5 DPS with 60% crit chance and 80% crit damage. So around 6666 base DPS.  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”) 


hmm but you have no sustain, once you take hull-dmg, you are dead(?)

Shield Booster : 30 second cooldown for 8 seconds heal

Frontal shield : 25 seconds cooldown for 15 second active time (which passive armor you can tank quite a lot). 


You can replace the shield capacitor buffer for the new multipurpose shield, to block hull damages, and use the 40% capacitor buffer from r8 implant. 


So you should have quite a lot of sustain. 

13 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Frontal shield : 25 seconds cooldown for 15 second active time (which passive armor you can tank quite a lot). 

this is exaclty my issue, the jaguar-dmg goesth trhough the frontal shield (when it has singularity)

7 minutes ago, Nyreios said:

this is exaclty my issue, the jaguar-dmg goesth trhough the frontal shield (when it has singularity)

You still have more Hp then he does, and more damage then he does too. So what’s the problem ?

The problem is not in the ship or build, it’s in his gameplay.

33 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

The problem is not in the ship or build, it’s in his gameplay.

seem so I guess

I could show you a few tricks if you want.