Daily Open Space Rewards - Iridium reward should be included!

We all dislike playing daily monocrystal missions. Premium license has no real benefits for many end-game players.

We can get only 1 monocrystal, some credits and standard synergy for each task - Empire, Federation, Jericho, Ellydium, up to 4 times daily.

With Premium license, we get +1 monocrystal +50% extra credits boost and +50% synergy boost. I recommend adding refined Iridium to those rewards.




Daily Open Space mission:

1 monocrystal, credits, standard synergy, 50 refined Iridium (added reward)

50x4=200 refined Iridium daily


Daily Open Space mission with Premium license:

2 monocystals, credits, standard synergy, 75 refined Iridium (added reward)

75x4=300 refined Iridium daily


In any case, standard synergy for completing a mission seems less relevant, than any other reward that you get. It could be excluded and be replaced with refined Iridium instead.


Base value for refined Iridium should be set to 50. With Premium license, it gives you +50% reward boost, which is a total of 75 refined Iridium.

It will increase Premium license benefits. I recommend that developers seriously consider this suggestion.

I am not asking for less or more, but the amount I specified here and I think this is fair for both sides.

+1 on all and set for review!


Mono rewards need to be brought back to what they were. I stopped doing os missions all together because the time vs rewards is not there for me and that was back when it was 3 a zone.

The rewards in general are to little for most players. I think the payouts should be exponentially higher especially for the N00Bs. Those are the people you want to get hooked into the game. We need more people playing r15. They can’t get there because it takes years to get there. It used to only take a few weeks back in early 2013. With the grind being so slow most people lose interest even with a license. 

My 2 sense. I am sure most agree r15 pvp could use more players.

True that i’m used to see the same players over again

10 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

True that i’m used to see the same players over again

Base value for monocrystals should get increased from 1 to 2.

Even Russians support this thread.

That’s some good news!

Irirdium income in the game planned to be increased, but not just with rewards for missions. The corporations will have a much larger role in SC Universe. So if you’re not in some corporation already, maybe it’s time to get in ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

On 5/15/2017 at 11:14 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Irirdium income in the game planned to be increased, but not just with rewards for missions. The corporations will have a much larger role in SC Universe. So if you’re not in some corporation already, maybe it’s time to get in ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Most people refuse to play SQ in a current state. We already had the original SQ, but dreadnought battle mode with some bots is not for everyone.

DESU is not interested in those battles, so you’re “forcing” me to leave DESU and join NASA just for that. To get some tokens and thus, refined Iridium.

 What a joke! A corporation with basically no competition anymore at full capacity.


You should just implement this. Forget about “reworked” SQ. I am not interested.

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

Most people refuse to play SQ in a current state. We already had the original SQ, but dreadnought battle mode with some bots is not for everyone.

DESU is not interested in those battles, so you’re “forcing” me to leave DESU and join NASA just for that. To get some tokens and thus, refined Iridium.

 What a joke! A corporation with basically no competition anymore at full capacity.


You should just implement this. Forget about “reworked” SQ. I am not interested.

NASA have devs in their pockets.  So what did you expect?


2 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

NASA have devs in their pockets.  So what did you expect?



5 hours ago, Koromac said:

so you’re “forcing” me to leave DESU and join NASA just for that.


Oooh well that explains a lot 

Yep, that’s why my loot drops are nerfed, because the key peeps of NASA had it out for me.

I have not seen a decent loot drop in months. 
Any chance that stuff is over, and you devs can unnerf my account?


On 5/17/2017 at 4:31 PM, EndeavSTEEL said:

Oooh well that explains a lot 


On 5/17/2017 at 3:21 PM, xKostyan said:



44 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Any chance that stuff is over, and you devs can unnerf my account?



Guess not

7 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Guess not

Just be honest with him, kosty.


Ye Dr,

  • We stole your players(which you owned and they didn’t have free will coz property doesn’t need that)
  • We nerfed your account, you have:
    • perma 5% crit chance
    • 20% dmg reduction
    • can’t go above 60 resist
  • We as NA$A own this game, we have everyone in our pockets
  • and some other fun stuff ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)