My recommendation would be for a daily mission that the corporation can complete together. This could help them build their dreadnought faster and / or have some other participation reward. The mission would need to require a minimum number of corporation members to participate in it before it becomes achievable - either by sheer enormity (like bringing down a SpecOps-like destroyer) or by simple hard-coded “You must have more corporation members with you to begin this mission”.
I think something like this would help all corporations with teamwork and involvement and make people all around the game more active and social.
And I agree with g4borg that several modes are required, depending on the number of players the corporation can field (not like spec ops). Even the larger corps have times when there are not many online.
Also the daily “refresh” time should be during EU prime time, so both Russians and Americans can take part in it (poor aussies…). Or several refresh times today, but each pilot can only take part in one of them.
Some limitation on who can form wing: officer minimum I would say.
Is your suggestion a mission for Open Space? Or a spec ops type mission? I would love a wing-based open space mission with good loot, possibly bonus monos. Open space really lacks incentives to encourage people to squad up, since the targets that are hard to kill drop the same xxxx loot as the easy targets…
I would love a wing-based open space mission with good loot, possibly bonus monos. Open space really lacks incentives to encourage people to squad up, since the targets that are hard to kill drop the same xxxx loot as the easy targets…
And the best part OS hasn’t time limit. So you can make a long mission with multiple objectives.
1-Make a way to let corporations create content and missions for OS. Then corporations would assemble squads and promote themselfs.
2-Make changes to lower the workload of the servers that support OS. I see no need to face 4 biomorphs, change for 1 as difficult as the previous 4. And keep to a minimum the battles between NPCs.