Daily mission to send fleet away is not showing up for over a week

Daily mission to “send fleet away” did not show up for over a week.

I will not attach all those files, cause as i mentioned previously it would be multiple GB and my upload rate is very low. Besides all those chat logs and infos about my local machine have nothing to do with this bug.

This bug is purely server sided and some friends and corporation members have reported having the same issue, too.

53 minutes ago, MathModelSim said:

Daily mission to “send fleet away” did not show up for over a week.

I will not attach all those files, cause as i mentioned previously it would be multiple GB and my upload rate is very low. Besides all those chat logs and infos about my local machine have nothing to do with this bug.

This bug is purely server sided and some friends and corporation members have reported having the same issue, too.

I understand that the problem is not on your machine, but please do me the honors of telling me how in the world a text log file can be multiple Gb. Like… Do you just leave your game on 24/7 or what.

45 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I understand that the problem is not on your machine, but please do me the honors of telling me how in the world a text log file can be multiple Gb. Like… Do you just leave your game on 24/7 or what.

hell yeah, im an addict! these log file folders are huge in my case… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

7 minutes ago, MathModelSim said:

hell yeah, im an addict! these log file folders are huge in my case… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Oh lol. You don’t submit the whole folder. Just the relevant logs from like one session. XD I delete my logs every so and so months because they get huge.

51 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Oh lol. You don’t submit the whole folder. Just the relevant logs from like one session. XD I delete my logs every so and so months because they get huge.

Star Conflict doesn’t autoclean them for you? I’m quite sure that my logs folder has a maximum amount of folder (~20?) And Star conflict deletes old logs automatically on NY system.


got the “send fleet” mission back 2 days ago.

And xxxx Skula ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)