Daily iridium contract bug

So this started some time ago but I thought it was just auto depositing it to the corp apparently I was wrong, whenever I go to collect it it just doesn’t give the the 50 iridium.

iridium error.zip

same thing on me iridium mission doesnt working rip iridiums…

Please, give me more information

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

On 4/29/2017 at 3:34 AM, *Nefforon said:

So this started some time ago but I thought it was just auto depositing it to the corp apparently I was wrong, whenever I go to collect it it just doesn’t give the the 50 iridium.

[iridium error.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14140)

You must use ships of your maximum rank (they must be slotted) in order to progress with corporate Ellydium contract in PvP or PvE. Only wins count.

I’ll try that koromac and Skula there is on more info then that, that is literally all that is happening.

On 5/12/2017 at 6:48 AM, Koromac said:

You must use ships of your maximum rank (they must be slotted) in order to progress with corporate Ellydium contract in PvP or PvE. Only wins count.

still doesn’t work

It gives it automatically to your corporation.

Why do we have 5 of those threads each week?