Cyning build recommendation

I’m trying to build a cyning and I’m wondering what configuration you guys would recommend.  I was thinking something like…


3 engine    (just cause it’s an int…)

1 capacitor  (emergency barrier)

2 shield  (adaptive shield

3 hull  (just cause it’s a empire int…)


Any suggestions?  I primarily use recon for capping, dealing with sneaky tacklers, and zipping around the map to provide support for overworked teammates.

Your suggested build will be tanky and maneuverable but will have little damage. For increased damage, add more capacitor and CPU slots. You don’t really need two shield slots though on an empire ship. It is hull tanking, so…

I’m trying to build a cyning and I’m wondering what configuration you guys would recommend.  I was thinking something like…


3 engine    (just cause it’s an int…)

1 capacitor  (emergency barrier)

2 shield  (adaptive shield

3 hull  (just cause it’s a empire int…)


Any suggestions?  I primarily use recon for capping, dealing with sneaky tacklers, and zipping around the map to provide support for overworked teammates.

Wait until Public Beta Test Server opens up and then test your build. If you don’t like it, synchronize your profile again and try with another one.

I’ve this ship, and for a good recon, is 


2 engine

1 capacitor 

1 shield 

3 hull

2 cpu


I would do a test video for the weekend.

Wait until Public Beta Test Server opens up and then test your build. If you don’t like it, synchronize your profile again and try with another one.

^ what he said

I’ve been considering building a Cyning, and here’s what I would do if I would build one:


2 engine - 2 cap - 0 shield - 3 hull - 2 cpu


Similar to the Beserker, but 3 hull instead of 3 engines. The way I fly my Beserker, this type of build layout would work nicely, as you don’t have to rely on max speed to have tank, the cpu slots make for some nice crits, and the cap slots I use for an EB and a heatsink.


2x+verniers+passive rotation+rotation implant -> 2x Adaptives+2x Galvanizeds > ~190 rotation+200 resistances on hull to everything, good luck killing it

2 caps+1 cpu covers utility flexibility and different weapon choices

Otherwise there are already 4 recons available in R13, R14, R15, R15 versions that cover everything from mobility to dps, even R13 Viking is covering “tanky” recon

So either you go into uber DPS or Uber tanking with Cyning, other wise what is the point even making it.



Imo a better build

Imo a better build

The wallet warrior is real

The wallet warrior is real


Shh Don’t tell anyone that this pic is from the test server

I’ve been considering building a Cyning, and here’s what I would do if I would build one:


2 engine - 2 cap - 0 shield - 3 hull - 2 cpu


Similar to the Beserker, but 3 hull instead of 3 engines. The way I fly my Beserker, this type of build layout would work nicely, as you don’t have to rely on max speed to have tank, the cpu slots make for some nice crits, and the cap slots I use for an EB and a heatsink.


Exactly as i thought of making it slot wise at least, found its good to have lots of 2 slots for these ships, u have max versatility for modules. (The game is change)


Toyed with the idea of having 1 cap 1 shield for adaptive or submatter, as seems to be a lot more energy stable than i thought from what i can see in the vid/pics. But i do love me cap slots, thank god for the grind, i dont have to make this decision right now. :00555:


But as for the OP no cpu an 2 shield i think is a bit of a mistake, u could make it pretty fast, have super tank or blend the two. Then u kinda outta options.

The fast option rarely going to outrun a fed inty and even with extra tank your weapons will still suffer without any CPU.


So either you go into uber DPS or Uber tanking with Cyning, other wise what is the point even making it.


Any player who dont wanna grind/spend cash on others for example.

Imo a better build




Damnit my coffee now is all over my smartphone!