Custop PvP mode

It would be kinda nice to have a custom pvp map/mode with unlimited time just for the purpose of training for either pvp, dread battles or any mode in general. The current ones are a little bit too short on time. Also, a all vs all mode would be fun.



Basically the usual maps and modes with an extra option of unlimited time, WITH the dreadnaught map for training and stuff.


And about the all vs all, sinaka did mention it better here:

Well, instead of an entire new mode, tweaking the current Custom matches system is the solution.


  • Add unlimited time

  • Add dread battles

  • Make it possible to do PvE with a single or two players (Doesn’t give rewards, just for the purpose of soloing maybe or testing builds?)

  • Make it possible to make Destroyer/Defiler Spec Ops (Gives rewards if there’re 10 players or more. If less, then it counts just as practicing/having fun YOLOing.)

All vs. All mode has been suggested before:

My timing for coming up with this wasn’t the best I guess because no official opinion about it was shared with us. You may have more luck.  

All vs. All mode has been suggested before:

My timing for coming up with this wasn’t the best I guess because no official opinion about it was shared with us. You may have more luck.  


My bad, it was just an additional suggestion, without any details.



Well, instead of an entire new mode, tweaking the current Custom matches system is the solution.


  • Add unlimited time

  • Add dread battles

  • Make it possible to do PvE with a single or two players (Doesn’t give rewards, just for the purpose of soloing maybe or testing builds?)

  • Make it possible to make Destroyer/Defiler Spec Ops (Gives rewards if there’re 10 players or more. If less, then it counts just as practicing/having fun YOLOing.)


I kinda didnt express myself very well there, ill try to fix that.

I like the idea of unlimited time.

Also PvE customs should let you solo or go with two, but still give rewards.

Dont promote soloing lol, the game is so solo, it’s like real life, everyone is on their own.

Well the devs hate teamwork so…

lol, true dat, but still, we need that unlimited time on custom pvp, you could do a ton there if there was enough time.

yes unlimited time would be awesome, great idea thank u for the post. i support your ideas.

Remember to upvote my suggestion at least.