Customization Sticker Bug


 So I bought a permanent sticker before the patch and go to the new patch some only up to 24 hours when I make these stickers on a ship.  :sad:




And the ship would be permanently paint systems much better.


you can change it to a week

Is just me or you can’t change the color of your ship?

Is just me or you can’t change the color of your ship?

It was said in patch notes, that coloring is only available for ship ranks 1-6.

7-12 will be implemented later on.

It was said in patch notes, that coloring is only available for ship ranks 1-6.

7-12 will be implemented later on.


Yeah the problem will be the prize. Imo any customization like colors should cost credits, at least if you are going to make 1 day or 1 week, is not fair that for 24 hours you have to pay GS. First of all because the color options are stupidly poor, second becuase this game is not like other mmo games where u can win the “expensive” money farming but in a reduced amount (for example battlestar galactica online)

Yeah the problem will be the prize. Imo any customization like colors should cost credits, at least if you are going to make 1 day or 1 week, is not fair that for 24 hours you have to pay GS. First of all because the color options are stupidly poor, second becuase this game is not like other mmo games where u can win the “expensive” money farming but in a reduced amount (for example battlestar galactica online)

I completely disagree. I think ships should cost only in-game money, and visual stuff should be ONLY from premium money. it does not affect your chances in battle not by a single bit, so players can buy them as much as they want and none would be able to complain about PTW stuff.

I completely disagree. I think ships should cost only in-game money, and visual stuff should be ONLY from premium money. it does not affect your chances in battle not by a single bit, so players can buy them as much as they want and none would be able to complain about PTW stuff.


Meh, I would not play a game where I have to pay real money just to change the color of my ship, I would pay real money for a better ship tho.

The new sticker/customization options are still a work in progress. They are still working on more colors, the other tiers (Btw, cant change colors on the superkite :P). 


That’s all the information I have right now. I would guess there will be a permanent option for GS later. Its all being tested and looked into. Please be patient.





Stickers as well as Ship painting is right now on testing. With following updates, as well as the finalisation of Ship painting for all ships, the old System should return.