Custom PVP change Suggestion

Hey ya’ll, since the rewards are gone from the custom battles, I came up with a cool idea to bring them back more fair an squarely for all. 


Custom PVP change Suggestion


GM custom battles

GMs can now host special custom battles

GMs can host a battle after inputting a special password known only to GMs to start a special game.

GM hosted battles have reward gain based on Tier. (synergy, money, ranking, medals, etc.)

GM hosted battles can have Separate rules for team A and Team B to make special events. Also there is a special option for the host of various rules.

Maps can be changed on the fly instead of having to make a new lobby each time you want to change the map and gamemode.

Misc Changes 

Admins and Super testers can host games with Gold Standards as rewards for special events, tourneys or community contests.

The host now has the ability to KICK or BAN from the lobby in custom battles.

There is an invite only function were invited players as imputed from the host can invite players to join. 


With this change, admins, GMs, and testers, whom represent the community can host events, create unique challenges, and make fair matches that everyone can enjoy. Or even using it for testing purposes. Of course those that host this cannot host battles that are A) unfair or one sided (Unless its a special occasion or event) B.) host private events for their own gain. C.) Or host an event for the purpose of farming. Maybe a good suggestion is to have at least 2 GMs to host minimum.


I honestly believe that this would fix the game, Give GMs a chance to run things, and make the game known for having an active fun community that promotes events, tiers, and cares about the player needs.


Thoughts? Possibility? Why or why not?


Here’s an add on idea, add an option to allow custom battles to accept people from the normal queue as long it’s without squads(for simplicity) and has auto balancing enabled.  The custom battle could help gain visibility for a match, mission, or tier.

Here’s an add on idea, add an option to allow custom battles to accept people from the normal queue as long it’s without squads(for simplicity) and has auto balancing enabled.  The custom battle could help gain visibility for a match, mission, or tier.


So like an option pops up that states “You meet the criteria for a Custom Battle Currently in progress, would you like to join?” Kind of a deal?

Lol my feedback was deleted? Most interesting. Guess it was spot on then.

Lol my feedback was deleted? Most interesting. Guess it was spot on then.


Attacks against other players are not allowed, also saying that GMs and/or Super Testers would use it for their own benefit is just stupid, keep the thread clean.

Attacks against other players are not allowed, also saying that GMs and/or Super Testers would use it for their own benefit is just stupid, keep the thread clean.

I said super testers. And it’s not stupid (thank you for the insult) - nobody can see what happens in custom battles so if testers could just set them up at random and gain gold in there it’s plain common sense that someone will.

Look what you have done, both of you. Derailed the thread before the 2nd page.


Back to topic. Sure there can be an abuse of the system if it is poorly setup and controlled. Devs apparently care to some extend not abuse features of the game by some players otherwise they wouldn’t made custom battles without rewards. 


The goal of the topic is to get the custom battles with rewards (and without possible abuse) back thus also community events back.

I said super testers. And it’s not stupid (thank you for the insult) - nobody can see what happens in custom battles so if testers could just set them up at random and gain gold in there it’s plain common sense that someone will.


You named ESB and Super Testers (80% of them are ESB), you just have to trust them, since, as super testers, I doubt they have any need of Gold Standards.


And also please lest’s stop here, it makes no sense to discuss about a deleted comment. 




And well, the idea in paper sounds nice, most of the time devs or administrators have no time to make events, and it would be nice if other people could make them and give rewards, although I think the responsability is a bit too high.

And well, the idea in paper sounds nice, most of the time devs or administrators have no time to make events, and it would be nice if other people could make them and give rewards, although I think the responsability is a bit too high.

Guess we sort of agree after all then. And yes, more events are always good.

Btw, if you GMs can stand the heat, in WoT they have/had these regular events where you hunt the GMs/other community contributors down, and for every kill on a GM you get a reward. The system is automated, the GMs have to use special accounts with all tanks available for that instead of their own player accounts and queue in random battles (the GMs also get some gold for participating). Does potentially give everyone the chance to participate instead of just the few that fit into a custom battle.

Btw, if you GMs can stand the heat, in WoT they have/had these regular events where you hunt the GMs/other community contributors down, and for every kill on a GM you get a reward. The system is automated, the GMs have to use special accounts with all tanks available for that instead of their own player accounts and queue in random battles (the GMs also get some gold for participating). Does potentially give everyone the chance to participate instead of just the few that fit into a custom battle.


That sounds good, tbh. I wouldn’t even care bout getting GS as a reward for hosting such things, but I think it would be nice to give people who kill me (on a secondary acc tho) some kind of reward

I said super testers. And it’s not stupid (thank you for the insult) - nobody can see what happens in custom battles so if testers could just set them up at random and gain gold in there it’s plain common sense that someone will.

When custom battles started the detonation farming craze hit.  Given the times I got in rare cases of being the only person to care about the bomb and wanting to capture it they were probably getting over 15 battles an hour.  I think players got banned enough for it to disappear.  I hadn’t heard of any new abuse though.


You named ESB and Super Testers (80% of them are ESB), you just have to trust them, since, as super testers, I doubt they have any need of Gold Standards.

How long did it take for the super testers to say that hull tanking was a too strong?  After the English forum collectively said that it was OP?  That states my faith in the super tester’s ability to report balance issues.  Although Jericho’s routinely flown in battle, it’s still generally inferior when there’s a fed or empire class choice available.  Maneuverability tanking is more viable than shield tanking!


That sounds good, tbh. I wouldn’t even care bout getting GS as a reward for hosting such things, but I think it would be nice to give people who kill me (on a secondary acc tho) some kind of reward

DSR protectionist?  Use your main account!

DSR protectionist? Use your main account!


Using my main acc would mean being still constantly stalked and harassed out of the event, specially by new users, demanding their prizes after killing me.

The point of this thread is to give the GMs some community engagement! 


AND you get to gain rewards! 


I mean for all those that want locked Tiers, NOW you can have one lobby where its Tier locked and it will be large matches. Ranks 7-9! 


OR a contest, or a GM held events! 


This is a great Idea! Dont forget that only GMS, Testers and admins can host for rewards. And since we have higher postions, we cannot farm, or even look like we are farming. 

I used to go to Custom PVP during the late EST hours when the server population gets down below 600 and the PVP Queue wait time climbs toward INFINITY.


Now what am I supposed to do after midnight EST? Custom PVP is now worthless, and the Skirmish Queue has always been xxxx (that late at night, only).


Having (Custom PVP battles with rewards that are moderated by GMs) isn’t a bad idea for the PLAYERS, but its HORRIBLE for the GMs/admins/supertesters because it creates THAT MUCH MORE WORK FOR THEM.


Honestly, I’d prefer it if the DEVs rolled back the Custom PVP changes. Yes, its exploitable, but come on! Look at the rest of the gaming industry! How many other games out there have had their player bases DESTROYED because the DEVs went around hammering out EVERY SINGLE exploit they could find, REGARDLESS of any functionality that gets removed along with it.



I used to go to Custom PVP during the late EST hours when the server population gets down below 600 and the PVP Queue wait time climbs toward INFINITY.


Now what am I supposed to do after midnight EST? Custom PVP is now worthless, and the Skirmish Queue has always been xxxx (that late at night, only).


Having (Custom PVP battles with rewards that are moderated by GMs) isn’t a bad idea for the PLAYERS, but its HORRIBLE for the GMs/admins/supertesters because it creates THAT MUCH MORE WORK FOR THEM.


Honestly, I’d prefer it if the DEVs rolled back the Custom PVP changes. Yes, its exploitable, but come on! Look at the rest of the gaming industry! How many other games out there have had their player bases DESTROYED because the DEVs went around hammering out EVERY SINGLE exploit they could find, REGARDLESS of any functionality that gets removed along with it.




I have to agree with you in some aspects. 


But dont think we HAVE to host them constantly, its just gonna be a perk to have and a way to get balanced games into SC. 


special events? why not. more power for that? fine. rewards only for that…? wait a minute.


custom pvp rewards? they should come back anyway. i understand, removing them until a good solution arises how to counter exploits (which in this case means grinding unfairly fast), even if i personally find the ALL-OR-NOTHING decisions are a bit annoying from the management.


IMHO, Custom games just started to be enjoyable, now they are gone. But that isn’t the topic here; I am against a feature which allows only GMs to create custom games with rewards as long as custom games don’t have any, and i would love more automated stuff.


At least a minimum of synergy and credits - even if much less useful as pvp or pve - would be better than nothing.



This Idea needs more discussion. 

I agree with those that state that custom battle rewards should be rolled back.  Even if they are at half of what a normal Skirmish match is.  Pilots would have to fly twice the amount, and spend more time in game than otherwise, but that would be the drawback to flying custom matches versus Skirmish matches.


I chimed in mainly because I wanted give my two cents and to state that my corporation, the Emperor’s Hammer (EH) would be utilizing the custom matches more often than not.  Though while not the CEO of my corporation, but an officer, I am in charge of all the multiplayer aspects of our group, Emperor’s Hammer ( and each month I host competitions that have the pilots flying certain modes in Star Conflict, like getting the most kills throughout the month in Domination, most bombs planted, beacons captured, or kill/surviving as captain.  I’ve had several of my pilots tell me that Detonation doesn’t come up very often, so I told them about custom matches.  


Though when creating custom matches, the host would need to be able to move pilots around, especially if say, they are hosting a corporation versus corporation and they wanted to make sure that each corp was on the correct sides instead of balanced, or they were doing an inter-corp competition where certain pilots would need to be on one side or the other.