Crystallid Soul


An urgent task from the Broker! This is a time-limited offer. The task will be valid till 03-00 MSK July 25th.

The Broker’s mission

  • Complete the PvE-mission ‘Crimson Haze’ in less than 9 minutes, 5 times over the weekend.
  • It’s necessary not to die even once during the mission
  •  As a reward you will receive a unique Alien weapon blueprint ‘Sk’Rah’ for installation on interceptors!

Events of the last month raised concerns that the most promising developments planned by Ellydium can turn against people. The presence of Alien collective mind contradicts previous findings of scientists. We have to return to a more thorough investigation of Crystallids. Now, the main aspect of the study is a method for transmitting information between Alien. It has long been known that Cybers, Jericho renegades bent on implants, made an attempt to communicate with the Aliens with the help of a radar installation. It is time to closely examine this object.