Crystal components passify Crystallids

I suggest that if any given ship has Crystallid technology, that all of those ships should be neutral to that pilot, until they hit them with a debuff or damage. Because of the nature of crystal growth on Ellydium ships, I suggest that this also affect biomorphic ships as well. Cybers should remain unaffected.



In the case that the original idea is ultimately rejected by this crazy community, I also suggest the following module:

Name: Viro-Crystalline Masking System

Type: Passive Module (Can be slotted anywhere.)

Tooltip: Makes the user appear as an allied signature for all Crystallids and Biomorphs. The masking system is deactivated for 20 seconds if the user fires on them.

I like it, manipulation of aliens via elly ships is a +++

Contrary to the thinking, some parts don’t make you an ‘ally’.
Refer to the german xxxx ‘Panther M10/Wolverine’. Just because it ‘look’ like those, the signatures/radio show the opposite.
So no to this.
The only thing: Reduce the aggro range to at max 2.5 km or something to make it more difficult to be detected by them.

Even if you were flying an Hunter itself you’d still be an enemy you know ?

If you can communicate with other mercenaries, don’t you think that they can easily try to communicate with you and understand that you’re not an ally ?


And Thar ga one shot all alien ships when using Alien ammo and two shot the 13k synergy hunter when not using it.


Kill them. You won’t appear on their radar.

… Poutin plane use a “black box cloner” i’d call. Whwen it pass near a commercial ,passenger planes it interchange the “codes/signal” so Pres plane look liek a commercial while the commercial lok like the presidential plane. Other masking tech already exist and that since a while.

On 24/01/2017 at 4:53 AM, Lord_Xenon said:

Contrary to the thinking, some parts don’t make you an ‘ally’.
Refer to the german xxxx ‘Panther M10/Wolverine’. Just because it ‘look’ like those, the signatures/radio show the opposite.
So no to this.
The only thing: Reduce the aggro range to at max 2.5 km or something to make it more difficult to be detected by them.

^^ Lol, you should have refrained from talking. And by the way. That tactic worked pretty well. Just like the “Ghost Army” inflatable tanks and fake structures that fooled the Germans. And i disagree about the aggro range. It’s like what, 3.5km atm. I’d prefer masking my position so a weaker slower ship can run away from a preds. Or just be able to fly around without having to bother much if you dont want to.

suggested many time before. similar to this, something like pirate fof module was suggested. I’ll provide a link later.


[This? maybe?](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23468-crafting-item-brainstorming/&page=2) Also, look my suggestion was implemented! BH turned out quite good after the needed nerfing ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

>>Just like the “Ghost Army” inflatable tanks and fake structures that fooled the Germans.<<

  1. No naval.
  2. No real airforce anymore.
  3. Cracked radio.

It was from a big distance. That’s like oh ‘5km away, it shouldn’t aggro me, as it can’t tell if I’m real or not!’. Radio it/use the signature and they reveal you.